Scientists are VERY WORRIED About Atmospheric
reposted | 25.04.2007 21:53 | Climate Chaos | Ecology
Author - Don Beck
Recent reports of climatologists from around
the world are revealing that their projections of
warming and CO2 levels have been too low.
They are startled by what their data is showing
and how fast the changes have been happening
in the past few years.
Recent reports of climatologists from around
the world are revealing that their projections of
warming and CO2 levels have been too low.
They are startled by what their data is showing
and how fast the changes have been happening
in the past few years.
It seems strange since in the '60s and '70s they
were forecasting global cooling, and they had a
good reason to do that. The globe was actually
'Global Dimming' is a phrase that was coined by Dr. Gerald Stanhill, a
British scientist who discovered that the radiation from the Sun had been
diminishing until the '80s when it started a slight recovery. The dimming
was puzzling, but it turns out to be due to the particle pollutants or soot
we emit which physically block, and also combine with water vapor to
form clouds that reflect the Sun's radiation back into space before it
reaches the Earth's surface. This is in contrast to the greenhouse gases
in our pollution which are not particle pollutants.[1]
The dimming is in a kind of tug-of-war with the greenhouse gases which
are acting to warm the planet. This phenomena was not understood by
the scientific community until very recently.
"Yes since 1957 when the global network of solar radiation measurement
stations began operation there is a mass of evidence showing that the
intensity of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface has significantly
DECREASED until some 25 years ago when a partial recovery started",
Dr. Stanhill states.
The result of the dimming by particle pollutants has been to diminish the
effects of the greenhouse gases which are acting to warm the planet by
holding in the radiation that does reach the surface. But by removing
particle pollutants with catalytic converters (which do nothing to the CO2),
the greenhouse gas warming is on an alarming rise.
Climatologist David Travis had been studying the effects of contrails by jet
air-traffic for fifteen years when the 9/11 tragedy grounded all commercial
flights. "The actual results were much higher than I expected" he said.[1]
It was an increase in temperature of one degree celsius in that three day
period from just the elimination of the jet contrails.
That doesn't sound like much, but in climate numbers, it is quite huge. The
difference is only 6 degrees celsius between the climate we have now and
the climate of 70,000 years ago in the middle of the last ice age. So global
dimming has been, essentially, protecting us from global warming.
Ironically the more we take the particle pollutants out of our pollution (which
is good for our health) without reducing the CO2, the faster the planet will
warm without the tug of the 'dimming' effect.
A recent report released by NASA agrees with Dr. Stanhill, " important
counter-balance to the warming of our planet by greenhouse gases – sunlight
blocked by dust, pollution and other aerosol particles – appears to have lost
ground." "The thinning of Earth’s “sunscreen” of aerosols (pollutants) since
the early 1990s could have given an extra push to the rise in global surface
Dr. Stanhill's and Travis' research was the focus of a recent documentary
entitled 'Dimming the Sun' [free online, see (1)] and it pretty clearly explains
the cooling that the atmosphere experienced from 1940 to 1985 when industrial
pollution was increasing exponentially. The effects of the CO2 were minimal
compared to the effects of the smog (particle pollutants) during that time. The
CO2 had not built up to harmfull levels yet, but the smog was having an immediate
effect. In the past few years, the CO2 effects are taking over.
Here are some reports, and quotes from reports, of just the past few months
by scientists who are very concerned at what they are seeing in their research.
These reports are of actual measurements, not modeling. Mostly from foreign
press, these news reports were not published in the American media to the
extent that they should have been. They were collected from 'google alerts' all
around the world.
Our worst fears are exceeded by reality.[3]
....the change "is happening so extremely fast, much much faster than we have
seen in thousands and thousands of years."[4]
Surge in Temperature Astounds Climate Researchers in the U.K.[5]
"These changes are surprisingly rapid."[6]
"Carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere much faster than scientists
"...the rapid melting is at a 'tipping point' beyond which it may not recover."[8]
