International Climate Conference! (London)
Adam Johannes | 19.04.2007 15:39 | Ecology | London
Campaign against Climate Change
Saturday 12 May & Sunday 13 May
London School of Economics, Houghton Streeet, London WC2
Saturday 12 May & Sunday 13 May
London School of Economics, Houghton Streeet, London WC2
Campaign against Climate Change
Saturday 12 May & Sunday 13 May
London School of Economics, Houghton Streeet, London WC2
Organised by the Campaign against Climate Change in partnership with the London School of Economics and Political Science
The biggest climate change talk-in, learn-in and plan-for-action of the year !
Following the great success of our Conference last year -
now with an international flavour.
Speakers include - Colin Challen MP (Lab); Norman Baker MP (Lib Dem); Jean Lambert MEP (Green); Ashok Sinha, Director Stop Climate Chaos; Mark Lynas; George Marshall, Co-direcor COIN; Hans-Josef Fell, German Green MP ; Agnes de Rooij, Greenpeace International; Benedict Southworth, Director World Development Movement; Oras Tykynnen, Finnish Green MP; Mayer Hillman, Policy Studies Institute; Matthias Seiche, FOE Germany; Sible Schone, Hier Kampagne Netherlands, Panu Laturi, European Greens Campaigns Director; Amit Srivistava, India Resource Centre; Andrew Simms, New Economics Foundation; Joss Garman, Plane Stupid; David Wasdell, Meridian Project; Dr Stuart Parkinson, Director, Scientists for Global Responsibility; Mark Bossanyi, Climate Action Bulgaria Coalition; Ichin Cheng, Taiwan Climate Campaign; Sharon Looremeta, Practical Action Kenya; Dr David Fleming; Mayte Blasco NOE2, Switzerland; Jason Torrance, Transport 2000; Mike Fairchild, Stop Stansted Expansion; Judith Kill, FERN; Dr Cath Long, Rainforest Foundation; Paige Mitchell, Slower Speeds; Marion Birch, MEDAC; John Lanchbery, RSPB;Larry Lohman, Corner House; Kevin Smith, Carbon Trade Watch; Almuth Ernsting, Biofuel Watch; Claire Fauset, Paul Morozzo,Climate Camp; Phil Thornhill, Coordinator CCC; Dave Hampton, Carbon Coach; Global Commons Institute; Muzammal Hussain, London Islamic Network for the Environment; Christian Ecology Link; Vivie Cato, Big Green Jewish Website; Mark Williamson,What You Can Do; Dr Susan Roaf; Rising Tide; Paul Mobbs; Chris Rose,; Jonathan Neale, Author of "You are G8: We are 6 Billion"; Guy Taylor, Globalise Resistance; Futerra; Planet Positive; Gerry Wolff, TREC;Peter Lockley, Airport Watch; Nick Rau, FOE; and more....
2 Major plenaries: The Need for Action on Saturday & Climate Campaigning around the World on Sunday.
Seminars & workshops on: Climate Science How bad, how fast?; Climate Change and Developemnt; Climate Change, the biggest issue of Global Justice and human rights ?; Green Taxes vs Carbon Rationing; CC & Aviation; CC & Transport; Solutions; Raising Awareness in Eastern Europe; CC & workers rights; Personal action; Contraction & Convergence; CC & Health; CC & Faith; Can we avoid dangerous CC & maintain growth ?; Carbon Trading; CC & Biodiversity; Bio-fuels; Future of Coal; Climate Disinformation; Nuclear: another energy is possible; CC & Deforestation; CC & the GLA; CC& Islam; Peak Oil; Carbon Trading; How to get a strong Climate Bill; Prospects for the Bali Talks and the Kyoto process post 2012; The Climate Camp; Carbon offsets, the debate; China and India, the emissions time bomb; and more....
including 'Climate Change Teach-in for Children' with Kyla Davis
There will be a minimum recommended donation of £5 for each day of the Conference (payable on the day)
For more info. see:
To register for the Conference please send an email to Please specify name, region/adress and the day(s) you would like to attend - ie Saturday, Sunday or both.
Saturday 12 May & Sunday 13 May
London School of Economics, Houghton Streeet, London WC2
Organised by the Campaign against Climate Change in partnership with the London School of Economics and Political Science
The biggest climate change talk-in, learn-in and plan-for-action of the year !
Following the great success of our Conference last year -
now with an international flavour.
Speakers include - Colin Challen MP (Lab); Norman Baker MP (Lib Dem); Jean Lambert MEP (Green); Ashok Sinha, Director Stop Climate Chaos; Mark Lynas; George Marshall, Co-direcor COIN; Hans-Josef Fell, German Green MP ; Agnes de Rooij, Greenpeace International; Benedict Southworth, Director World Development Movement; Oras Tykynnen, Finnish Green MP; Mayer Hillman, Policy Studies Institute; Matthias Seiche, FOE Germany; Sible Schone, Hier Kampagne Netherlands, Panu Laturi, European Greens Campaigns Director; Amit Srivistava, India Resource Centre; Andrew Simms, New Economics Foundation; Joss Garman, Plane Stupid; David Wasdell, Meridian Project; Dr Stuart Parkinson, Director, Scientists for Global Responsibility; Mark Bossanyi, Climate Action Bulgaria Coalition; Ichin Cheng, Taiwan Climate Campaign; Sharon Looremeta, Practical Action Kenya; Dr David Fleming; Mayte Blasco NOE2, Switzerland; Jason Torrance, Transport 2000; Mike Fairchild, Stop Stansted Expansion; Judith Kill, FERN; Dr Cath Long, Rainforest Foundation; Paige Mitchell, Slower Speeds; Marion Birch, MEDAC; John Lanchbery, RSPB;Larry Lohman, Corner House; Kevin Smith, Carbon Trade Watch; Almuth Ernsting, Biofuel Watch; Claire Fauset, Paul Morozzo,Climate Camp; Phil Thornhill, Coordinator CCC; Dave Hampton, Carbon Coach; Global Commons Institute; Muzammal Hussain, London Islamic Network for the Environment; Christian Ecology Link; Vivie Cato, Big Green Jewish Website; Mark Williamson,What You Can Do; Dr Susan Roaf; Rising Tide; Paul Mobbs; Chris Rose,; Jonathan Neale, Author of "You are G8: We are 6 Billion"; Guy Taylor, Globalise Resistance; Futerra; Planet Positive; Gerry Wolff, TREC;Peter Lockley, Airport Watch; Nick Rau, FOE; and more....
2 Major plenaries: The Need for Action on Saturday & Climate Campaigning around the World on Sunday.
Seminars & workshops on: Climate Science How bad, how fast?; Climate Change and Developemnt; Climate Change, the biggest issue of Global Justice and human rights ?; Green Taxes vs Carbon Rationing; CC & Aviation; CC & Transport; Solutions; Raising Awareness in Eastern Europe; CC & workers rights; Personal action; Contraction & Convergence; CC & Health; CC & Faith; Can we avoid dangerous CC & maintain growth ?; Carbon Trading; CC & Biodiversity; Bio-fuels; Future of Coal; Climate Disinformation; Nuclear: another energy is possible; CC & Deforestation; CC & the GLA; CC& Islam; Peak Oil; Carbon Trading; How to get a strong Climate Bill; Prospects for the Bali Talks and the Kyoto process post 2012; The Climate Camp; Carbon offsets, the debate; China and India, the emissions time bomb; and more....
including 'Climate Change Teach-in for Children' with Kyla Davis
There will be a minimum recommended donation of £5 for each day of the Conference (payable on the day)
For more info. see:
To register for the Conference please send an email to

Adam Johannes