U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Belgium SWIFT Finance Fraud
Tony Ryals | 09.04.2007 18:35 | Analysis | Globalisation | World
Sam Fox would be an economic,political and social parasite by any other name but to place him as U.S. Ambassador to Belgium after the W Bush Regime's SWIFT financial spying scandal by ex Treasury Secretary John Snow and the U.S. CIA in Belgium is a lot like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop.
US. Ambassador Sam Fox,Israel's Sharon,Olmert, Leumi Bank,SWIFT Belgium,Bawag Bank Austria and Securities Fraud
Tony Ryals
U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium SWIFT Finance Fraud
Sam Fox would be an economic,political and social parasite by any other name but to place him as U.S. Ambassador to Belgium after the W Bush Regime's SWIFT financial spying scandal by ex Treasury Secretary John Snow and the U.S. CIA in Belgium is a lot like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop.
Brussels,Belgium:W Bush Appoints Sam 'Swift Boat' fraud sam fox to spy on SWIFT Financial Transactions ?
Sam Fox, a Republican fundraiser from Missouri, was named Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenifotentiary of the United States of America to Belgium on April 4, 2007, by President George W. Bush in a recess appointment, "a maneuver that allowed him to bypass Congress, where Democrats had derailed Fox's nomination." [1]
On December 4, 2006, Fox was nominated to the post by President Bush, but on March 28, 2007, Bush withdrew Fox's nomination after Democrats complained about Fox's donation to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, "a group that questioned Sen. John Kerry's war record during the 2004 presidential campaign."
In late 2004, Fox "gave $50,000 to no less solid citizens than the Swift Boat Liars who made it their mission to discredit a highly-decorated Vietnam Veteran in John Kerry," Bob Geiger wrote February 27, 2007.
At the time of his nomination, Fox, who founded the company, was serving as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Harbour Group. [2][3]
According to WhiteHouseForSale.org, Fox is "a Bush Ranger, responsible for millions of dollars of donations to both the Bush/Cheney campaigns and the Republican Party. He's also a charter member of the Libby Defense Fund. In other words, this guy is neck deep in the Bush/Cheney circles," Nicolle Bell wrote February 27, 2007, for Crooks and Liars.
In the 2000 election cycle, Fox, "the top individual donor to the Republican Party, ... is the ultimate
'Republican Regent,' the elite group of donors who gave $250,000 or more to the GOP." [4]
"Fox chairs the national Republican Jewish Coalition. He and Pioneer coalition members Ned Siegel and Fred Zeidman accompanied House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on his 2003 trip to Israel. Harbour Group companies received $3.3 million in federal contracts in fiscal 2002. Sam Fox’s sons Jeffrey Fox and Gregory Fox are Bush Pioneers and Harbour executives." [5]
Sam Fox - Payola
Sam Fox is another Ranger father of two Ranger sons. The Fox family's Harbour Group specializes in takeovers of manufacturing companies and has major investments in China. Sam Fox ironically told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that he got involved in politics in the 1980s out of concern over the huge federal deficit. He was among 22 wealthy business leaders whom the president, who calls this donor "Foxie," invited to a 2001 lunch to discuss tax cuts for the rich.
Ex Treasury Secretary John Snow did very well for himself when W Bush appointed him and the CIA to a position in Belgium,not as Ambassador but as overseer of all international financial and stock transactions through SWIFT of Brussels,Belgium.Ex Treasury Secretary John Snow was even able to buy himself a bank in the EU after his spying on 'terrorists' who use the Brussels SWIFT office for all their transactions. Unfortunately we little people are not told just what terrorists were caught by Bush Regime's spying on international financial transactions but we are able to see for ourselves how one of the most infamous EU banks,Bawag Bank of Austria,used for many years for U.S. penny stock scams and probable money laundering,was purchased by John Snow, et.al.'s military-industrial 'hedge fund' Cerberus.
CIA has access to Swiss transactions
US Treasury Secretary John Snow defended the secret programme, carried out by the CIA and the Treasury, calling it "government at its best" and a valuable aid for fighting terrorism.
Snow confirmed that since just after the attacks on September 11 2001, the Treasury had been tapping into records of the Belgium-based Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (Swift) for evidence of potential activity by terror groups.
"The legal basis for this subpoena is routine and absolutely clear," Treasury Under Secretary Stuart Levey told a hastily called news conference, adding that it was "a grave loss" that the surveillance programme had been revealed but indicated that it would continue.
Swift is a cooperative owned by the 7,800 financial institutions in more than 200 countries that use it. Its headquarters are in Brussels.
U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox,Israel's Sharon,Olmert, Leumi Bank,SWIFT Belgium,Bawag Bank Austria and Securities Fraud
Sam Fox would be an economic,political and social parasite by any other name but to place him as U.S. Ambassador to Belgium after the W Bush Regime's SWIFT financial spying scandal by ex Treasury Secretary John Snow and the U.S. CIA in Belgium is a lot like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop.
I guess this far right Republican Jewish Coalition Chairman is not related to Vicente Fox former President of Coca-Cola in Mexico and the Mexican state Presidency, ,but they are one in the same in the sense of a far right international criminal organization often seeming to be united or organized through U.S. government 'intelligence' organizations often connected to the U.S. Republican Party itself !