"...the ice has thinned by nearly 50 percent...." "....a pattern that suggests things
are happening more quickly than we had expected," [9]
"It's like it waited until conditions were just right and then it decided to get up
and run, not just walk.".....[10]
World's Hottest January Ever Recorded [11]
Sea levels are rising even faster than scientists predicted....[12]
Ten years left to avert catastrophe [13]
Again, these reports were published just in the past several months as the
scientists were sending in their data from several years of research to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Reports such as these
are why the IPCC report was so emphatic. But several of these researchers
have stated, since, that the new IPCC projections for the future are too low.
[14] and [15]
With conclusions like these coming from climatologists, you'd think there
could be no skeptics. But only one of the reports made it to US media.
Our corporate media wants you to know every detail of a woman who decided
to fly to Vegas instead of getting married. They don't seem to care if you know
the truth about our rapidly changing climate.
Bush Administration officials, too, are of the mind that the public need not
hear the truth. The leading US climatologist at NASA, James Hansen, was
in front of a Congressional Subcommittee in February giving testimony about
interference in getting scientific reports out to the public. He stated "In my
more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching
the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been
screened and controlled as it has now."[16] and [17]
It would seem that the government and media want the public to be in the dark
about the future of our climate. It's almost as if they are afraid of what might
happen if we all knew how bad it really is.
Just remember......these people are not stupid. They hear the science. But
instead of concluding that we must slow the warming, like informed normal
people would do, they instead choose to protect the energy giants, car
manufacturers, etc. from having to change.
These administrative appointees have no background in science of any kind,
and should not be allowed to alter, in any way, a scientific report from years of
In 2005, Philip A. Cooney, the chief of staff to President Bush’s Council on
Environmental Quality, resigned after the NY Times revealed documents
showing his alterations to scientific research papers. He came from the
American Petroleum Institute where he was the 'Climate Team Leader'
who fought restrictions on greenhouse gases. A few weeks after his
resignation he was hired by none other than ExxonMobile.......quite a surprise
Perhaps historians will record these past six years as the age of 'Dimming the
Public', as they rightly should.
Please post this everywhere you can.
No rights reserved.
1] Dimming the Globe, DOX Productions, Award Winning Documentary,
Produced by David Sington, 2006
Free online:
2] Global 'Sunscreen' Has Likely Thinned, Report NASA Scientists, NASA Website,
3] Review of the year: Global warming, The Independent UK, 12/29/06
4] Arctic Region As Global Warming Barometer, AFP, 1/25/07
5] This year will be Britain's warmest since records began, say scientists, Guardian,
6] Experts warn North Pole will be 'ice free' by 2040, London Times, 12/11/06
7] Surge in carbon levels raises fears of runaway warming, Guardian, 1/19/07,,1994071,00.html
8] Collapse of Arctic Sea Ice ‘Has Reached Tipping Point’, The Independent UK,
9] Ice cap getting thinner, KTUU Alaska, 4/10/07
10] Tundra Disappearing At Rapid Rate, Science Daily, 3/7/07
11] Tokyo sets snowless record, AFP, 2/11/07
It seems strange since in the '60s and '70s they
were forecasting global cooling, and they had a
good reason to do that. The globe was actually
'Global Dimming' is a phrase that was coined by Dr. Gerald Stanhill, a
British scientist who discovered that the radiation from the Sun had been
diminishing until the '80s when it started a slight recovery. The dimming
was puzzling, but it turns out to be due to the particle pollutants or soot
we emit which physically block, and also combine with water vapor to
form clouds that reflect the Sun's radiation back into space before it
reaches the Earth's surface. This is in contrast to the greenhouse gases
in our pollution which are not particle pollutants.[1]
The dimming is in a kind of tug-of-war with the greenhouse gases which
are acting to warm the planet. This phenomena was not understood by
the scientific community until very recently.
"Yes since 1957 when the global network of solar radiation measurement
stations began operation there is a mass of evidence showing that the
intensity of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface has significantly
