Nottingham Spring into Action :: Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station 3
Tash [alan lodge] | 11.04.2007 01:13 | Climate Chaos
Plant Operations:
As part of the Nottingham 'Spring into Action' week of events, folks gathered to take action against one of the countries largest coal-fired power stations.
As part of the Nottingham 'Spring into Action' week of events, folks gathered to take action against one of the countries largest coal-fired power stations.
Nottingham Spring into Action :: Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station 3
Plant Operations:
As part of the Nottingham 'Spring into Action' week of events, folks gathered to take action against one of the countries largest coal-fired power stations.
Ratcliffe-on-Soar is located a few miles south of Nottingham on the A453, just short of the M1, on the River Trent
11 people had 'locked on' to dumper trucks and the convear belts, feeding coal to the installation. This of course, caused major disruption to the plant operations for some hours, before they were cut out, and thus arrested. It is believed that they were taken to Nottingham for further questioning.
Many others gathered at the main gate in support of the action there, and kept a presence for much of the day.
Much press interest in the events, and was thus provided a great opportunity for those there, to explain their concern about climate change, and the inadequate response of governments, companies and individuals.
Press Release: Climate change activists target power station
Eastside Climate Action
Press Contact: Eleanor Fairbrother, tel: 07880937511
Nottingham, 10th April 2007
Climate change activists target power station
Today a group of people inspired by the Camp for Climate Action have disrupted the operation of Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal-fired power station by locking themselves to machinery. Direct Action was taken to target the 3rd largest source of carbon dioxide emissions in the UK.
One of the group said “the threat of climate change is so huge and the government so complacent that the people themselves are now acting in proportionate response to this and targeting the root causes of climate change. It's not enough to reduce emissions individually – we need to act together to challenge fossil fuel consumption.”
“Putting pressure on individuals to reduce emissions when companies like E.ON are profiting from this polluting industry is obscene and irresponsible. We should not be burning coal in the 21st century”.
For more information, please contact our press officer: Eleanor Fairbrother, tel: 07880937511
Notes to Journalists: Previous press releases:
Thu 5th - Wed 11th Apr, Spring into Action - A week of workshops, events, music and action on climate change happening at different venues across Nottingham. It is expected that within this period, there will be some workdays, were you will be able to turn up,and get involved in helping build the project Spring Into Action - A week of events on Climate Change, happening in Nottingham Thursday 5th - Wednesday 11th April 2007.
This is the 'full' Programme of Events, with dates, time, locations ..... and everything
Please check Nottinghamshire Indymedia on the 'Events' column [left hard side] for details of what when, how and where, nearer the time.
A week of workshops, events, music and action on climate change happening at different venues across Nottingham.
Climate change is real and its happening now. Governments and corporations dream of continued economic growth - economic growth can't solve this crisis, but we can. A massive and concerted effort is needed on the scale of 'Dig for Victory' or the 'Home Front': A war on climate change.
We can't continue our current way of life - the oil on which it all depends is running out too fast. A shift to a locally based economy will have to happen, with food and energy being produced by the people that use it. The only question is when? We could start now, or we could wait for a future of war, famine, hurricanes, droughts and floods. We need to gain the courage and change fast enough to cultivate a new world, before it's too late.
'Spring into Action' is part of an emerging grassroots movement against climate change. Born out of the Camp for Climate Action (, 'Spring into Action'unites people across the east of England into making changes in our own lives, creating small scale solutions in our communities and resisting those who still seek their own short term gain over a safe future for us all.
So get involved, come join a workshop or run one yourself, come and help organise the change that you want to experience in our world.
See also:
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
OS Grid Ref: SK 575414 - Lat/Lon: 52:58:03N, 1:08:38W
Plant Operations:
As part of the Nottingham 'Spring into Action' week of events, folks gathered to take action against one of the countries largest coal-fired power stations.
Ratcliffe-on-Soar is located a few miles south of Nottingham on the A453, just short of the M1, on the River Trent
11 people had 'locked on' to dumper trucks and the convear belts, feeding coal to the installation. This of course, caused major disruption to the plant operations for some hours, before they were cut out, and thus arrested. It is believed that they were taken to Nottingham for further questioning.
Many others gathered at the main gate in support of the action there, and kept a presence for much of the day.
Much press interest in the events, and was thus provided a great opportunity for those there, to explain their concern about climate change, and the inadequate response of governments, companies and individuals.
Press Release: Climate change activists target power station
Eastside Climate Action
Press Contact: Eleanor Fairbrother, tel: 07880937511


Nottingham, 10th April 2007
Climate change activists target power station
Today a group of people inspired by the Camp for Climate Action have disrupted the operation of Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal-fired power station by locking themselves to machinery. Direct Action was taken to target the 3rd largest source of carbon dioxide emissions in the UK.
One of the group said “the threat of climate change is so huge and the government so complacent that the people themselves are now acting in proportionate response to this and targeting the root causes of climate change. It's not enough to reduce emissions individually – we need to act together to challenge fossil fuel consumption.”
“Putting pressure on individuals to reduce emissions when companies like E.ON are profiting from this polluting industry is obscene and irresponsible. We should not be burning coal in the 21st century”.
For more information, please contact our press officer: Eleanor Fairbrother, tel: 07880937511


Notes to Journalists: Previous press releases:


Thu 5th - Wed 11th Apr, Spring into Action - A week of workshops, events, music and action on climate change happening at different venues across Nottingham. It is expected that within this period, there will be some workdays, were you will be able to turn up,and get involved in helping build the project Spring Into Action - A week of events on Climate Change, happening in Nottingham Thursday 5th - Wednesday 11th April 2007.
This is the 'full' Programme of Events, with dates, time, locations ..... and everything

