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Vote Nobody! Campaign hits Cardiff city centre (w/ resized pics!)

V | 21.04.2007 19:29 | Culture | Social Struggles | World

Nobody represents you! The Welsh Vote Nobody campaign continued in Cardiff city centre today...

"Cardiff Anarchist Network", "" &"Nobody Represents You"
"Cardiff Anarchist Network", "" &"Nobody Represents You"

interested man, somewhat less interested face of his friend - cut out
interested man, somewhat less interested face of his friend - cut out

Banner, secured to a bin......
Banner, secured to a bin......


leaflets and flags
leaflets and flags

The South Wales Anarchists' campaign to 'Vote Nobody' in the upcoming Welsh Assembly elections on May 3rd continued today as a campaign and information stall was set up in Cardiff city centre's Queen Street.

Around 2000 Vote Nobody campaign leaflets were given out over a few hours, with the stall attracting a lot of interest and a good amount of positive responses (as well as healthy debate!).
A further 14,000 have been delivered door to door.

A PDF of the campaign leaflet can be found here:

This isn't apathy, this is antipathy! Don't legitimise a government who doesn't really represent you: Vote Nobody and lets organise for ourselves!

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spoil your ballot

21.04.2007 21:13

vote nobody but use the only system we have - dont just not turn up/not bother but go and write 'nobody' or 'none of the above' on your ballot paper - if the majority did
this then it would sn
end a message that we ARE interested in politics but not in the choice we are offered - just say no


Kill the British state

21.04.2007 21:58

You don't have to vote for something to vote against something.

SNP, Solidarity, SSP, Scottish Greens are all for an independence referendum and could just make a majority. Even if you can't stomach voting for them, vote pragmatically against their opposition.

The Tories and Liberals have both decided to vote against giving Scots the choice to decide for themselves by backing Labour.

If you are Scottish, if you only step into a voting booth once in your life, make it this time.

You may feel shamefaced, but do it for the Iraqis. For the Iranians. For the squaddy-IED fodder.

Don't not vote this time, don't vote next time.


No! No! No! Vote! It's the only thing that hurts them!

23.04.2007 09:13

As an anarchist, I was so outraged by the Iraq war I actually registered to vote! I know others who are now doing the same. And in the last election Blair just scraped through. If we got close to 100% turn out voting for "others" Blair could have been denied power.

I really hate having to do it. But we need to vote against these people. I despise the sham UK electoral system (albeit the Scottish system has a few good improvements), but I despise warmongering liars even more.

Look at the potential that the 51% of non-voters had to make a difference!

If all other candidates stood aside in Sedgefield, and the 37% who stayed at home were mobilised, who knows if Blair would have held on to his seat:

And even if he didn't win the Reg Keys speech was the most righteous UK election footage I have ever seen.

Vote Green, Vote CAMRA, Vote Trots (they do a good job as acting as a booby trap through their sheer incompetence)... if your only "other" candidate is Lib Dem, then vote for them, then go self-flagellate.

If you feel so strongly that the system is so corrupt that you do not wish to encourage it then why not field a candidate who'll promise to do nothing but obstruct parliament if elected. what counts is registering the discontent and diminishing the legitimacy of our corrupt system further. A 62% victory still sounds like a victory because it doesn't reflect the real figure. A 37% "majority" is harder to ignore as a symptom of a system that needs taken out and shooting.

Votes are the only thing these self-serving bastards care about. Votes translate into cash: corporate donations, non-executive directorships, backhanders, Junkets... The raison d'etre of the party politician.

Hit them where it hurts! Every time they see some political enemy encouraging their comrades to boycott the system, they must quietly cheer them on! "Another vote against me neutered."

Ultimately, what the Establishment is MOST scared of is the democratisation of Parliament .

Vote, even if it's a negative vote! Beat them with their own stick... the stick that we paid for!

Apathy is not dissent.

Reclaim Parliament... then replace it with democracy.
- Homepage:


23.04.2007 09:57

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe they even count spoiled ballots anymore!

Mr Ed

Next election

23.04.2007 19:34

I agree fully with the 'Reclaim Parliament' poster.

One of the worst things about the current UK electoral system is there isn't a 'None of the above' box for people dissatisfied with the system. I know it is too late for this election but why not run 'Vote Nobody' candidates on a single platform of causing as much parliamentary disruption as possible ? That's something positive I'd vote for. In the meantime I have NuLab neo-cons to vote against.


Thank You UK IMC from Australia

27.04.2007 08:06

The time has come!
The time has come!

Australia Vote Nobody Next Federal Election

People want things to change but when ask what they think will change it they ask for more of the same? If things are going to change then they're never going to change whilst people give validity and credibility to a totally flawed system.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr Nobody!

We knew what to do but we didn't know how to say it!

The time has come!

The Ants...

Hi Freinds

27.04.2007 10:38

In Australia 16 Million Ants can..........!
In Australia 16 Million Ants can..........!

We changed your poster wording a bit please read it and see what you think. Any feedback?

We feel that this wording is more easily taken up by our readers. Rember the arms of gov't always use the most friendly names so they can do the most awsom destruction and still look clean. Not that we want to be destructive ourselves but we want to get the word out by having 'most' people accept it.


by Adam Friday April 27, 2007 at 09:30 PM

vn.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x700

Instead of the current system of pseudo-democracy we believe in Direct democracy which is based on equal participation. In order to be free & happy, we need to run our communities, our workplaces & our own lives.

Freedom is a way of organising society in which everyone has an equal say on how things are run.

Freedom is about standing up for ourselves and resisting unfairness; it is about sharing resource so everyone has what they need and it’s about creating a more peaceful world where we are free from poverty, violence and war.

Free people believe there are alternatives to the current political system where a minority force their decisions on a majority and where a few people hold all the power and wealth.

We want accountable delegates rather than careerist politicians, shared ownership rather than private profit, human need rather than economic growth, & mutual aid rather than Investers Rights Agreements.

Politicians say “vote for me!”


And start organising for ourselves!


”Choosing between politicians in our fake democracy is like choosing between Coke and Pepsi – they’re all the same, just with slightly different packaging” “Putting an ‘X’ in a box every 4 or 5 years is not real democracy.

I’m fed up of seeing politicians forgetting about the promises they made to improve our lives once they’re in power.”

“I’m sick of accepting the least worst candidate. Every one of us deserves to have a say in the way our own lives are run. I’m voting nobody and starting to represent myself!”

“Nobody on the ballot represents me, and the very nature of the system means Nobody ever will. Nobody cares about the things we’re really passionate about, and nobody will fight for them except us”

“All politicians are liars - they’ll all keep privatizing everything and crapping on ordinary people”

Vote for Nobody for Victory and remember the Ants.....

Show them that we're not happy with the current system of unfairness this Federal Election. Help get the word out and pass this on to all your networks.

1 Ant can't act alone but in Australia 16 Million Ants can..........!

Written and authorised by Adam Ant for the Ants...
