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Saving Iceland tour coming to Oxford

Saving Iceland | 18.04.2007 10:02 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Globalisation | Oxford

Monday 23 April 7.30pm
Oxford Action Resource Centre (OARC) 44b Princes St (corner of Cowley Road)

Sacrificed for ALCOA
Sacrificed for ALCOA

Activists from the Saving Iceland campaign to defend Europe's last great wilderness
from destruction by dams and corporate 'development' will be in Oxford next
Monday (23rd). Come and meet them to hear about the campaign, this summer's
protest camp and forthcoming conference. Find out what people in Britain can
do to help.

Monday 23 April 7.30pm
Oxford Action Resource Centre (OARC) 44b Princes St (corner of Cowley Road)
Tea and coffee available. Venue unfortunately not wheelchair accessible.

Saving Iceland
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23.04.2007 14:22

The talk has been cancelled.

An evening of videos from the SI campaign are being scheduled for May.

Thanks to all.

Saving Iceland