The Great American Catalyzing Event
Manuel Valenzuela | 13.04.2007 09:18 | Terror War | World
Somewhere inside the halls of governance, where power and control and greed unleash their fiery cocktail of wickedness, where corrupt men and criminal cabals strategize over master plans of delusion and domination, there lies an unnerving fear of a movement, still in its infancy, of a mass tectonic shift in human energy. This movement, while barely growing legs, gaining experience and slowly learning the massive power within its grasp, is the tremor being felt underneath the putrid and rotting nest of corruption and criminality called Washington.
This movement, while still learning to fly, while still small compared to what it will invariably become, is the harbinger of a revolution to end all revolutions, the inevitable, and end result, of a system that through its principles begets greed, injustice, criminality, exploitation and inequality. It is this system, which controls the present state of human affairs, which by its implementation and maturation, indeed by its very nature, has overextended itself to the point of eventual decline and fall.
Devastating humanity and the planet through its hypnotizing allure of wealth and power, where only a few benefit and the many suffer, the system has for years been planting the seeds of its own demise. By creating unfathomable levels of animosity, anger and resentment through its dependence – and insistence – on the creation of vast inequality, by becoming the assembly line of greed, that blinder of empathy and humanity, and by giving birth to the idea that the Almighty Dollar is worth more than human beings, the system, and its greatest defenders, have slowly, but surely, been assuring the eventual decimation of the human imbalance they cherish and the narcotic they have become addicted to.
It is has been the steady rise of greed, birthed through the system’s very essence, that has assured its decline and fall as well. A system dependent on exploitation of human beings, of natural resources, of the planet itself, of maintaining a caste system of inequality that is designed to make the rich richer and poor poorer cannot sustain itself, especially in this so-called democratic stage of human development. By its very nature the system creates the vices of greed and exploitation, the need to possess and control power, the necessity to control human beings.
Indeed, the system thrives because its success depends on unleashing the worst vices in the human condition. The system fosters our selfishness and greed, our mammalian urges of domination and hierarchy, of power, of possession of territory – and ownership of objects –, our ingrained desire for procreation – wealth and power assures the selection of the best possible mate – and the uncompromising desires of comfort and security. Thus, like a parasite, the system has attached itself to our civilization, and has succeeded accordingly, because its existence is dependent on those vices the human animal has the hardest time controlling and defeating. In short, the system has become our master through the exploitation of our weaknesses, through our own mammalian instincts, behavior and psychology.
Capitalism, for this is what the system is called, has become predatory and pathological over the decades because it is easier for humankind to fall prey to our temptations and addictions than to devise a system that directly contradicts our wants and needs, our instincts and behaviors. Capitalism succeeds because it is a system designed to thrive under the mammalian psychologies that have evolved for millions of years, from days as rats to days of primates. A species of high intelligence and brain capacity is still enslaved to our evolutionary journey, and our insistence on the present system, even as corrupted as it has become and as terrible as it is for the vast majority of humans, is but one manifestation of this. Capitalism is designed for the minds of primitive primates, not enlightened humans. It exists because it captures our instincts and behaviors, not our thinking, reasoned minds.
Undoubtedly a better system exists, and has indeed already been thought of, yet until we realize that we are in fact mammals, think like mammals and behave like mammals, and not some all important being molded in the image of an omnipotent and omnipresent invisible god, we will remain lingering in a system that continues to deteriorate both humans and the planet. Our society and psychology must be understood for what they are, not what our delusions and our primitive theologies make them out to be.
Capitalism is thus a system for a primitive society, for a society that cannot escape its addictions and control over its vices and animal psychology; a better system, one that evolves forward and does not remain stagnant, one that depends and thrives on our virtues and our human intelligence, awaits an enlightened society, an awakened species. For what is harder and more difficult to follow, implement and accomplish, the social and communal philosophies of Jesus, Gandhi and Martin Luther King, putting humanity above and beyond the selfish inclinations of the self, where our mammalian psychology are put aside in favor of our enlightened, human intelligence or the philosophies of capitalism’s staunchest supporters and creators, leaving our destiny to the easy flow of our mammalian condition, becoming addicted to the cheap allure of a materialist and consumerist society? Based on society today, it is easy to decipher the answer. It is easy to see that we have evolved society, but society has not evolved us.
After all, our instincts, behaviors and psychology simply exist; they simply are wired into the human condition. It is the outside the box thinking of the great philosophers – those enlightened beings rare in existence yet resplendent with thought – on the other hand, that is harder to implement, for it contradicts the very behaviors we have evolved under, putting us at odds with our primitive selves. Yet it is these more difficult ideas that will inevitably be the salvation for humanity, for the system as we know it is slowly, yet assuredly, helping us dig our own mass grave. Only by understanding who and what we truly are, only by fighting against our mammalian behaviors, and only by using the intelligence of enlightened beings and not of primates can we alter and/or abolish a system that will invariably, and conclusively, collapse both society and our humanity.
The Seeds of Greed
The movement growing in our midst, presently in its infancy, but which rises stronger each day, had as its conception a most horrific and tragic event, one that shifted the reality of America, and the world, towards the precipice of human wickedness. This event, born of controlled demolitions and orchestrated criminality became, to those seeking it, a new Pearl Harbor, an event mobilizing a nation for war. Its architects, delusional and pathological, both Machiavellian and Faustian, envisioned a catastrophic and catalyzing event that would unleash a 1,000 year reign dressed in imperial wealth and power, having America become the new, and better, Rome.
As grand masters of an event that would define their triumph, that would alter the course of history, that would usher in a new era of power and control, the architects of 9/11 waited patiently for the perfect circumstances to arrive, waiting in the wings, behind the scenes, eagerly anticipating their opportunity. In the meantime they planned, strategized, and set their plan in motion, meticulously recruiting like-minded individuals, methodically putting together all the separate parts that would eventually create one wondrous whole. In their delusions they wrote manifestos, policy papers and philosophies. Blinded by greed, they saw only what they wanted to see; with tunnel vision eyes seeing a future written in ignorance, incompetence and delusion. The world would accept their vision of tomorrow, for what was to come would hypnotize the world entire to their ideology, hidden in fear, terror and insecurity.
Upon the stolen election, selection and ascension to the throne of a very useful puppet, a village idiot really, the architects of a catastrophic and catalyzing event set their machinations upon the halls of governance. They strategically placed and appointed themselves inside the most important offices of power, from the White House to the Department of State to the Pentagon, the easier to manipulate and control what was to come. Most importantly, they had the ear and mind of the emperor, an individual so weak-minded in character, so ignorant and incurious in intelligence, so insecure in psychology and corrupt in being that they would be able to implement their vision without hindrance, without accountability.
When that fateful day arrived, shocking and awing the people of the world, burying America under clouds of pulverized concrete, furniture, equipment, wires, asbestos and human remains, filling our streets with toxins and poison, entrancing millions through horrors never before seen, civilization as had existed before was altered. In the days that followed nobody could have envisioned what was to come, what the new Pearl Harbor was designed to accomplish. The architects had destroyed 3,000 lives, and the World Trade Center, to achieve the catastrophic and catalyzing event they so desperately needed.
In the aftermath of demolished buildings and decimated lives, millions of Americans had their psychology altered, rewired and remolded as a result of watching mass murder taking place on the television monitor. Repeated countless times, the horrors of 9/11 were shown in a constant stream of terror, pounded into the American psyche like a nail being driven to the ground by a hammer. The psychological war upon the populace had commenced; the incessant saturation into the airwaves of propaganda and manipulation had begun.
