Statement from and campaigners against Hull’s GM potato trials
GM Free Potatoes | 24.04.2007 23:58 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Cambridge | Sheffield
With the information that we had and the short time scale available to us (between the late announcement of the trial site and the first possible opportunity to plant the GM potatoes) we sincerely believed this to be the correct field.
There were several reasons for the error made:
• The public were not given sufficient information by the government who supplied only a 4-figure grid reference for the location of the trial (an area of 1 square km).
• In a public meeting on April 5, a local farmer suggested that the proposed site was currently planted with oil-seed rape. This was flatly denied by the BASF representative who implied that the field was clear and ready for the trial.
• The only field in the area bordered by Marfleet, Hedon and Preston where ground had been prepared but which had not yet been planted with a crop was the one just East of Marfleet. There were no unplanted fields in the area
covered by the four figure grid reference given by DEFRA. Consequently, because these grid references are notoriously unreliable we investigated all fields within several hundred metres of this reference, the only one prepared for planting, but not yet sown, was the one in question.
• The Government’s consultation period ended on 20th April, with the 21st being the first date that the GM potatoes could be planted; hence why the Rally was called for last Saturday.
The decision was made under pressure, by a campaign only three weeks old; a campaign which pulled off an audacious action nonetheless. It is our position that we made the best judgment that we could as to which was the proposed trial site. While it is regrettable that the wrong site and farmer were targeted, we would also like to make it clear to the government and to industry that people will continue to disrupt the planting of GM crops despite the difficulties faced by this lack of full disclosure. has only been in existence for three weeks now, and working to a tight schedule, with very few people. In that time we gathered loads of up-for-it people willing to go into a field in broad daylight and take direct action for the planet. It was a successful action in all other aspects: the potatoes were planted, we did it under the noses of the police and there were no arrests. The message sent out is clear - attempt to grow GM crops in this country and we will take action. Of that we remain proud, and thank everyone who came along and took part, in what ever role.
Despite a mistake being made we believe it was far better that we went ahead and challenged the GM trials than stood by doing nothing. We clearly demonstrated the British public are willing to take on the multinationals / government on this issue. Though it was, and remains, our avowed intention to prevent the trials from going ahead, we are fully aware that these trials are as much a test of public opinion as a genuine scientific experiment. Consequently, although the wrong field was targetted we still achieved one of our primary objectives of demonstrating that the British pubic are resolutely opposed to GM crops and will take action to resist their reintroduction into the UK.
The multinationals behind GM crops have bided their time since Bayer pulled out from the last trials three years ago. But they have been pressing ahead in the rest of the world. It is vital that we, as a movement, rise to the occasion, and demonstrate that resistance is as vigourous as ever. We are unapologetic for what we have attempted to do and we will not cease our efforts to keep the UK GM free.
And as useful byproduct – we now know where the actual field is, thanks to the police…
GM Free Potatoes
Hide the following 16 comments
25.04.2007 07:41
Good Luck all......................Steven.
Steve Mclean
and the farmer...
25.04.2007 17:05
I do congratulate you on taking action "under the noses of the police." Presumably they didn't care because you weren't on the fields they were protecting? It's a shame really, the coverage says they were present, but didn't do anything because you were being peaceful. I bet that's a real comfort to the farmer and his family.
Richard Estabrooks
insincere much?
25.04.2007 17:08
spot the BASF employees
25.04.2007 17:39
I hope BASF got the message from the day - wrong field it may have been but people will take action to stop you.
happy planter
Admit Mistake and Compensate
25.04.2007 20:11
I thik you owe the farmer more than a two line apology, you need to compensate him for your mistake. You should mobilize again, and put in a days work with a farmer not growing GM crops, to make amends for your mistake, and the bad publicity you have brough to this cause.
Reading the responses above, you seem to pass the comments of as BASF sponsored, but if you look at what you are saying and what the responses are saying, you will see that there is no need for BASF to respond to you, as your group looks quite bad already.
Please do our movement no more harm, and compensate this poor farmer for the damage you did to an innocent.
We need farmers on our side, not against us, as they are the ones with a choice as to what type of crops they grow. You better believe if BASF offers to compensate this farmer for your damage, he would be more likely to grow GM crops in the future.
You really are not helping us here....
nice one
25.04.2007 21:16
As for the crackpot asking which pro-GM lobby sent us all around, the sad news it that this link was posted to a news site. These shocking comments you're seeing making fun of this action and the lack of concern shown for that farmer? They're coming from normal, everyday people, and they sympathise with that farmer just as if he'd been victimised by a major corporation.
This is how the world outside of your insular community sees you - if you don't like it, work towards having demonstrations that don't screw over unrelated people.
And finally, the guy who claimed the fields were empty? Any trivial web search for the farmer's name and the word potatoes will bring up a Guardian article (
Trev Lytle
Whose fault is it again?
25.04.2007 21:43
And for crying out loud, ALL crop plants are genetically modified. When was the last time you saw wild corn, wild green beans, or wild cabbage. And watch out for the genetically modified house cat, because before humans spent centuries genetically modifiying it, it was a bobcat.
Tres Reed
I should point out...
25.04.2007 22:37
People often dismiss the anti-GM movement as a neo-luddite sort of thing populated by aging hippies and the mindlessly trendy. Unfortunately, GM food crops (and GM crops growing near food crops) do bring with them a number of issues which it often seems that regulatory bodies do not wish to consider carefully. This has had consequences in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. As such, I think it's good that people are trying to do something about it, but this incident and its handling are not the way to either gain support from the public or encourage farmers to help you. If you're claiming to be acting on behalf of the people, then try to care about the people your actions affect.
Richard Estabrooks
mistakes were made
25.04.2007 23:04
If it is true that little damage was done to the pea crop that was planted in this field, what effect would the same protest have on the actual GM potato field? I would have to believe not much. Have you looked at legal ways of preventing the crops from being planted in the first place.
Your previous release said there were 150 people. Now there are 250. Were these different events?
Lost for Words...
25.04.2007 23:14
In America... on the West side of the pond... the individuals who consider people of differing nationality to be inferior due to their birth location are, in turn, considered to be the most ignorant of our populace. I'm guessing that most of you share the same perspective and that the few irrelevant comments in here are not typical... at least I hope it's true. I'm assuming the source of such responses are the European equivalent of our "rednecks".
As for the anti-GM-ers... while I respect expression of opinion and political stance I also expect those differing political stances to respect my own. The concept is multi-directional. The actions you have taken are not necessarily indicative of an invalid perspective, but are certainly indicative of a misguided leadership. You need to drive your point effectively in a way that isn't reminiscent of toilet-papering the wrong guys house. Actions like the ones you've taken will not further your plight or convince anyone that you have a genuine issue that should be closely examined.
To all FARK Posters
26.04.2007 07:26
Fark off
26.04.2007 09:25
The Factfinder General
Vandals and Criminals
26.04.2007 23:05
Well done the organisers
27.04.2007 18:17
I can't even begin to comment on some of what has been said above, but people's lack of radical thought processes and intelligence is quite staggering. I do just hope they are GM industry stooges, as anybody who thinks they are part of any radical eco-movement and holds the above views is a waste of oxygen.
Again, well done all who organised and attended.
A Nonny Mouse
great action
30.04.2007 07:18
ignore the trolls.
spuds r good
28.06.2007 20:08
king edward