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Be the news ?

Moonbeam | 26.04.2007 09:39

Indymedia lost its way ?

Where has the old Indymedia gone ? The Indymedia that was about real news from real people, an alternative to the mainstream media that we all hate ?

Now all I see is pastes of web blogs that are little more than adverts for their authors presented as news combined with ramblings about 9/11 et all.

I have written articles (mostly about AR issues) but I see very little new pieces from people who are involved with work on the issues that concern us. During a recent Animal Rights protest I suggested to some a write up for Indymedia but the majority opinion was negative. "Not worth it", "That lot only cares about 911" were two comments.

I'm not sure how we deal with this but it's important the readership knows



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Happy to help!

26.04.2007 10:58

"Where has the old Indymedia gone ? The Indymedia that was about real news from real people, an alternative to the mainstream media that we all hate ?"

Its here:

"During a recent Animal Rights protest I suggested to some a write up for Indymedia but the majority opinion was negative. "Not worth it", "That lot only cares about 911" were two comments."

Well, its interesting that you devoted your energy to writing this article, rather than promoting your cause.

Unless of course you're lying, and posting disinformation and lies on indymedia *is* your cause.

I'd lay money on the latter but the odds are crap...............