The American people, most still shocked and awed, most engendering inside them insecurities and fears never before felt, were hypnotized by the clouds of 9/11, unable to question the government and corporate version of events. In time of great fear and terror, in time when most needed comfort and protection, the government was the one entity we could count on, the one entity we could place blind faith in. To hundreds of millions of Americans, the government, epitomized by the Bush administration, became security, protection and vengeance, truth, integrity and trust. In it we placed our lives, our futures, and our complete faith. Psychologically traumatized, our minds torn to pieces by horrors unleashed inside our shores, truth became whatever government told us; reality became anything the corporatist media aired.
Yet inside government, inside the corporatist world, higher and higher levels of greed began to manifest themselves. The military-industrial energy complex (MIEC) smelled blood in the Middle East, with billions of dollars in profits awaiting those who profit in death and destruction, those who manufacture and market the machines and weapons of human wickedness. Hypnotized by the Almighty Dollar and by the pursuit of power and control the MIEC has destroyed Iraq, its infrastructure and its society so that it can later claim it rebuilt it, so that it can have an excuse for pillaging over a trillion dollars from the American taxpayer. For these conglomerates and their directors, war is their lifeline, their livelihood, their manna from heaven; living well from the killing of human beings. To the MIEC, human blood is the oil that greases its assembly lines and feeds its bank accounts. It is the reason war is fought.
Thanks to the present wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, hundreds of billions of dollars have been pillaged from America’s treasury, in essence shifted away from the People and towards the pockets of the MIEC. Today, the MIEC’s power is astounding and absolute. It has become a war machine; its funding grows exponentially. It owns and controls the Pentagon and the military, the White House and the Presidency.
For the energy giants, those in bed with the White House, billions of dollars in profits awaited them, for global insecurity and conflict, especially in regions vital and strategic to American and British petroleum interests, are the golden chalice from which they drink from. To the corporatist world, war is the instrument by which the oasis of the Almighty Dollar flourishes. To them, war is a necessity, much like the oxygen we breathe and the food we eat. To the energy conglomerates, the aspirations of empire are the means by which to conquer, exploit and pillage enormous reserves of third-world oil. To them, empire is synonymous with the control of the world’s energy supplies, which is about as powerful as an entity can get. To these corporatists, black gold is green dollar. Through control of all aspects of Middle East oil, rivals and friendly governments alike must bow down in obedience and kiss the imperial ring.
Not to be outdone, greed became a pervasive symptom to the neocon vultures nesting in the highest echelons of governance, as well as the myriad number of neocon stenographers entrenched in America’s corporatist media. Most of them long-standing members of PNAC, most fervent and staunch defenders of Israel, with most holding dual citizenship, most rabidly pro-Zionist, possessing strong connections with the Israeli right wing Likud political party, most espousing the principles of AIPAC, the neocons wanted nothing better than to invade several Middle East nations, both for the imperial aspirations of America and, most importantly, for the short-term protection of their mother-country, Israel. After 9/11 both the neocons in government and those in the corporatist media galvanized their energy and power in pursuit of preemptive wars of aggression against several Middle East nations, including Iraq, Iran and Syria.
The greed of the architects of 9/11 became so endemic, so pervasive, the longer their blueprint to their Machiavellian plans was used, the more billions of dollars their thieving pockets collected, that mistakes became as common as their lies. Once they acquired billions, they wanted billions more, unable to control their vices and their addictions. Their greed angered and upset citizens, causing a thirst for knowledge about corruptions and crimes. Their arrogance became so self-defeating the more they were enamored by the new Pearl Harbor they had masterfully pulled off that they began overreaching, demanding policies unpopular and corrupted, manufacturing ceaseless lies in their media, thinking themselves masters of reality and destiny. The longer their reign lasted, basking in the aura of grandeur, the greedier their kind got, the more lies they told.
Such was their arrogance that they blatantly lied – almost without caring if they got caught – an entire nation into a war of choice. Thinking themselves masters of reality, they attempted to cajole hundreds of millions into an illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq by creating reality itself, as if the world would never realize the lies and manipulations. Using the scars of 9/11 against the people, they concocted lies and deceptions and manufactured propaganda to push the nation to war. This grand lie, a noble lie as they would label it, was the beginning of the end for the architects of 9/11, for in this purposeful deception, based on lies stacked upon more lies, millions of individuals became aware that if a government could lie a nation to war, it could lie to a nation about anything. When one lie was destroyed, another would take its place, until an avalanche of lies covered an entire mountain of reality. The lying became so endemic, so obvious, that millions began suspecting that lies were being told about more than the Iraq war.
The debacle in Iraq accelerated the awakening of millions more whose discontent at a war destined to be lost the moment it was begun continued to grow. The Iraqi resistance, comprised of average citizens, became in short-time an army of freedom fighters whose purpose was to rid their lands and cities of the occupying power. Slowly, yet surely, they have bled the great American military in a classic case study in guerilla warfare.
Because of the sheer ignorance and idiotic incompetence of the neocon armchair warriors who could plan new Pearl Harbors but not invasions and occupations of ancient lands, the Iraqi resistance brought about the debacle and quagmire that exists today. Without their efforts, the delusional neocon plan of attacking Iran, Syria and other nations has been trapped in the sand. Regrettably, without the loss of American blood in Iraqi soils and without the readily apparent defeat of America’s military industrial complex in Mesopotamia, the American people would never have turned against the war.
Without defeat and debacle, without having won the battles but lost the war, the American people would never have seen the litany of lies, the greed of the MIEC, the ideology of the neocons. Had victory been achieved in Iraq, parades and confetti would have been seen, celebrations would have been glamorized and propaganda would have successfully covered up the lies and the pillaging of our treasure. In defeat, Americans have been allowed to see the countless lies and the incomprehensible corruption and the incompetent cover-up of a lost war. We have been allowed to experience the criminality and the incompetence. Victory, in the words of John F. Kennedy, “has a thousand fathers and defeat is but an orphan.”
A Movement Rises
As the clouds of 9/11lifted from our collective minds, evaporating with each new lie concocted by government or by those in power, as the healing of psyches intertwined with the passage of time, and as distance separated us from memories of collapsing towers, more and more people throughout the world began to wake from their slumber, as if the war crimes and the torture and the rendition and the mass murder and the dehumanization of Iraqis possessed strong and odorous smelling salts. With the discovery of what the government was doing to our civil rights and freedoms and liberties, to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, more and more citizens began snapping out of the hypnotized state fear and terror had insulated them with. Soon millions of Americans were once again questioning their government, questioning authority.
What began as a small trickle of individuals who always suspected government complicity in the attacks of 9/11 soon began to mutate into ever larger groups of truth seekers, people who used the Internet to research what seemed almost impossible to believe. Millions of Americans that had escaped the echoing sirens and colors of alarm and fear and insecurity spawned by 9/11 began to take notice of a perpetual stream of government lies and propaganda and mass manipulations. The government they thought could not and would never lie to them suddenly became a pathological liar, manipulating wounded psychologies using fear and terror. Through the Internet the truths of reality became apparent, escaping the veil of fiction for too long prevalent in the corporatist media. It soon became apparent that the government of fantasy was not that of reality.
