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Fascists leafletting in Todmorden

Lusciousanarchy | 14.04.2007 10:42 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles

Fascist skinheads are currently leafleting Todmorden.
On a door to door basis.
Help need to stop them.

Fascist skin heads are leafeltting Todmorden on a door to door basis at this very moment. (saturday)

Were are the anti fascists ????

Help needed to stop them.

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14.04.2007 11:12

Are any folk going to confront them?

They were doing my estate the other day...My Da chased them down the road hehe !!

No Pasaran!


Counter - Info, Bash em

15.04.2007 13:01


It aint the most original thing to say, but they been spreading shit in ya neighbourhood, why dont you put some fashwatch stickers up or make a counter leaflet or bash them, probably bash em is the best thou and the stickers !



16.04.2007 09:07

What a load of bollocks.

As if a bloody sticker will stop fascists.

Counter leaflet Yes!

Stickers forget


and double crap

16.04.2007 20:39

No Platform

end of........

Combat Combat 18


18.04.2007 12:05

quite simple- pay the nazi toe rag a visit at a strange time of the morning and install ventilation in his front window

home address available from local councill...


Wonderful democracy.

28.04.2007 05:54

These comments sound very anti-democratic.

Violence as a substitute for informed debate? The suppressing of unpopular speech on the spurious grounds that

"well they would do it to us!"

No. This is not democracy of any kind. This is not the peoples voice. If the BNP start attacking left wing activists then by all means vigorous self defence is justified, but they are not.

In fact all they do these days is walk around and talk to people in the community on the doorsteps.

Why are no progressive class based groups doing the same?

This tactic of the BNP is making people who are just sick of Blair see society through the warped prism of race and forget the very real class distinctions. Once the BNP gets them they are gone, possibly forever.

These 50 or whatever councillors the BNP has stolen should be OUR councillors.

Instead of the BNP filling communities with hatred and division these same communities could be now filled with class solidarity.

And as we all know "Respect" and the SWP aint doing squat except divide the community from the other side.

What progressive group can do what the BNP is doing?

Red thomas