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Is Britain Becoming A Tyranny?

s | 26.04.2007 14:23 | London | World

Let's vote on it!


And someone censored this link :

'The Path To World Peace' - deals with the problems facing our modern society and the choice of solutions to them.



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26.04.2007 18:58

Thats extremely observant of you. Maybe you should spend less time indoors on tyrannical websites such as this and go out more in the fresh air of this great land of freedom. don't forget to wave at all the CCTV cameras on your way out, and say hello to the friendly neighborhood cop who's probably questioning a suspicious (arab) looking person, and while your passing by belmarsh you must thank the legal system of this country for allowing the authorities the freedom to arrest and detain people without charge. Yes indeed all this time i blamed the country itself but in reality indymedia was saddam in disguise. Good readers of this site dont let indy fool you like it did me.



26.04.2007 19:10

well, it is not a tyranny yet - but everything is in place for it to become a complete tyranny. when blair hands over the mantle to cameron - that's when we'll see what tyranny looks like.

love, sean

sean returns