The events of 9/11, after the period of shock and awe faded away, and combined with the blatant crimes, corruption and abuse of power of all branches of government, became like a giant clap of thunder to millions of Americans, its resounding noise reverberating throughout body, mind and spirit, its stalwart force waking slumbering automatons up and rupturing a fissure from where truth could enter and fiction escape. History will one day recognize 9/11 as the catastrophic event that had the unintended consequence of snapping back to life a population that had for too long been sleepwalking through life, its collective brain catatonic, flat-lining to the whims of distraction, propaganda and corporate infotainment.
The new Pearl Harbor was such a horrific event, of such profound importance and mind-changing dimensions for the American people, and its lies and deceptions so obvious and apparent, that its criminality has completely transformed the views and beliefs of millions of Americans. For too long insulated by friendly shores, for too long captured in a bubble of fiction and fantasy by corporatist media, for too long innocent and naïve and unaware of what was done to the world in our name, Americans have now been attacked with an event that has shaken the foundations of belief and thought. To millions of Americans, the brainwash education of youth, where black is white and grey does not exist and where good always triumphs over bad and where America is always good has been eroded.
The shroud blinding us to America’s imperial crimes throughout the world, and throughout her short history, is coming undone the more Americans discover what has been hidden from us. Together with the advent of the Internet, 9/11 has catalyzed millions of individuals to research truth too long coded in mirages and façades. No longer dependent on corporatist media for information and reality, those seeking truth can see the what globalization really is, namely the exploitation by developed nations of labor and consumer from the third world along with the pillage of third world resources and wealth. This curiosity of the American mind has led millions to understand 9/11 in a new light, seeing that the American empire, already possessing much of the globe through its control of puppets and proctors, through its control of the World Bank, IMF and WTO, and in competition from growing rivals, needed the means by which to lay claim to and control of billions of gallons of Middle East oil. He who controls the oil controls the world, after all.
Possessing both an economy and a standard of living that is not sustainable in the long run, that is, in fact, based on perpetual and excessive consumption and production, demanding higher levels of production every year, the MIEC and corporatist elite understand that in order to maintain the McMansion and gas-guzzling SUV lifestyle, full of toys and gadgets, full of overabundance and materialism, gluttony and greed, the American empire must be maintained and even expanded. The people residing inside the empire must always retain the comfort and lifestyle they at present possess, lest they begin rise in anger at dwindling standards of living. The control and acquisition of oil, and thus the events of 9/11, thus take on new meaning. Imperial hegemony in the 21st century, in a civilization dependent on petroleum, has as its basis the control of the remaining fields of oil. Like it or not, a major reason 9/11 occurred is our unsustainable and uncompromising standards of living, our insatiable greed and materialism.
This reality the growing movement must realize, for to understand 9/11, and therefore to defeat it, we must know its architects. We must know and understand our way of life, our gluttonous consumption patterns and our love of materialist goods. If this movement wants to change the present course of America, we must change ourselves, our ways of life, our society and our conditioning as producers and consumers. We must stop being cogs in the system and start clogging the system, as always understanding that the system will not be easy to defeat because of its genius, namely, using our own vices against us, controlling us through our own behaviors and psychology. The system thrives because of our inability to control our instincts, our animal society, and our primitive urges. It feeds off our pleasures and our addictions, our likes and wants, demanding we feed it through our growing greed and selfishness. This the movement needs to remedy.
As the days and months turned into years, as fear and terror and insecurity dwindled in the collective mind of the American populace, and as 9/11 becomes easier to bear and deal with again, its toxic memories now stored and faded, millions of people are starting to investigate the events of the new Pearl Harbor on their own, using the great tools of the Internet to search for truth. For this movement, more than any other that has ever risen, has the devastating weapon of knowledge at our disposal. At no other time has the collective brain and intelligence of humanity been allowed to unite and join forces. At no time in history have millions of talented minds been allowed to see each other’s views, beliefs, research and investigations. The Internet has become the movement’s consciousness, the tool that has been and continues to wake millions of minds to the realities of present day America.
Without the Internet, the movement would have a very difficult time getting off the ground. Indeed, there would be no movement that continues to grow today without the Internet. It has been our great emancipator, our freedom fighter, our battle field, freeing us from the shackles of corporatist fiction and the dungeons of ignorance, allowing us to see light where only darkness once thrived. What the printing press did to humankind the Internet has surpassed tenfold, creating out of nothing entire communities with common thought and purpose. In their now extinct mindset, the architects of 9/11 never counted on the power of the people through the power of the Internet. All that would have been hidden in years past comes into existence on the Internet, allowing us to see, at our convenience, perfect controlled demolitions. We can read and study evidence, research and opinions. We can, at the click of the mouse, educate ourselves about an entire catastrophic and catalyzing day back in 2001.
Combining the Great Emancipator with the collective brainpower of humankind, guided by millions of eyes and hands, the movement will continue to grow in force, becoming the tremor being felt underneath Washington. What the anti-war movement could not achieve after the Vietnam War, with its millions of peace loving hippies promising to change the world, the Truth Movement will accomplish. We have no choice, for to fail is to regurgitate Vietnam, Iraq and more 9/11s into the mouths of our progeny.
It must be remembered that as valiant, powerful and as wonderful as the Vietnam War movement was, the system was invariably not altered or abolished. Rather, it grew stronger. The system outlived the movement, it outlived the peace and love and anti-war generation. In fact, it gobbled that generation up, eating up millions of individuals who had promised a better world, a more just society. Millions of so-called hippies became but cogs in the system, turning free thinking minds into the automatons of the corporatist world. Many sold out once cherished principles to the pursuit of wealth and power and material goods, becoming compliant and obedient members of the system they once despised. Today, many of these free love, communal rights followers are proud owners of McMansions, SUVs and a growing treasure chest of debt.
The power of the system and that of its masters cannot be underestimated, for it will erode beliefs and opinions and the constructs of the movement itself. Simply learn from the hippie generation. The system ran over them like road kill, as if the movement never existed. After Vietnam, it never skipped a beat, gaining power, enriching the system further, corrupting the nation once again, and setting up the blueprints for the continuing and perpetual war against the American people. Today, the corporate world has full power and control over the state and through the state, full control and power over the People. Many who lived and experienced the late 60’s and early 70’s never thought they would see another Vietnam, yet here we are, once again. They thought they would never see the monolithic corruption of those in power, yet here we are, once again. They thought the military industrial energy complex would finally meet the justice and accountability it deserves, yet here we are, once again, its power over us greater than ever, its ability to dictate war and profit mightily from it remains undisturbed.
The more things change, the more things stay the same and, as can be seen with the Vietnam example, there will always be a group, a cabal of criminality, that will run amok of human standards of decency, always eager to concoct wars and wage battles, either for ideology, for profit, for power, or for all three combined. Under the system, there will always be warmongers, and by consequence, war.
The Cold War was an excuse to control the populace through fear and insecurity, using the dreaded Communist as enemy extraordinaire. Through this ploy, the elite and the MIEC grew tremendously wealthy. The same Cold War tactics are being used again, though this time the enemy has no nation, no flag, no face. This time the dreaded enemy of America is ambiguous and even deadlier, a dark-skinned evildoer that terrorizes minds, lurks in closets and can attack at any moment. This enemy, of course, hates America for its freedoms, for its rights, for its way of life.
Nobody ever said the elite and the MIEC do not evolve better systems of control with the passage of time. Nobody ever said they were not intelligent at marketing fear and terror and insecurity, the better to do as they please with America, and the world.
