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'Rebel' bulletin - The Nottingham Sparrow - May 2007 - no.2

Nottingham AF | 23.04.2007 10:26 | Other Press | Technology | Workers' Movements

The second issue of local bulletin by the Nottingham group of the Anarchist Federation is out for Mayday. Read articles on Community 'protection' & talking CCTV, market square demos against asylum seeker deportations, local council capers around election time, slave trade 'abolition', squatting for Eastside Climate Action, reduced library access using ID cards. Direct link to current issue:
We welcome letters and leads for the next issue. Contact Nottingham AF at:

Front page extract from The Nottingham Sparrow no. 2 (May issue)
Front page extract from The Nottingham Sparrow no. 2 (May issue)

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Display the following 6 comments

  1. I was waiting for a bus — Hoodytoofar
  2. When hoodies are outlawed... — ...all outlaws will wear hoodies
  3. ever tried — Sadworld
  4. Defy the authorities... Defy ID! — Nottingham Defy-ID
  5. Council staff operate talking cameras but wrongly accuse — Robokitten
  6. Oh dear me... — builtthenburnt