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Sign the Letter to British Journalists

fight the boycott! | 28.04.2007 12:36

Recently, the British National Union of Journalists passed an outrageous resolution that urges a boycott of Israeli products. the resolution "violates the basic tenet of journalism - objectivity."

What makes this resolution even more insidious is that it follows on the heels of similar resolutions by other British professional unions in recent years. These resolutions all have the same goal: maliciously undermining Israel.

This resolution, like the others, deliberately disregards key facts of the complex Arab-Israeli conflict, including Hezbollah's aggression against Israel in July 2006 and its seizure of Israeli soldiers from sovereign Israeli territory.

It is more critical than ever that we take a stand. Please sign the letter to the NUJ.

fight the boycott!
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To Be Honest

28.04.2007 13:04

If it's a boycott of Israeli products then why should we resist it?

That nation has been robbing its neighbours of essentials such as water (see : Golan Heights) for years.
Thank God someone is now standing up against their pursuit of market monopoly.



28.04.2007 14:12



28.04.2007 18:56

"This resolution, like the others, deliberately disregards key facts of the complex Arab-Israeli conflict, including Hezbollah's aggression against Israel in July 2006 and its seizure of Israeli soldiers from sovereign Israeli territory. "

oh you mean the war that Olmert and the state were already planning for 3 months before it happened?,2506,L-3374312,00.html

As for respecting "sovereign" territory - get back to us when Israel starts doing this .......

Hasbara has holes in it


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missing the point

29.04.2007 01:00

while I don't agree with the politics of the argument I do agree with the sentiment. Journalism should be about objectivity not politics. saying that only something like 64 people actually voted for the ammendment so it looks like the lunatics haven't yet completely taken over the asylem


The Ministry of Truth

29.04.2007 09:40

"including Hezbollah's aggression against Israel in July 2006"

Would that be the same Israel that had been violating Lebanese sovereignty by conducting cross border incursions into civillian ares. Makes you wonder if they planned for the two IDF to get grabbed. I bet they have an interesting story to tell. Intensive bombing raids was really likely to secure their release wasn't it.

So, since when have olive farmers, schools, hospitals, ambulances, aid trucks, the UN, mosques, been valid targets? Let alone the tonnes of outdated (unreliable for self-destruction) that were illegally dropped on civillian targets during the run up to the end of the conflict. Is blowing the limbs off children simply an excercise in "pre-crime"?

Please read these reports:

Ever wonder why Hizbollah have such popular support in the Lebanon? I suppose you may think it's because all Arabs are militant islamists. The reality of the matter is that Western efforts have kept true representatives of the Lebanese out of the political process in favour of Western-friendly stooges who are intent in doing nothing to upset their sponsors. The very sponsors that support the rogue state Israel right next door to them. The very sponsors that provided military planning and support for those Israeli war crimes last summer.

Read the Geneva Convention and see how it squares with Israeli, US and UK condusct last summer:

The right to life, normailty and dignity are enshrined in the UN Charter.

Political exclusion invariably leads to hardhip and despair which almost always leads to people eventually arming themselves for self-protection which usually leads to escalation. Who do you blame the oppressed or the oppressors?

I think the boycott should be extended to US goods and UK goods for people abroad.

The Hasbarah Crowd