The Ripple of Momentum
The system will always face challenges, like the Vietnam anti-war movement, just as it will always produce neocons and their kind. The neocons are nothing new, or different, simply a new generation of warmongers and delusional Machiavellians, eager to plunge the world in war and eager, as always to decimate democracy at home and hundreds of thousands of lives abroad. The system has not remained in power decade after decade for being nice and honorable; indeed, it is ruthless, murderous, tyrannical and wicked. It will fight tooth and nail to retain its preferred imbalance, for its lifeline is a system that grants much to the few and little to the many. It feeds off exploitation of human flesh, the destruction of the planet. It will destroy the movement if the movement touches off a raw nerve. The system has the power of the state, of the military, of the police force, of the intelligence infrastructure. It has the power of unlimited financing, the power over the ignorant, the army of good Americans.
To fight the system the movement must rely on the one thing it has a comparative advantage in, namely, truth and power of the people. It must rely on the anger over what was done on 9/11, the resentment of people fed up with the system itself. It must strike like a virus, attacking from within the corporatist world, using the power of individuals that work or reside within to destroy the system from inside, much like cancer does to the human body. It must spread knowledge and truth, it must demand change, it must protest in public, building empathy in and for the movement, not fear or animosity. It must control the channels of knowledge and information, through education of the masses first, dissemination of information, awareness, raising anger and animosity for what was done to 3,000 innocent men and women within our shores, what was done to 3,200 of our bravest in Iraq and Afghanistan, and what is being done to thousands of New Yorkers whose labored breath and sickened bodies are the reward and thanks from the system for being First Responders. The death of one million Iraqis and the displacement from their homes of two million more needs to see light of day as well, for this is what the system has imported into Iraq.
The movement is growing, and will continue to do so, for truth is universal. Indeed, the 9/11 Truth Movement is not an American monopoly, it is a human monopoly. Movements are sprouting like wildfires through all corners of the globe, just as they are in America. The system is a global emperor, affecting every inch of the planet. Perhaps for this reason we are joined in solidarity with those from other nations, for they know, better than we, what it is like to be at the bottom of the American stomping boot. It is they, because they can escape the filter of propaganda and lies we are subjected to by the corporatist media, that know reality better than us. It is they, more than us, that understand a system that destroys human beings, body, mind and soul, eroding the fabric of humanity by the laborious shedding of blood, sweat and tears. It is they, more than us, that understand that 9/11 and its architects has everything to do with imperial aspirations and control over the world’s population. They are our brothers and sisters in arms, and they should be welcomed with open palms.
This movement is a truth movement, yet it is a movement to change the system that has for too long dominated human society. This movement has uncovered the truth, yet it must also alter or abolish the system itself. For what good does knowing the truth do if the same system that created 9/11 is allowed to once again roam freely in power and control? If the system is not changed, if it does not evolve, we the People will see many more 9/11’s, many on a grander scale, many created for one purpose: control. This movement is a movement to build solidarity among the People, to build constructs of knowledge and create a system beneficial to all, not just the few elite.
This movement should send shockwaves of fear and insecurity into the nervous system in Washington, a bastion of corporatist thought, where only the concerns of the corporation get heard. It should inflict panic in the minds of our so-called leaders, both Democratic and Republican politicians, one only slightly less corrupt than the other, whose only purpose in life is lying and cheating and cajoling their way through life, caring not one ounce for their constituents, caring only for themselves and their ever-growing bank accounts. This movement can and should change the system hijacking America in Washington, of corruption and criminality and perpetual dishonesty. We should make clear that one should not be born in wealth in order to become a Washington politician. Our movement should strive to take back America and the world away from our corporate masters, that Leviathan of exploitation, returning it to humanity, finally placing people over profit.
As this movement grows and gains strength, as it gains wisdom and experience, as it combines its many groups into one collective whole, exposing the world entire to the crimes done the American people on 9/11, those in Washington who have ignored our call for democracy and restoration of the Constitution, those who refuse to listen to our calls asking to end the illegal war in Iraq, and those whose pockets are lined with the Almighty Dollars provided by the corporate world will tremble in fear of the approaching storm, shocked and awed by a mass tide of angry Americans demanding justice and truth. They will be unable to protect each other through fictional investigations and farcical hearings. They will not be allowed to whitewash reality and the truth. It will be our right, enumerated to the People, as written in the Constitution itself, to alter or abolish government if it has stopped functioning as a servant to the People. For contrary to belief, we are its Masters, not its Slaves.
What started as a ripple has turned into a massive tidal wave, heading not towards any shore or village, but straight to Washington. We are many, though still young, in a short time, millions more will join, for truth cannot be hidden for long. The events of 9/11 have indeed become a catalyzing event that is transforming America, though not the way its architects envisioned. It has made us aware, knowledgeable, and angry, it has created a deep tremor that everyday inches closer to the surface. Through demolished towers and ash filled clouds the many have woken up, awake from our slumber, slowly, but surely, destroying the brainwashing and propaganda and control we have been bombarded with all our lives. We are seeing the light, many for the first time, of madness and malevolence and great degrees of human wickedness. The Great American Catalyzing Event has arrived, not with a whimper or in silence, but with the growing momentum from which great movements are born.
It has taken several years, and it might take several more, yet The Great American Catalyzing Event has indeed sprung life back to the People. We have woken from dark days and darker nights. We are tired of the lies, of the gatekeepers, of the corporatist media, politicians and the elite. We have had enough of the system that controls us. We have had enough killing, murdering and war. We are through with warmongers, war profiteers and corrupt, immoral leaders. We seek justice, more equality and, above all, truth. The Great American Catalyzing Event has woken a sleeping giant, tens of millions strong, our communal brain using the talents and abilities and potential of people everywhere.
Though we do not have the power of the system, we are the sparkplugs in it, living inside it, working under it, understanding its prowess, its abilities, its weaknesses and its vulnerabilities. We are engineers, actors, directors, scientists, students, teachers, writers, technicians, doctors, lawyers, information technology experts, drivers, truckers, nurses, garbage collectors, activists, janitors, housewives, executives and gardeners. We are America. We are the World. We are the many, the masses, the salt of the earth, the cogs making the system run, yet also the cogs that can make it stall. We must use our collective talents and abilities to build a better Movement, using our skills to best curtail the power of the system.
The law of unintended consequences has introduced the 9/11 Truth Movement to the World, thanks to The Great American Catalyzing Event, that new Pearl Harbor the architects of mass murder spawned. We did not start this war upon the American People, upon the Iraqi People, upon Muslim People. But we are going to try our hardest to end it. The Movement grows, and with it so too does courage, and bravery and the uncompromising belief that the mass of humanity is worth more than the individual self. This Movement shall take us forward, into new enlightenments, into new rebirths, into an inherited world for our children free of the demons afflicting us today. Yesteryear’s mass movements grew in time and space, in patience and understanding, in having the support of the masses. They achieved their goals because from a single ripple a massive tidal wave rose, bringing truth to power and power to the People.
Let us become the giant wave that will inevitably come crashing down upon the shores of the system and the people that hold its levers. Let us change, alter or abolish the system, let us return and restore the nation to the People, let us finally, and emphatically, join hands in unison in pursuit of a better tomorrow, using strength in numbers to defeat strength through wealth. We did not choose this upon ourselves, yet we have chosen to carry the torch of those that have come before, brothers and sisters in struggle, guided by their strength and bravery and conviction, in time passing a flaming and energized torch to a new generation that will one day recognize the patriots of early 21st century America for the sacrifice and courage they exhibited and the enormous contribution they made to humankind.
