Corruption by Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank
13.04.2007 11:05
"Recognizing that any program to assist in controlling corruption worldwide
needs to start with the example of best practices at home, the Bank has taken
initiatives to stamp out conflicts of interest and any possible corrupt
practices among its own staff."
from World Bank site here:,,contentMDK:20040922~menuPK:34480~pagePK:34370~theSitePK:4607,00.html
And yet...
"The executive board of the World Bank has said it did not approve a hefty pay rise ordered by its president Paul Wolfowitz for his partner.
Mr Wolfowitz has faced calls to resign after admitting he helped his partner Shaha Riza win a promotion to a high-paying job at the World Bank."
needs to start with the example of best practices at home, the Bank has taken
initiatives to stamp out conflicts of interest and any possible corrupt
practices among its own staff."
from World Bank site here:,,contentMDK:20040922~menuPK:34480~pagePK:34370~theSitePK:4607,00.html
And yet...
"The executive board of the World Bank has said it did not approve a hefty pay rise ordered by its president Paul Wolfowitz for his partner.
Mr Wolfowitz has faced calls to resign after admitting he helped his partner Shaha Riza win a promotion to a high-paying job at the World Bank."
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See who else his lover worked for
13.04.2007 11:38
"Science Applications International Corporation
SAIC, awarded control of the Iraqi Media Network, was not able to spin US propaganda in Iraq and ended up being forced to withdraw. But their financial prospects remain solid as supplier of surveillance technology to US spy agencies."
Man of the Year
13.04.2007 22:22
The Jerusalem Post
Sign to fire Wolfowitz
13.04.2007 22:43
If you don't know why you ought to see
No FT, no comment
13.04.2007 23:19
"Should Paul Wolfowitz leave the World Bank? The answer to that question is “yes”. Will Mr Wolfowitz leave the World Bank? The answer to that question is murkier. The US put Mr Wolfowitz in his job and the US will decide whether he is to stay. George W. Bush will hate to abandon a loyal henchman. He should do so, none the less. It would be absurd to leave the decision to the bank’s executive directors. True, they promised yesterday to “move expeditiously to reach a conclusion on possible actions to take”. If the board did indeed exercise effective oversight, it would be welcome. But it would also be most surprising. These mid-level bureaucrats are not going to reach such a decision on their own. In practice, national capitals will make the choice, unless Mr Wolfowitz himself takes it out of their hands. The US will be decisive: it is the bank’s largest shareholder; it has always appointed the bank’s president; and the president himself chose Mr Wolfowitz. Who would want to take the US on if it decided to defend Mr Wolfowitz to the bitter end? " Unabridged (v 1.1)
1. an unscrupulous and ruthless subordinate, esp. a criminal: The leader of the gang went everywhere accompanied by his henchmen.
2. an unscrupulous supporter or adherent of a political figure or cause, esp. one motivated by the hope of personal gain: Hitler and his henchmen.