The New Bristle - it's shit-brown (not pro-Brown)
Bristle collective | 10.04.2007 20:40 | Other Press
The Bristle collective are delighted to announce that issue 24 of our belligerent & bristling magazine has been published, and should be in the usual outlets by the end of this week.
We'll be celebrating publication by hosting the weekly vegan cafe at Kebele social centre ( on Sunday 15 April, from 6pm. At 7.30pm we'll be showing the excellent film "The day the country died - a history of anarcho-punk 1980-84" during which you can relive your youth, or find out what your parents were up to!
We'll be celebrating publication by hosting the weekly vegan cafe at Kebele social centre ( on Sunday 15 April, from 6pm. At 7.30pm we'll be showing the excellent film "The day the country died - a history of anarcho-punk 1980-84" during which you can relive your youth, or find out what your parents were up to!
Issue 24 comes in a shit-brown cover, because we have a shit government that continues to shit on us all whilst aiding & abetting the plunder of the planet. Our special feature this issue is on 10 years of New Labour – we look back to the 10 key pledges of their 1997 manifesto and see how they measure up, taking special note of their impact on Bristol.
In addition we’ve got Bristling in Bath, lactivism, a look at the Fairford trials farce, guns in Acadamies, the defence of green spaces, Bristol’s rising tide, news, comment, reviews, some dodgy humour, local political artwork, and even a t-shirt competition! In fact you even get an extra four pages for the usual price of £1.20.
Bristle is the south west’s longest running regular, independent, anti-capitalist, think-global-act-local media publication. We are a volunteer, non-hierarchical collective of activists who believe in the need for alternative print media – if you like it, come and get involved, we meet bi-weekly on Sundays at Kebele social centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, BS5 6JY.
Our website is being updated over the next few days with a list of outlets and other info – see
Thanks to all who helped with this issue.
Love & solidarity - the bristle collective
In addition we’ve got Bristling in Bath, lactivism, a look at the Fairford trials farce, guns in Acadamies, the defence of green spaces, Bristol’s rising tide, news, comment, reviews, some dodgy humour, local political artwork, and even a t-shirt competition! In fact you even get an extra four pages for the usual price of £1.20.
Bristle is the south west’s longest running regular, independent, anti-capitalist, think-global-act-local media publication. We are a volunteer, non-hierarchical collective of activists who believe in the need for alternative print media – if you like it, come and get involved, we meet bi-weekly on Sundays at Kebele social centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, BS5 6JY.
Our website is being updated over the next few days with a list of outlets and other info – see
Thanks to all who helped with this issue.
Love & solidarity - the bristle collective
Bristle collective
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the colour of shit
10.04.2007 22:25
And great colour scheme this issue. Cos it isn't just Brown, it's Des Browne. Maybe you don't know him but he is this weeks Defence Secretary. I think last weeks was some drunk press ganged from an East Kilbride pub called Ingrams. And the week before that it was some other shite, a NuLab blood-sucker lawyer called, actually what was he called -the guy with no reflection - Geoff who ? Geoff what ?
I remember a time when they couldn't staff the Northern Ireland office for more than a month, when that was the least desired cabinet office. Now it is ' if you are not careful then we'll send you to the MoD', the punishment posting. Cos you know at a time of war, it is important to show a consistent face to the enemy, those bastardin foriegners we hve to slap down every now and then. Don't blink or they will smell weakness. Name, rank and expected pay-out, that's al you tell 'em.
...Daft old Dessie Browne, he had ten thousand women and men,
He sold their stories to Rupert Murdoch, then he called them in again...
I'm not sure about my original, off the cuff analysis after watching the mainstream. I chose the word 'debacle' but they are going with 'fiasco'. I can't decide, maybe they are right this once. Maybe fiasco is a better word for the governments handling of this. Of course in the pubs it is just a balls up. Faye Turney on page three of the Sun today. I am a bit chufffed that I guessed that straight off. It was meant to be a joke though, I was embarrassed that I said it. She says she is giving some of her wealth to her ship. Good. Maybe the F99 can afford to employ a captain who isn't a treacherous political stooge.
Whenever the British/English Empire started we now have a firm end-date.