Let the awakening continue.
Manuel Valenzuela is a social critic and commentator, international affairs analyst and Internet essayist. His articles as well as his archive can be found at his blog, and at as well as at other alternative news websites from around the globe. Mr. Valenzuela is also author of Echoes in the Wind, a fiction novel. Mr. Valenzuela welcomes comments and can be reached at
Devastating humanity and the planet through its hypnotizing allure of wealth and power, where only a few benefit and the many suffer, the system has for years been planting the seeds of its own demise. By creating unfathomable levels of animosity, anger and resentment through its dependence – and insistence – on the creation of vast inequality, by becoming the assembly line of greed, that blinder of empathy and humanity, and by giving birth to the idea that the Almighty Dollar is worth more than human beings, the system, and its greatest defenders, have slowly, but surely, been assuring the eventual decimation of the human imbalance they cherish and the narcotic they have become addicted to.
It is has been the steady rise of greed, birthed through the system’s very essence, that has assured its decline and fall as well. A system dependent on exploitation of human beings, of natural resources, of the planet itself, of maintaining a caste system of inequality that is designed to make the rich richer and poor poorer cannot sustain itself, especially in this so-called democratic stage of human development. By its very nature the system creates the vices of greed and exploitation, the need to possess and control power, the necessity to control human beings.
Indeed, the system thrives because its success depends on unleashing the worst vices in the human condition. The system fosters our selfishness and greed, our mammalian urges of domination and hierarchy, of power, of possession of territory – and ownership of objects –, our ingrained desire for procreation – wealth and power assures the selection of the best possible mate – and the uncompromising desires of comfort and security. Thus, like a parasite, the system has attached itself to our civilization, and has succeeded accordingly, because its existence is dependent on those vices the human animal has the hardest time controlling and defeating. In short, the system has become our master through the exploitation of our weaknesses, through our own mammalian instincts, behavior and psychology.
Capitalism, for this is what the system is called, has become predatory and pathological over the decades because it is easier for humankind to fall prey to our temptations and addictions than to devise a system that directly contradicts our wants and needs, our instincts and behaviors. Capitalism succeeds because it is a system designed to thrive under the mammalian psychologies that have evolved for millions of years, from days as rats to days of primates. A species of high intelligence and brain capacity is still enslaved to our evolutionary journey, and our insistence on the present system, even as corrupted as it has become and as terrible as it is for the vast majority of humans, is but one manifestation of this. Capitalism is designed for the minds of primitive primates, not enlightened humans. It exists because it captures our instincts and behaviors, not our thinking, reasoned minds.
Undoubtedly a better system exists, and has indeed already been thought of, yet until we realize that we are in fact mammals, think like mammals and behave like mammals, and not some all important being molded in the image of an omnipotent and omnipresent invisible god, we will remain lingering in a system that continues to deteriorate both humans and the planet. Our society and psychology must be understood for what they are, not what our delusions and our primitive theologies make them out to be.
Capitalism is thus a system for a primitive society, for a society that cannot escape its addictions and control over its vices and animal psychology; a better system, one that evolves forward and does not remain stagnant, one that depends and thrives on our virtues and our human intelligence, awaits an enlightened society, an awakened species. For what is harder and more difficult to follow, implement and accomplish, the social and communal philosophies of Jesus, Gandhi and Martin Luther King, putting humanity above and beyond the selfish inclinations of the self, where our mammalian psychology are put aside in favor of our enlightened, human intelligence or the philosophies of capitalism’s staunchest supporters and creators, leaving our destiny to the easy flow of our mammalian condition, becoming addicted to the cheap allure of a materialist and consumerist society? Based on society today, it is easy to decipher the answer. It is easy to see that we have evolved society, but society has not evolved us.
After all, our instincts, behaviors and psychology simply exist; they simply are wired into the human condition. It is the outside the box thinking of the great philosophers – those enlightened beings rare in existence yet resplendent with thought – on the other hand, that is harder to implement, for it contradicts the very behaviors we have evolved under, putting us at odds with our primitive selves. Yet it is these more difficult ideas that will inevitably be the salvation for humanity, for the system as we know it is slowly, yet assuredly, helping us dig our own mass grave. Only by understanding who and what we truly are, only by fighting against our mammalian behaviors, and only by using the intelligence of enlightened beings and not of primates can we alter and/or abolish a system that will invariably, and conclusively, collapse both society and our humanity.
The Seeds of Greed
The movement growing in our midst, presently in its infancy, but which rises stronger each day, had as its conception a most horrific and tragic event, one that shifted the reality of America, and the world, towards the precipice of human wickedness. This event, born of controlled demolitions and orchestrated criminality became, to those seeking it, a new Pearl Harbor, an event mobilizing a nation for war. Its architects, delusional and pathological, both Machiavellian and Faustian, envisioned a catastrophic and catalyzing event that would unleash a 1,000 year reign dressed in imperial wealth and power, having America become the new, and better, Rome.
As grand masters of an event that would define their triumph, that would alter the course of history, that would usher in a new era of power and control, the architects of 9/11 waited patiently for the perfect circumstances to arrive, waiting in the wings, behind the scenes, eagerly anticipating their opportunity. In the meantime they planned, strategized, and set their plan in motion, meticulously recruiting like-minded individuals, methodically putting together all the separate parts that would eventually create one wondrous whole. In their delusions they wrote manifestos, policy papers and philosophies. Blinded by greed, they saw only what they wanted to see; with tunnel vision eyes seeing a future written in ignorance, incompetence and delusion. The world would accept their vision of tomorrow, for what was to come would hypnotize the world entire to their ideology, hidden in fear, terror and insecurity.
Upon the stolen election, selection and ascension to the throne of a very useful puppet, a village idiot really, the architects of a catastrophic and catalyzing event set their machinations upon the halls of governance. They strategically placed and appointed themselves inside the most important offices of power, from the White House to the Department of State to the Pentagon, the easier to manipulate and control what was to come. Most importantly, they had the ear and mind of the emperor, an individual so weak-minded in character, so ignorant and incurious in intelligence, so insecure in psychology and corrupt in being that they would be able to implement their vision without hindrance, without accountability.
When that fateful day arrived, shocking and awing the people of the world, burying America under clouds of pulverized concrete, furniture, equipment, wires, asbestos and human remains, filling our streets with toxins and poison, entrancing millions through horrors never before seen, civilization as had existed before was altered. In the days that followed nobody could have envisioned what was to come, what the new Pearl Harbor was designed to accomplish. The architects had destroyed 3,000 lives, and the World Trade Center, to achieve the catastrophic and catalyzing event they so desperately needed.
In the aftermath of demolished buildings and decimated lives, millions of Americans had their psychology altered, rewired and remolded as a result of watching mass murder taking place on the television monitor. Repeated countless times, the horrors of 9/11 were shown in a constant stream of terror, pounded into the American psyche like a nail being driven to the ground by a hammer. The psychological war upon the populace had commenced; the incessant saturation into the airwaves of propaganda and manipulation had begun.
