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Capitalism Is Dead

AntiChrist | 16.04.2007 12:10 | Globalisation | Repression | Workers' Movements | World

Where do you think the world's problems actually exist?

Could it be the fact that with a little income you can buy precisely anything you want, provided that your income is high enough.

Most waste this on buying the junk that corporations push out to distract their punters/ clients from the truly important resources in life, which they then keep for themselves.

It's all a con. Someone probably once simply tricked the other villagers into believing that they owned that area of land, perhaps saying that it would assist in the functionality of the community.
Banking also should now be obsolete. It was a useful method of transferring goods from one destination to another without the need for a mule, nowadays we have machines that do the transporting.

Sooner or later you're going to get bought out. If you've had a good idea and start earning some cash for yourself then i promise you there will be a day when a larger corporation decides to either peacefully buy a large amount of your company for a sellout's paycheque, or take you over by purchasing all your shares from your other investors using the same tactics. Anyone who sells their idea for a fat paycheque and some man, or woman, in a suit is not worthy of redemption.

Addiction is a useful means of tapping into your funds. If you're addicted to a substance, be it heroin, sugar, tobacco, alcohol, amphetamines or whatnot, you are much more likely to spend what you earn on that and not the food and housing that is so essential to your survival.

Whatever happened to love?

We're all being robbed via mindwashing adverts and the addictive chemicals that companies place into their products to ensure future market.

Enough with all this ignorance! It's time to wake up.



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Crime is the law

16.04.2007 14:54

"Someone probably once simply tricked the other villagers into believing that they owned that area of land, perhaps saying that it would assist in the functionality of the community."

1st Indian - So translate for us, what did they say ?
2nd Indian - I don't know if I have understood. They seem to want to give us some beads.
1st indian - That's nice.
2nd indian - But they seem to want to buy the earth and the rivers and sky from us in exchange.
1st Indian - Crazy - we don't own them and where would they put them ? Are they nice beads ?
2nd Indian - Not really. They're okay, nothing special.
1st indian - Humour them, it may insult them to refuse. A fool and his beads are easily parted.
2nd Indian - They are giving away smallpox blankets too, whatever smallpox means
1st indian - They are crazy people, but harmless and generous. Invite them to dinner.

"If you're addicted to a substance, be it heroin, sugar, tobacco, alcohol, amphetamines or whatnot, you are much more likely to spend what you earn on that and not the food and housing that is so essential to your survival."

Not if you grow your own poppies, sugarbeet, tobacco plants, or brew your own beer or speed or whatnot. DIY is the best form of self-regulation. The real crime is all these things are illegal, except for growing sugarbeet. The crime is the law.


I wish you were dead

16.04.2007 18:15

Don't tell me that it's time to wake up. It's people like you who are daydreaming.


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You are dead

17.04.2007 23:51

Go away Papa Joe


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