DECREASED until some 25 years ago when a partial recovery started",
Dr. Stanhill states.
The result of the dimming by particle pollutants has been to diminish the
effects of the greenhouse gases which are acting to warm the planet by
holding in the radiation that does reach the surface. But by removing
particle pollutants with catalytic converters (which do nothing to the CO2),
the greenhouse gas warming is on an alarming rise.
Climatologist David Travis had been studying the effects of contrails by jet
air-traffic for fifteen years when the 9/11 tragedy grounded all commercial
flights. "The actual results were much higher than I expected" he said.[1]
It was an increase in temperature of one degree celsius in that three day
period from just the elimination of the jet contrails.
That doesn't sound like much, but in climate numbers, it is quite huge. The
difference is only 6 degrees celsius between the climate we have now and
the climate of 70,000 years ago in the middle of the last ice age. So global
dimming has been, essentially, protecting us from global warming.
Ironically the more we take the particle pollutants out of our pollution (which
is good for our health) without reducing the CO2, the faster the planet will
warm without the tug of the 'dimming' effect.
A recent report released by NASA agrees with Dr. Stanhill, " important
counter-balance to the warming of our planet by greenhouse gases – sunlight
blocked by dust, pollution and other aerosol particles – appears to have lost
ground." "The thinning of Earth’s “sunscreen” of aerosols (pollutants) since
the early 1990s could have given an extra push to the rise in global surface
Dr. Stanhill's and Travis' research was the focus of a recent documentary
entitled 'Dimming the Sun' [free online, see (1)] and it pretty clearly explains
the cooling that the atmosphere experienced from 1940 to 1985 when industrial
pollution was increasing exponentially. The effects of the CO2 were minimal
compared to the effects of the smog (particle pollutants) during that time. The
CO2 had not built up to harmfull levels yet, but the smog was having an immediate
effect. In the past few years, the CO2 effects are taking over.
Here are some reports, and quotes from reports, of just the past few months
by scientists who are very concerned at what they are seeing in their research.
These reports are of actual measurements, not modeling. Mostly from foreign
press, these news reports were not published in the American media to the
extent that they should have been. They were collected from 'google alerts' all
around the world, and the Climate Crisis Coalition.
Our worst fears are exceeded by reality.[3]
....the change "is happening so extremely fast, much much faster than we have
seen in thousands and thousands of years."[4]
Surge in Temperature Astounds Climate Researchers in the U.K.[5]
"These changes are surprisingly rapid."[6]
"Carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere much faster than scientists
"...the rapid melting is at a 'tipping point' beyond which it may not recover."[8]
"...the ice has thinned by nearly 50 percent...." "....a pattern that suggests things
are happening more quickly than we had expected," [9]
"It's like it waited until conditions were just right and then it decided to get up
and run, not just walk.".....[10]
World's Hottest January Ever Recorded [11]
Sea levels are rising even faster than scientists predicted....[12]
Ten years left to avert catastrophe [13]
Again, these reports were published just in the past several months as the
scientists were sending in their data from several years of research to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Reports such as these
are why the IPCC report was so emphatic. But several of these researchers
have stated, since, that the new IPCC projections for the future are too low.
[14] and [15]
With conclusions like these coming from climatologists, you'd think there
could be no skeptics. But only one of the reports made it to US media.
Our corporate media wants you to know every detail of a woman who decided
to fly to Vegas instead of getting married. They don't seem to care if you know
the truth about our rapidly changing climate.
Bush Administration officials, too, are of the mind that the public need not
hear the truth. The leading US climatologist at NASA, James Hansen, was
in front of a Congressional Subcommittee in February giving testimony about
interference in getting scientific reports out to the public. He stated "In my
more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching
the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been
screened and controlled as it has now."[16] and [17]
It would seem that the government and media want the public to be in the dark