The American people, most still shocked and awed, most engendering inside them insecurities and fears never before felt, were hypnotized by the clouds of 9/11, unable to question the government and corporate version of events. In time of great fear and terror, in time when most needed comfort and protection, the government was the one entity we could count on, the one entity we could place blind faith in. To hundreds of millions of Americans, the government, epitomized by the Bush administration, became security, protection and vengeance, truth, integrity and trust. In it we placed our lives, our futures, and our complete faith. Psychologically traumatized, our minds torn to pieces by horrors unleashed inside our shores, truth became whatever government told us; reality became anything the corporatist media aired.
Yet inside government, inside the corporatist world, higher and higher levels of greed began to manifest themselves. The military-industrial energy complex (MIEC) smelled blood in the Middle East, with billions of dollars in profits awaiting those who profit in death and destruction, those who manufacture and market the machines and weapons of human wickedness. Hypnotized by the Almighty Dollar and by the pursuit of power and control the MIEC has destroyed Iraq, its infrastructure and its society so that it can later claim it rebuilt it, so that it can have an excuse for pillaging over a trillion dollars from the American taxpayer. For these conglomerates and their directors, war is their lifeline, their livelihood, their manna from heaven; living well from the killing of human beings. To the MIEC, human blood is the oil that greases its assembly lines and feeds its bank accounts. It is the reason war is fought.
Thanks to the present wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, hundreds of billions of dollars have been pillaged from America’s treasury, in essence shifted away from the People and towards the pockets of the MIEC. Today, the MIEC’s power is astounding and absolute. It has become a war machine; its funding grows exponentially. It owns and controls the Pentagon and the military, the White House and the Presidency.
For the energy giants, those in bed with the White House, billions of dollars in profits awaited them, for global insecurity and conflict, especially in regions vital and strategic to American and British petroleum interests, are the golden chalice from which they drink from. To the corporatist world, war is the instrument by which the oasis of the Almighty Dollar flourishes. To them, war is a necessity, much like the oxygen we breathe and the food we eat. To the energy conglomerates, the aspirations of empire are the means by which to conquer, exploit and pillage enormous reserves of third-world oil. To them, empire is synonymous with the control of the world’s energy supplies, which is about as powerful as an entity can get. To these corporatists, black gold is green dollar. Through control of all aspects of Middle East oil, rivals and friendly governments alike must bow down in obedience and kiss the imperial ring.
Not to be outdone, greed became a pervasive symptom to the neocon vultures nesting in the highest echelons of governance, as well as the myriad number of neocon stenographers entrenched in America’s corporatist media. Most of them long-standing members of PNAC, most fervent and staunch defenders of Israel, with most holding dual citizenship, most rabidly pro-Zionist, possessing strong connections with the Israeli right wing Likud political party, most espousing the principles of AIPAC, the neocons wanted nothing better than to invade several Middle East nations, both for the imperial aspirations of America and, most importantly, for the short-term protection of their mother-country, Israel. After 9/11 both the neocons in government and those in the corporatist media galvanized their energy and power in pursuit of preemptive wars of aggression against several Middle East nations, including Iraq, Iran and Syria.
The greed of the architects of 9/11 became so endemic, so pervasive, the longer their blueprint to their Machiavellian plans was used, the more billions of dollars their thieving pockets collected, that mistakes became as common as their lies. Once they acquired billions, they wanted billions more, unable to control their vices and their addictions. Their greed angered and upset citizens, causing a thirst for knowledge about corruptions and crimes. Their arrogance became so self-defeating the more they were enamored by the new Pearl Harbor they had masterfully pulled off that they began overreaching, demanding policies unpopular and corrupted, manufacturing ceaseless lies in their media, thinking themselves masters of reality and destiny. The longer their reign lasted, basking in the aura of grandeur, the greedier their kind got, the more lies they told.
Such was their arrogance that they blatantly lied – almost without caring if they got caught – an entire nation into a war of choice. Thinking themselves masters of reality, they attempted to cajole hundreds of millions into an illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq by creating reality itself, as if the world would never realize the lies and manipulations. Using the scars of 9/11 against the people, they concocted lies and deceptions and manufactured propaganda to push the nation to war. This grand lie, a noble lie as they would label it, was the beginning of the end for the architects of 9/11, for in this purposeful deception, based on lies stacked upon more lies, millions of individuals became aware that if a government could lie a nation to war, it could lie to a nation about anything. When one lie was destroyed, another would take its place, until an avalanche of lies covered an entire mountain of reality. The lying became so endemic, so obvious, that millions began suspecting that lies were being told about more than the Iraq war.
The debacle in Iraq accelerated the awakening of millions more whose discontent at a war destined to be lost the moment it was begun continued to grow. The Iraqi resistance, comprised of average citizens, became in short-time an army of freedom fighters whose purpose was to rid their lands and cities of the occupying power. Slowly, yet surely, they have bled the great American military in a classic case study in guerilla warfare.
Because of the sheer ignorance and idiotic incompetence of the neocon armchair warriors who could plan new Pearl Harbors but not invasions and occupations of ancient lands, the Iraqi resistance brought about the debacle and quagmire that exists today. Without their efforts, the delusional neocon plan of attacking Iran, Syria and other nations has been trapped in the sand. Regrettably, without the loss of American blood in Iraqi soils and without the readily apparent defeat of America’s military industrial complex in Mesopotamia, the American people would never have turned against the war.
Without defeat and debacle, without having won the battles but lost the war, the American people would never have seen the litany of lies, the greed of the MIEC, the ideology of the neocons. Had victory been achieved in Iraq, parades and confetti would have been seen, celebrations would have been glamorized and propaganda would have successfully covered up the lies and the pillaging of our treasure. In defeat, Americans have been allowed to see the countless lies and the incomprehensible corruption and the incompetent cover-up of a lost war. We have been allowed to experience the criminality and the incompetence. Victory, in the words of John F. Kennedy, “has a thousand fathers and defeat is but an orphan.”
A Movement Rises
As the clouds of 9/11lifted from our collective minds, evaporating with each new lie concocted by government or by those in power, as the healing of psyches intertwined with the passage of time, and as distance separated us from memories of collapsing towers, more and more people throughout the world began to wake from their slumber, as if the war crimes and the torture and the rendition and the mass murder and the dehumanization of Iraqis possessed strong and odorous smelling salts. With the discovery of what the government was doing to our civil rights and freedoms and liberties, to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, more and more citizens began snapping out of the hypnotized state fear and terror had insulated them with. Soon millions of Americans were once again questioning their government, questioning authority.
What began as a small trickle of individuals who always suspected government complicity in the attacks of 9/11 soon began to mutate into ever larger groups of truth seekers, people who used the Internet to research what seemed almost impossible to believe. Millions of Americans that had escaped the echoing sirens and colors of alarm and fear and insecurity spawned by 9/11 began to take notice of a perpetual stream of government lies and propaganda and mass manipulations. The government they thought could not and would never lie to them suddenly became a pathological liar, manipulating wounded psychologies using fear and terror. Through the Internet the truths of reality became apparent, escaping the veil of fiction for too long prevalent in the corporatist media. It soon became apparent that the government of fantasy was not that of reality.
The events of 9/11, after the period of shock and awe faded away, and combined with the blatant crimes, corruption and abuse of power of all branches of government, became like a giant clap of thunder to millions of Americans, its resounding noise reverberating throughout body, mind and spirit, its stalwart force waking slumbering automatons up and rupturing a fissure from where truth could enter and fiction escape. History will one day recognize 9/11 as the catastrophic event that had the unintended consequence of snapping back to life a population that had for too long been sleepwalking through life, its collective brain catatonic, flat-lining to the whims of distraction, propaganda and corporate infotainment.
