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where is all the anarcho-communication and structure building?

frustrated anarcho | 21.04.2007 10:39 | Sheffield

there is a massive lacking of communication between anarchists and other people with extra-parliamentary political views in this area.

There is a massive lacking of communication between anarchists and other people with extra-parliamentary political views in this area.
So i thought I'd try and start some communication on indymedia and hope it leads somewhere. It is quite apauling that the only communicatively active group in sheffield is the SWP which agrees with power structures and supports the existence of party politics.
And also the SWP disinterests people from becoming involved in demonstrations and actively working against different segments of the government because it goes against the government and twists into merely trying to gain support and members for themselves which is not acceptable, so it is perfectly understandable people distance themselves from whatever the SWP is involved in or doing.
I would appreciate it a lot if people would start to communicate

frustrated anarcho


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Shefield AF

21.04.2007 13:40

Hi there,

Yeh understand yer frustration, not sure what can say to help or improve situation right now (though trying to in the longer term...) but inc ase you dont know, there is an Anarchist Federation group now in Sheffield who are increasinglya ctive. Get in touch with em. You'l find contact details I think on the Afed website (


- Homepage:

Friendly Guys

21.04.2007 19:26

Yeah, the guys from the AF were out and about earlier, giving free food to people at the TESOL demo. Seemed like a nice bunch of folks! I think you might be able to get in touch by the forums on (they have a board on there, iirc).

TESOL Worker

Email lists need sorting...

21.04.2007 20:52

In the late 90's the Sheffield Mayday email list was the main thing that was being used in Sheffield to let people know what protests were happening etc.

The list still exists:

Then after 9/11 the Sheffield Anti-War Coalition group came together and initially it was broad and not dominated by the SWP, it's discussion list still exists but it's been several years since there has been much discussion on it:

There is also the web site and announcements list:

For a while the Sheffield Social Forum filled the role of a place to coordinate things, but it's also now moribund:

Then the G8 and Matilda came along and the G8 and Matilda lists were where it was happening:

What I think needs to be done now is set up a new coordinating list, sheffield-protests or something... this has been proposed before but people haven't got around to it... yet...