about the future of our climate. It's almost as if they are afraid of what might
happen if we all knew how bad it really is.
Just remember......these people are not stupid. They hear the science. But
instead of concluding that we must slow the warming, like informed normal
people would do, they instead choose to protect the energy giants, car
manufacturers, etc. from having to change.
These administrative appointees have no background in science of any kind,
and should not be allowed to alter, in any way, a scientific report from years of
In 2005, Philip A. Cooney, the chief of staff to President Bush’s Council on
Environmental Quality, resigned after the NY Times revealed documents
showing his alterations to scientific research papers. He came from the
American Petroleum Institute where he was the 'Climate Team Leader'
who fought restrictions on greenhouse gases. A few weeks after his
resignation he was hired by none other than ExxonMobile.......quite a surprise
Perhaps historians will record these past six years as the age of 'Dimming the
Public', as they rightly should.
Please post this everywhere you can.
No rights reserved.
1] Dimming the Globe, DOX Productions, Award Winning Documentary,
Produced by David Sington, 2006
Free online:
2] Global 'Sunscreen' Has Likely Thinned, Report NASA Scientists, NASA Website,
3] Review of the year: Global warming, The Independent UK, 12/29/06
4] Arctic Region As Global Warming Barometer, AFP, 1/25/07
5] This year will be Britain's warmest since records began, say scientists, Guardian,
6] Experts warn North Pole will be 'ice free' by 2040, London Times, 12/11/06
7] Surge in carbon levels raises fears of runaway warming, Guardian, 1/19/07,,1994071,00.html
8] Collapse of Arctic Sea Ice ‘Has Reached Tipping Point’, The Independent UK,
9] Ice cap getting thinner, KTUU Alaska, 4/10/07
10] Tundra Disappearing At Rapid Rate, Science Daily, 3/7/07
11] Tokyo sets snowless record, AFP, 2/11/07
12] World's sea levels rising at accelerating rate, Guardian, 2/2/07,,2004718,00.html
13] Ten years left to avert catastrophe, The Independent UK, 2/2/07
14] Is the New UN Global Warming Report Too Conservative?, Monthly Review,
15] Climate Change Impact 'underestimated due to undeclared emissions',
The Scottsman, 2/19/07
16] Nasa scientist accuses White House of global warming cover-up, New Zealand
Herald, 3/20/07
17] Testimony by Dr. James Hansen: Political Interference with Government Climate
Change Science, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 3/19/07
were forecasting global cooling, and they had a
good reason to do that. The globe was actually
'Global Dimming' is a phrase that was coined by Dr. Gerald Stanhill, a
British scientist who discovered that the radiation from the Sun had been
diminishing until the '80s when it started a slight recovery. The dimming
was puzzling, but it turns out to be due to the particle pollutants or soot
we emit which physically block, and also combine with water vapor to
form clouds that reflect the Sun's radiation back into space before it
reaches the Earth's surface. This is in contrast to the greenhouse gases
in our pollution which are not particle pollutants.[1]
The dimming is in a kind of tug-of-war with the greenhouse gases which
are acting to warm the planet. This phenomena was not understood by
the scientific community until very recently.
"Yes since 1957 when the global network of solar radiation measurement
stations began operation there is a mass of evidence showing that the
intensity of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface has significantly
DECREASED until some 25 years ago when a partial recovery started",
Dr. Stanhill states.
The result of the dimming by particle pollutants has been to diminish the
effects of the greenhouse gases which are acting to warm the planet by
holding in the radiation that does reach the surface. But by removing
particle pollutants with catalytic converters (which do nothing to the CO2),
the greenhouse gas warming is on an alarming rise.
Climatologist David Travis had been studying the effects of contrails by jet
air-traffic for fifteen years when the 9/11 tragedy grounded all commercial
flights. "The actual results were much higher than I expected" he said.[1]
It was an increase in temperature of one degree celsius in that three day
period from just the elimination of the jet contrails.
That doesn't sound like much, but in climate numbers, it is quite huge. The
difference is only 6 degrees celsius between the climate we have now and
the climate of 70,000 years ago in the middle of the last ice age. So global
dimming has been, essentially, protecting us from global warming.
Ironically the more we take the particle pollutants out of our pollution (which
is good for our health) without reducing the CO2, the faster the planet will