The new Pearl Harbor was such a horrific event, of such profound importance and mind-changing dimensions for the American people, and its lies and deceptions so obvious and apparent, that its criminality has completely transformed the views and beliefs of millions of Americans. For too long insulated by friendly shores, for too long captured in a bubble of fiction and fantasy by corporatist media, for too long innocent and naïve and unaware of what was done to the world in our name, Americans have now been attacked with an event that has shaken the foundations of belief and thought. To millions of Americans, the brainwash education of youth, where black is white and grey does not exist and where good always triumphs over bad and where America is always good has been eroded.
The shroud blinding us to America’s imperial crimes throughout the world, and throughout her short history, is coming undone the more Americans discover what has been hidden from us. Together with the advent of the Internet, 9/11 has catalyzed millions of individuals to research truth too long coded in mirages and façades. No longer dependent on corporatist media for information and reality, those seeking truth can see the what globalization really is, namely the exploitation by developed nations of labor and consumer from the third world along with the pillage of third world resources and wealth. This curiosity of the American mind has led millions to understand 9/11 in a new light, seeing that the American empire, already possessing much of the globe through its control of puppets and proctors, through its control of the World Bank, IMF and WTO, and in competition from growing rivals, needed the means by which to lay claim to and control of billions of gallons of Middle East oil. He who controls the oil controls the world, after all.
Possessing both an economy and a standard of living that is not sustainable in the long run, that is, in fact, based on perpetual and excessive consumption and production, demanding higher levels of production every year, the MIEC and corporatist elite understand that in order to maintain the McMansion and gas-guzzling SUV lifestyle, full of toys and gadgets, full of overabundance and materialism, gluttony and greed, the American empire must be maintained and even expanded. The people residing inside the empire must always retain the comfort and lifestyle they at present possess, lest they begin rise in anger at dwindling standards of living. The control and acquisition of oil, and thus the events of 9/11, thus take on new meaning. Imperial hegemony in the 21st century, in a civilization dependent on petroleum, has as its basis the control of the remaining fields of oil. Like it or not, a major reason 9/11 occurred is our unsustainable and uncompromising standards of living, our insatiable greed and materialism.
This reality the growing movement must realize, for to understand 9/11, and therefore to defeat it, we must know its architects. We must know and understand our way of life, our gluttonous consumption patterns and our love of materialist goods. If this movement wants to change the present course of America, we must change ourselves, our ways of life, our society and our conditioning as producers and consumers. We must stop being cogs in the system and start clogging the system, as always understanding that the system will not be easy to defeat because of its genius, namely, using our own vices against us, controlling us through our own behaviors and psychology. The system thrives because of our inability to control our instincts, our animal society, and our primitive urges. It feeds off our pleasures and our addictions, our likes and wants, demanding we feed it through our growing greed and selfishness. This the movement needs to remedy.
As the days and months turned into years, as fear and terror and insecurity dwindled in the collective mind of the American populace, and as 9/11 becomes easier to bear and deal with again, its toxic memories now stored and faded, millions of people are starting to investigate the events of the new Pearl Harbor on their own, using the great tools of the Internet to search for truth. For this movement, more than any other that has ever risen, has the devastating weapon of knowledge at our disposal. At no other time has the collective brain and intelligence of humanity been allowed to unite and join forces. At no time in history have millions of talented minds been allowed to see each other’s views, beliefs, research and investigations. The Internet has become the movement’s consciousness, the tool that has been and continues to wake millions of minds to the realities of present day America.
Without the Internet, the movement would have a very difficult time getting off the ground. Indeed, there would be no movement that continues to grow today without the Internet. It has been our great emancipator, our freedom fighter, our battle field, freeing us from the shackles of corporatist fiction and the dungeons of ignorance, allowing us to see light where only darkness once thrived. What the printing press did to humankind the Internet has surpassed tenfold, creating out of nothing entire communities with common thought and purpose. In their now extinct mindset, the architects of 9/11 never counted on the power of the people through the power of the Internet. All that would have been hidden in years past comes into existence on the Internet, allowing us to see, at our convenience, perfect controlled demolitions. We can read and study evidence, research and opinions. We can, at the click of the mouse, educate ourselves about an entire catastrophic and catalyzing day back in 2001.
Combining the Great Emancipator with the collective brainpower of humankind, guided by millions of eyes and hands, the movement will continue to grow in force, becoming the tremor being felt underneath Washington. What the anti-war movement could not achieve after the Vietnam War, with its millions of peace loving hippies promising to change the world, the Truth Movement will accomplish. We have no choice, for to fail is to regurgitate Vietnam, Iraq and more 9/11s into the mouths of our progeny.
It must be remembered that as valiant, powerful and as wonderful as the Vietnam War movement was, the system was invariably not altered or abolished. Rather, it grew stronger. The system outlived the movement, it outlived the peace and love and anti-war generation. In fact, it gobbled that generation up, eating up millions of individuals who had promised a better world, a more just society. Millions of so-called hippies became but cogs in the system, turning free thinking minds into the automatons of the corporatist world. Many sold out once cherished principles to the pursuit of wealth and power and material goods, becoming compliant and obedient members of the system they once despised. Today, many of these free love, communal rights followers are proud owners of McMansions, SUVs and a growing treasure chest of debt.
The power of the system and that of its masters cannot be underestimated, for it will erode beliefs and opinions and the constructs of the movement itself. Simply learn from the hippie generation. The system ran over them like road kill, as if the movement never existed. After Vietnam, it never skipped a beat, gaining power, enriching the system further, corrupting the nation once again, and setting up the blueprints for the continuing and perpetual war against the American people. Today, the corporate world has full power and control over the state and through the state, full control and power over the People. Many who lived and experienced the late 60’s and early 70’s never thought they would see another Vietnam, yet here we are, once again. They thought they would never see the monolithic corruption of those in power, yet here we are, once again. They thought the military industrial energy complex would finally meet the justice and accountability it deserves, yet here we are, once again, its power over us greater than ever, its ability to dictate war and profit mightily from it remains undisturbed.
The more things change, the more things stay the same and, as can be seen with the Vietnam example, there will always be a group, a cabal of criminality, that will run amok of human standards of decency, always eager to concoct wars and wage battles, either for ideology, for profit, for power, or for all three combined. Under the system, there will always be warmongers, and by consequence, war.
The Cold War was an excuse to control the populace through fear and insecurity, using the dreaded Communist as enemy extraordinaire. Through this ploy, the elite and the MIEC grew tremendously wealthy. The same Cold War tactics are being used again, though this time the enemy has no nation, no flag, no face. This time the dreaded enemy of America is ambiguous and even deadlier, a dark-skinned evildoer that terrorizes minds, lurks in closets and can attack at any moment. This enemy, of course, hates America for its freedoms, for its rights, for its way of life.
Nobody ever said the elite and the MIEC do not evolve better systems of control with the passage of time. Nobody ever said they were not intelligent at marketing fear and terror and insecurity, the better to do as they please with America, and the world.
