Since the imc censorship
Isee | 23.04.2007 23:26
Two weeks ago i complained about IMC hiding a Kurt Nimmo post.I have only been reading IMCUK for about 6 weeks but i have read some decent articles written by him.So today i was surprised to find all the hidden posts re him and the comments,later edited by IMCUK that have disapeared.But since then i have noticed that the commentators,who i enjoy reading have also gone from IMC.I note Danny's comment re Nimmo being followed around IMC's.But i also note many who commented have a valid point.If we draconicly edit the free publishing network we are taking away the very thing we set out to do.If we don't like whats published we should just accept it and get on to the next article.Comments should never be edited regardless of what they say,if they are outrightly offensive then give them an airing time then hide them,but never delete them.The future funding for IMC's could depend on it.
Newswire means NEWS wire!
23.04.2007 23:39
If you have any issues with moderation, the imc-uk-features list is the place to bring it up. Please don't spam the newswire with your 'complaints'.