warm without the tug of the 'dimming' effect.
A recent report released by NASA agrees with Dr. Stanhill, " important
counter-balance to the warming of our planet by greenhouse gases – sunlight
blocked by dust, pollution and other aerosol particles – appears to have lost
ground." "The thinning of Earth’s “sunscreen” of aerosols (pollutants) since
the early 1990s could have given an extra push to the rise in global surface
Dr. Stanhill's and Travis' research was the focus of a recent documentary
entitled 'Dimming the Sun' [free online, see (1)] and it pretty clearly explains
the cooling that the atmosphere experienced from 1940 to 1985 when industrial
pollution was increasing exponentially. The effects of the CO2 were minimal
compared to the effects of the smog (particle pollutants) during that time. The
CO2 had not built up to harmfull levels yet, but the smog was having an immediate
effect. In the past few years, the CO2 effects are taking over.
Here are some reports, and quotes from reports, of just the past few months
by scientists who are very concerned at what they are seeing in their research.
These reports are of actual measurements, not modeling. Mostly from foreign
press, these news reports were not published in the American media to the
extent that they should have been. They were collected from 'google alerts' all
around the world.
Our worst fears are exceeded by reality.[3]
....the change "is happening so extremely fast, much much faster than we have
seen in thousands and thousands of years."[4]
Surge in Temperature Astounds Climate Researchers in the U.K.[5]
"These changes are surprisingly rapid."[6]
"Carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere much faster than scientists
"...the rapid melting is at a 'tipping point' beyond which it may not recover."[8]
"...the ice has thinned by nearly 50 percent...." "....a pattern that suggests things
are happening more quickly than we had expected," [9]
"It's like it waited until conditions were just right and then it decided to get up
and run, not just walk.".....[10]
World's Hottest January Ever Recorded [11]
Sea levels are rising even faster than scientists predicted....[12]
Ten years left to avert catastrophe [13]
Again, these reports were published just in the past several months as the
scientists were sending in their data from several years of research to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Reports such as these
are why the IPCC report was so emphatic. But several of these researchers
have stated, since, that the new IPCC projections for the future are too low.
[14] and [15]
With conclusions like these coming from climatologists, you'd think there
could be no skeptics. But only one of the reports made it to US media.
Our corporate media wants you to know every detail of a woman who decided
to fly to Vegas instead of getting married. They don't seem to care if you know
the truth about our rapidly changing climate.
Bush Administration officials, too, are of the mind that the public need not
hear the truth. The leading US climatologist at NASA, James Hansen, was
in front of a Congressional Subcommittee in February giving testimony about
interference in getting scientific reports out to the public. He stated "In my
more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching
the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been
screened and controlled as it has now."[16] and [17]
It would seem that the government and media want the public to be in the dark
about the future of our climate. It's almost as if they are afraid of what might
happen if we all knew how bad it really is.
Just remember......these people are not stupid. They hear the science. But
instead of concluding that we must slow the warming, like informed normal
people would do, they instead choose to protect the energy giants, car
manufacturers, etc. from having to change.
These administrative appointees have no background in science of any kind,
and should not be allowed to alter, in any way, a scientific report from years of
In 2005, Philip A. Cooney, the chief of staff to President Bush’s Council on
Environmental Quality, resigned after the NY Times revealed documents
showing his alterations to scientific research papers. He came from the
American Petroleum Institute where he was the 'Climate Team Leader'
who fought restrictions on greenhouse gases. A few weeks after his
resignation he was hired by none other than ExxonMobile.......quite a surprise
Perhaps historians will record these past six years as the age of 'Dimming the
Public', as they rightly should.
Please post this everywhere you can.
No rights reserved.
1] Dimming the Globe, DOX Productions, Award Winning Documentary,
Produced by David Sington, 2006
Free online:

2] Global 'Sunscreen' Has Likely Thinned, Report NASA Scientists, NASA Website,

3] Review of the year: Global warming, The Independent UK, 12/29/06

4] Arctic Region As Global Warming Barometer, AFP, 1/25/07

5] This year will be Britain's warmest since records began, say scientists, Guardian,

6] Experts warn North Pole will be 'ice free' by 2040, London Times, 12/11/06

7] Surge in carbon levels raises fears of runaway warming, Guardian, 1/19/07

8] Collapse of Arctic Sea Ice ‘Has Reached Tipping Point’, The Independent UK,

9] Ice cap getting thinner, KTUU Alaska, 4/10/07

10] Tundra Disappearing At Rapid Rate, Science Daily, 3/7/07

11] Tokyo sets snowless record, AFP, 2/11/07
It seems strange since in the '60s and '70s they
were forecasting global cooling, and they had a
good reason to do that. The globe was actually
'Global Dimming' is a phrase that was coined by Dr. Gerald Stanhill, a
British scientist who discovered that the radiation from the Sun had been
diminishing until the '80s when it started a slight recovery. The dimming
was puzzling, but it turns out to be due to the particle pollutants or soot
we emit which physically block, and also combine with water vapor to
form clouds that reflect the Sun's radiation back into space before it
reaches the Earth's surface. This is in contrast to the greenhouse gases
in our pollution which are not particle pollutants.[1]
The dimming is in a kind of tug-of-war with the greenhouse gases which
are acting to warm the planet. This phenomena was not understood by
the scientific community until very recently.
"Yes since 1957 when the global network of solar radiation measurement
stations began operation there is a mass of evidence showing that the
intensity of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface has significantly
DECREASED until some 25 years ago when a partial recovery started",
Dr. Stanhill states.
The result of the dimming by particle pollutants has been to diminish the
effects of the greenhouse gases which are acting to warm the planet by
holding in the radiation that does reach the surface. But by removing
particle pollutants with catalytic converters (which do nothing to the CO2),
the greenhouse gas warming is on an alarming rise.
Climatologist David Travis had been studying the effects of contrails by jet
air-traffic for fifteen years when the 9/11 tragedy grounded all commercial
flights. "The actual results were much higher than I expected" he said.[1]
It was an increase in temperature of one degree celsius in that three day
period from just the elimination of the jet contrails.
That doesn't sound like much, but in climate numbers, it is quite huge. The
difference is only 6 degrees celsius between the climate we have now and
the climate of 70,000 years ago in the middle of the last ice age. So global
dimming has been, essentially, protecting us from global warming.
Ironically the more we take the particle pollutants out of our pollution (which
is good for our health) without reducing the CO2, the faster the planet will
warm without the tug of the 'dimming' effect.
A recent report released by NASA agrees with Dr. Stanhill, " important
counter-balance to the warming of our planet by greenhouse gases – sunlight
blocked by dust, pollution and other aerosol particles – appears to have lost
ground." "The thinning of Earth’s “sunscreen” of aerosols (pollutants) since
the early 1990s could have given an extra push to the rise in global surface
Dr. Stanhill's and Travis' research was the focus of a recent documentary
entitled 'Dimming the Sun' [free online, see (1)] and it pretty clearly explains
the cooling that the atmosphere experienced from 1940 to 1985 when industrial
pollution was increasing exponentially. The effects of the CO2 were minimal
compared to the effects of the smog (particle pollutants) during that time. The
CO2 had not built up to harmfull levels yet, but the smog was having an immediate
effect. In the past few years, the CO2 effects are taking over.
Here are some reports, and quotes from reports, of just the past few months
by scientists who are very concerned at what they are seeing in their research.
These reports are of actual measurements, not modeling. Mostly from foreign
press, these news reports were not published in the American media to the
extent that they should have been. They were collected from 'google alerts' all
around the world, and the Climate Crisis Coalition.
Our worst fears are exceeded by reality.[3]
....the change "is happening so extremely fast, much much faster than we have
seen in thousands and thousands of years."[4]
Surge in Temperature Astounds Climate Researchers in the U.K.[5]
"These changes are surprisingly rapid."[6]
"Carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere much faster than scientists
"...the rapid melting is at a 'tipping point' beyond which it may not recover."[8]
"...the ice has thinned by nearly 50 percent...." "....a pattern that suggests things
are happening more quickly than we had expected," [9]
"It's like it waited until conditions were just right and then it decided to get up
and run, not just walk.".....[10]
World's Hottest January Ever Recorded [11]
Sea levels are rising even faster than scientists predicted....[12]
Ten years left to avert catastrophe [13]
Again, these reports were published just in the past several months as the
scientists were sending in their data from several years of research to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Reports such as these
are why the IPCC report was so emphatic. But several of these researchers
have stated, since, that the new IPCC projections for the future are too low.
[14] and [15]
With conclusions like these coming from climatologists, you'd think there
could be no skeptics. But only one of the reports made it to US media.
Our corporate media wants you to know every detail of a woman who decided
to fly to Vegas instead of getting married. They don't seem to care if you know
the truth about our rapidly changing climate.
Bush Administration officials, too, are of the mind that the public need not
hear the truth. The leading US climatologist at NASA, James Hansen, was
in front of a Congressional Subcommittee in February giving testimony about
interference in getting scientific reports out to the public. He stated "In my
more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching
the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been
screened and controlled as it has now."[16] and [17]
It would seem that the government and media want the public to be in the dark
about the future of our climate. It's almost as if they are afraid of what might
happen if we all knew how bad it really is.
Just remember......these people are not stupid. They hear the science. But
instead of concluding that we must slow the warming, like informed normal
people would do, they instead choose to protect the energy giants, car
manufacturers, etc. from having to change.
These administrative appointees have no background in science of any kind,
and should not be allowed to alter, in any way, a scientific report from years of
In 2005, Philip A. Cooney, the chief of staff to President Bush’s Council on
Environmental Quality, resigned after the NY Times revealed documents
showing his alterations to scientific research papers. He came from the
American Petroleum Institute where he was the 'Climate Team Leader'
who fought restrictions on greenhouse gases. A few weeks after his
resignation he was hired by none other than ExxonMobile.......quite a surprise
Perhaps historians will record these past six years as the age of 'Dimming the
Public', as they rightly should.
Please post this everywhere you can.
No rights reserved.
1] Dimming the Globe, DOX Productions, Award Winning Documentary,
Produced by David Sington, 2006
Free online:

2] Global 'Sunscreen' Has Likely Thinned, Report NASA Scientists, NASA Website,

3] Review of the year: Global warming, The Independent UK, 12/29/06

4] Arctic Region As Global Warming Barometer, AFP, 1/25/07

5] This year will be Britain's warmest since records began, say scientists, Guardian,

6] Experts warn North Pole will be 'ice free' by 2040, London Times, 12/11/06

7] Surge in carbon levels raises fears of runaway warming, Guardian, 1/19/07

8] Collapse of Arctic Sea Ice ‘Has Reached Tipping Point’, The Independent UK,

9] Ice cap getting thinner, KTUU Alaska, 4/10/07

10] Tundra Disappearing At Rapid Rate, Science Daily, 3/7/07

11] Tokyo sets snowless record, AFP, 2/11/07

12] World's sea levels rising at accelerating rate, Guardian, 2/2/07

13] Ten years left to avert catastrophe, The Independent UK, 2/2/07

14] Is the New UN Global Warming Report Too Conservative?, Monthly Review,

15] Climate Change Impact 'underestimated due to undeclared emissions',
The Scottsman, 2/19/07

16] Nasa scientist accuses White House of global warming cover-up, New Zealand
Herald, 3/20/07

17] Testimony by Dr. James Hansen: Political Interference with Government Climate
Change Science, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 3/19/07