The Ripple of Momentum
The system will always face challenges, like the Vietnam anti-war movement, just as it will always produce neocons and their kind. The neocons are nothing new, or different, simply a new generation of warmongers and delusional Machiavellians, eager to plunge the world in war and eager, as always to decimate democracy at home and hundreds of thousands of lives abroad. The system has not remained in power decade after decade for being nice and honorable; indeed, it is ruthless, murderous, tyrannical and wicked. It will fight tooth and nail to retain its preferred imbalance, for its lifeline is a system that grants much to the few and little to the many. It feeds off exploitation of human flesh, the destruction of the planet. It will destroy the movement if the movement touches off a raw nerve. The system has the power of the state, of the military, of the police force, of the intelligence infrastructure. It has the power of unlimited financing, the power over the ignorant, the army of good Americans.
To fight the system the movement must rely on the one thing it has a comparative advantage in, namely, truth and power of the people. It must rely on the anger over what was done on 9/11, the resentment of people fed up with the system itself. It must strike like a virus, attacking from within the corporatist world, using the power of individuals that work or reside within to destroy the system from inside, much like cancer does to the human body. It must spread knowledge and truth, it must demand change, it must protest in public, building empathy in and for the movement, not fear or animosity. It must control the channels of knowledge and information, through education of the masses first, dissemination of information, awareness, raising anger and animosity for what was done to 3,000 innocent men and women within our shores, what was done to 3,200 of our bravest in Iraq and Afghanistan, and what is being done to thousands of New Yorkers whose labored breath and sickened bodies are the reward and thanks from the system for being First Responders. The death of one million Iraqis and the displacement from their homes of two million more needs to see light of day as well, for this is what the system has imported into Iraq.
The movement is growing, and will continue to do so, for truth is universal. Indeed, the 9/11 Truth Movement is not an American monopoly, it is a human monopoly. Movements are sprouting like wildfires through all corners of the globe, just as they are in America. The system is a global emperor, affecting every inch of the planet. Perhaps for this reason we are joined in solidarity with those from other nations, for they know, better than we, what it is like to be at the bottom of the American stomping boot. It is they, because they can escape the filter of propaganda and lies we are subjected to by the corporatist media, that know reality better than us. It is they, more than us, that understand a system that destroys human beings, body, mind and soul, eroding the fabric of humanity by the laborious shedding of blood, sweat and tears. It is they, more than us, that understand that 9/11 and its architects has everything to do with imperial aspirations and control over the world’s population. They are our brothers and sisters in arms, and they should be welcomed with open palms.
This movement is a truth movement, yet it is a movement to change the system that has for too long dominated human society. This movement has uncovered the truth, yet it must also alter or abolish the system itself. For what good does knowing the truth do if the same system that created 9/11 is allowed to once again roam freely in power and control? If the system is not changed, if it does not evolve, we the People will see many more 9/11’s, many on a grander scale, many created for one purpose: control. This movement is a movement to build solidarity among the People, to build constructs of knowledge and create a system beneficial to all, not just the few elite.
This movement should send shockwaves of fear and insecurity into the nervous system in Washington, a bastion of corporatist thought, where only the concerns of the corporation get heard. It should inflict panic in the minds of our so-called leaders, both Democratic and Republican politicians, one only slightly less corrupt than the other, whose only purpose in life is lying and cheating and cajoling their way through life, caring not one ounce for their constituents, caring only for themselves and their ever-growing bank accounts. This movement can and should change the system hijacking America in Washington, of corruption and criminality and perpetual dishonesty. We should make clear that one should not be born in wealth in order to become a Washington politician. Our movement should strive to take back America and the world away from our corporate masters, that Leviathan of exploitation, returning it to humanity, finally placing people over profit.
As this movement grows and gains strength, as it gains wisdom and experience, as it combines its many groups into one collective whole, exposing the world entire to the crimes done the American people on 9/11, those in Washington who have ignored our call for democracy and restoration of the Constitution, those who refuse to listen to our calls asking to end the illegal war in Iraq, and those whose pockets are lined with the Almighty Dollars provided by the corporate world will tremble in fear of the approaching storm, shocked and awed by a mass tide of angry Americans demanding justice and truth. They will be unable to protect each other through fictional investigations and farcical hearings. They will not be allowed to whitewash reality and the truth. It will be our right, enumerated to the People, as written in the Constitution itself, to alter or abolish government if it has stopped functioning as a servant to the People. For contrary to belief, we are its Masters, not its Slaves.
What started as a ripple has turned into a massive tidal wave, heading not towards any shore or village, but straight to Washington. We are many, though still young, in a short time, millions more will join, for truth cannot be hidden for long. The events of 9/11 have indeed become a catalyzing event that is transforming America, though not the way its architects envisioned. It has made us aware, knowledgeable, and angry, it has created a deep tremor that everyday inches closer to the surface. Through demolished towers and ash filled clouds the many have woken up, awake from our slumber, slowly, but surely, destroying the brainwashing and propaganda and control we have been bombarded with all our lives. We are seeing the light, many for the first time, of madness and malevolence and great degrees of human wickedness. The Great American Catalyzing Event has arrived, not with a whimper or in silence, but with the growing momentum from which great movements are born.
It has taken several years, and it might take several more, yet The Great American Catalyzing Event has indeed sprung life back to the People. We have woken from dark days and darker nights. We are tired of the lies, of the gatekeepers, of the corporatist media, politicians and the elite. We have had enough of the system that controls us. We have had enough killing, murdering and war. We are through with warmongers, war profiteers and corrupt, immoral leaders. We seek justice, more equality and, above all, truth. The Great American Catalyzing Event has woken a sleeping giant, tens of millions strong, our communal brain using the talents and abilities and potential of people everywhere.
Though we do not have the power of the system, we are the sparkplugs in it, living inside it, working under it, understanding its prowess, its abilities, its weaknesses and its vulnerabilities. We are engineers, actors, directors, scientists, students, teachers, writers, technicians, doctors, lawyers, information technology experts, drivers, truckers, nurses, garbage collectors, activists, janitors, housewives, executives and gardeners. We are America. We are the World. We are the many, the masses, the salt of the earth, the cogs making the system run, yet also the cogs that can make it stall. We must use our collective talents and abilities to build a better Movement, using our skills to best curtail the power of the system.
The law of unintended consequences has introduced the 9/11 Truth Movement to the World, thanks to The Great American Catalyzing Event, that new Pearl Harbor the architects of mass murder spawned. We did not start this war upon the American People, upon the Iraqi People, upon Muslim People. But we are going to try our hardest to end it. The Movement grows, and with it so too does courage, and bravery and the uncompromising belief that the mass of humanity is worth more than the individual self. This Movement shall take us forward, into new enlightenments, into new rebirths, into an inherited world for our children free of the demons afflicting us today. Yesteryear’s mass movements grew in time and space, in patience and understanding, in having the support of the masses. They achieved their goals because from a single ripple a massive tidal wave rose, bringing truth to power and power to the People.
Let us become the giant wave that will inevitably come crashing down upon the shores of the system and the people that hold its levers. Let us change, alter or abolish the system, let us return and restore the nation to the People, let us finally, and emphatically, join hands in unison in pursuit of a better tomorrow, using strength in numbers to defeat strength through wealth. We did not choose this upon ourselves, yet we have chosen to carry the torch of those that have come before, brothers and sisters in struggle, guided by their strength and bravery and conviction, in time passing a flaming and energized torch to a new generation that will one day recognize the patriots of early 21st century America for the sacrifice and courage they exhibited and the enormous contribution they made to humankind.
Let the awakening continue.
Manuel Valenzuela is a social critic and commentator, international affairs analyst and Internet essayist. His articles as well as his archive can be found at his blog,



Manuel Valenzuela
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