Please check Nottinghamshire Indymedia on the 'Events' column [left hard side] for details of what when, how and where, nearer the time.
A week of workshops, events, music and action on climate change happening at different venues across Nottingham.
Climate change is real and its happening now. Governments and corporations dream of continued economic growth - economic growth can't solve this crisis, but we can. A massive and concerted effort is needed on the scale of 'Dig for Victory' or the 'Home Front': A war on climate change.
We can't continue our current way of life - the oil on which it all depends is running out too fast. A shift to a locally based economy will have to happen, with food and energy being produced by the people that use it. The only question is when? We could start now, or we could wait for a future of war, famine, hurricanes, droughts and floods. We need to gain the courage and change fast enough to cultivate a new world, before it's too late.
'Spring into Action' is part of an emerging grassroots movement against climate change. Born out of the Camp for Climate Action (, 'Spring into Action'unites people across the east of England into making changes in our own lives, creating small scale solutions in our communities and resisting those who still seek their own short term gain over a safe future for us all.
So get involved, come join a workshop or run one yourself, come and help organise the change that you want to experience in our world.
See also:

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK


Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
OS Grid Ref: SK 575414 - Lat/Lon: 52:58:03N, 1:08:38W
Tash [alan lodge]
Hide the following 3 comments
Nottinghamshire springs into action,e-on burns rainforests & council flunks
11.04.2007 07:45
Radcliffe is e-on=powergens "centre of innovation"a major polluter with coal coming from & China as well as "eco" palm kernels taken from the mass destruction of mature rainforests which absorb billions of tonnes more Co2 for so called "biofuels".
The Trent Valley has worst air quality in europe according to some scientific surveys, soot from the towers can be seen on surfaces of those living nearby.
The trains coming into radcliffe with coal are constant. This coal is dug out in v.poor working conditions from deep in the ground & transported half way around the world, where as iron ore for biopower generators comes out once & is reused.
Nottingham City Council have just pulled out from a major eco development on Victoria embankment & scaled it down. This is apperently due to negative feedback, but how did they do their consulation?.
This seemed like a token & flawed plan, puttting wind generators in the bottom of the trent valley.The Local community wasnt introduced to the project & its benefits.
Imagine a wind generator on the top of eastcroft & every tall building in Nottingham, like sneinton windmill its a beautiful view to the future from our heritage.
More proffessional wind/wave/solar/thermal/hydro/methane/bio power generators can be set up now in consultation with local communities & in harmony with the environment. This would create thousands of local jobs, all of them could be made here. Ground source thermal heating can completely heat most of our homes, by using heat from only 2 metres below the ground, the technology is unaffordable for most at moment, showing we need a major change in society as well as revolutions in science for many things to be made affordable & fair.Their greater efficiency though means the investment can be recouped in two to ten years & then its freeeee!
At moment workers cooperatives like V3power & Sustainability who helped put into action the brilliant spring into action lead the way & offer training & installation of viable cost effective wind & solar generators to domestic & commercial sectors.
You can also switch to Companies like ecotricity straight away seem geniunely envornmental for same price as the corporates, although there needs to be total worker control by consensus.
Amazing action, sorry couldnt be there,on bail & injured trying to stop bad gangs terrozing communities ,but police bosses are trying to frame me & other eco activists as terrorists for having basic self defence equipment like kubotans & batons, not when wandering street, but packed in 3 travel bags at a train station.
Good people in general aren't allowed to carry simple self defence tools, I successfully have stood upto knife gangs aping oil corporations by terrorizing & stealing from local communities. Sometimes they outnumber your average citizen who stands up, but when community feels empowered to back itself gangs can be stopped & turned around peacefully.
People need to be able to stand up & defend themselves, activists & anarchists do not support terrorism, we support self defence & decent laws far more than capitalists.
We don't want to fight the police, they are bizarrely ordered to stop us defending international law & human rights, our enemy is really theirs too, the corporate elite.
As things are going they really are trying to replace even foot soldiers with robots in Iraq.
Sometime in the near future this will be tried on the police too, extremely cancerous Tetra police radio's are only part of mad grip by the corporate oligarchs, they have been using cyrogenics to freeze their brains like daleks for decades,
pps can we have someone on amazingly brave lock on teams with a camera on the next action please, the media arent allowed through. The pic doesnt have to be of the people initially locking on, which the police would try & use in court against us
Robin Ludd
Well done.
11.04.2007 10:23
Re above post 'Nottingham City Council have just pulled out from a major eco development on Victoria embankment & scaled it down. This is apperently due to negative feedback, but how did they do their consulation?.
This seemed like a token & flawed plan, puttting wind generators in the bottom of the trent valley'....exactly right - the city council were planning to put a wind turbine at the bottom of the Trent Valley, it was a publicity stunt. Why don't they support wind power where a turbine is actually viable? I replied to the consultation and there were some good suggestions like turning one of the houses in the Meadows into an Eco-home (i.e not building MORE homes but showing others how old housing stock can become better insulated and take on practical energy saving measures and installing renewable energy devices.) Why have 10 million homes in the U.K got unfilled cavity walls?? Madness. Well at least we have a nice market square now, never mind statistics like that!
In June Newark and Sherwood Council will vote on Nottingham's first wind farm (5 2mw turbines)- which will provide electricity for 5,000 homes. The site is in Lindhurst (Rainworth) and will be situated between a very busy road and an industrial estate. Some of the site has already been compulsory purchased (unopposed) for extension to the business park yet a minority of small minded people have set up a nimby group who say a wind farm will ruin the landscape. In years to come the business park will probably take up the proposed site if the wind farm is not built by way of more compusory purchase.
Join 'The Sustainable Energy Alliance' and support renewables.
Bumble Bee
11.04.2007 12:39