The fact that a Republican and Tom DeLay endorsed penny stock company, Skyway Communications, had its plane confiscated in April 2006 by the Mexican army in Campeche, Mexico with over 5.5 tons of cocaine on board and the Mexican government never pressured for justice and that CEO Brent Kovar and his dad with White House and 'national security' connections and Israeli-American Miami attorney Michael Farkas and their far right Middle Eastern investors including Al Ali Al Sabah of Kuwait royalty and head of their National Guard were never even questioned here or in Mexico is AN OUTRAGEOUS COVERUP.
Even Israeli President Moshe Katsav has been bribed or corrupted with U.S. penny stocks though his involvement with British-Israeli Michael Zwebner and his 'UCSY' or Universal Communications Systems of Miami that claims to make a machine to get water from the air and false claims of having manufactured them for tsunami victims,U.S. Coaltion in Iraq and the Israeli army is outrageous! And in being connected to UCSY and even claiming that he drank the water from Zwebner's 'air-water machine' in a 2004 press release Isreali President Katsav is connected to Mohamed Hadid of Islamic charity money laundering operations out of Herndon,Virginia !
But of course a member of Kuwait's Al Sabah family was also on the board of another U.S. penny stock company called Securacom with W Bush brother Marvin Bush that had contracts to guard both the WTC and Dulles airport that both played a role and were very insecure on 911.This sleezy Kuwait-American or Bush-Al Sabah penny stock company that also sold worthless shares to the public just like W Bush's old Harken Energy scandal even got a contract to guard U.S. nuclear center of Los Alamos,New Mexico !
Likewise the coverup of Bawag Bank of Austria's ties to collapsed Refco 'futures' traders of the U.S.,(that Hillary Clinton apparently used to turn a thousand dollars to nearly $100,000 years ago) ,while John Snow's U.S. Treasury and CIA looked on from SWIFT in Brussels, Belgium then bought the bank after the Refco collapse through his Cerberus hedge fund is also outrageous.
Fox and his Saint Louis based Harbour corporation with its hypocritical Chinese investments and 'leveraged buyouts' of corporations for liquidation of assets or cheap corporate shares to pump and dump on the securities markets makes him a perfect W Bush choice to oversee economic spying through SWIFT and the EU parliament to see who the Bushies can bribe and make use of in their international criminal activities they call 'the war on terrorism'.
Mr. Fox is also close to far right Israeli circles as evidenced by his position in the Republican Jewish Coalition.
All of this makes knowing his position on ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow's and the CIA's spying from SWIFT of Brussels,Belgium urgent.Does Fox not realise that fellow Republican and ex Sec.of Treasury John Snow has a clear conflict of interest in the U.S. and the EU and perhaps even in Israel by joining Cerberus' military-industrial-hedge fund as Chairman that then bought both Bawag of Austria and Leumi Bank of Israel !? Does Mr.Fox wish to corrupt Israeli leaders such as Ehud Olmert and and Moshe Katsav even more than they already are !?
Scandalized Israeli President Moshe Katsav,besides his many rape charges to defend,has also been fingered as taking bribes for pardons using an offhore account or accounts by one of the alledged rape victims.Yet his involvement with penny stock scam artist Michael Zwebner and his 'UCSY' or Universal Communications Systems penny stock scam out of Miami has Bawag Bank of Austria and Lichtenstein connections by way of Israelis connected to Bawag's shady 'futures' investments and greatly worthless U.S. penny stock manipulations and illegal 'pump and dump' activities.The Grin briothers of Israel with their New York Laurus Capital office and offshore accounts are another Bawag connection to be investigated as is Shlomo Eliahu's Union Bank that David Grin appears to be connected to.
Cerberus founded by Jewish American Stephen Feingerg started with $10 million in 1992.Now it is nearly the mother of all hedge funds and a military
war profiteer with direct links to the W Bush White House and Dick Cheney's Halliburton just like Fox himself.
Cerberus bennefitted from insider information by hiring ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow in 2006 shortly after the SWIFT Belgium spying and probable data mining scandal broke.New York Republican Peter King led the charge in threatening U.S. newspapers and media for even releasing the news.
Ex Treasury Secretary Snow and CIA spying at SWIFT in Brussels occured before and during the time that SWIFT would have picked up on unusual financial transactions were occuring between Refco of Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Bawag Bank of Austria and perhaps even Israeli banks Union or Leumi as Refco went public for the first time in 2005 and whose stock collapsed almost immediately as investors and clients alike got taken.
SWIFT financial data flow would have picked up on strange financial exchanges between Refco of the U.S. with its Bermuda and other offshore operations and Bawag of Austria or Israeli banks and could have saved over $200 million lost by Bancafe International Bank investors in Guatemala alone ! But men like John Snow,Dan Quayle,Stephen Feinberg or Sam Fox for that matter have little concern for money they and their ilk steal from the 'little people' to bribe and corrupt our politicians.And when John Snow's Cerberus with its Haliburton or Kellogg,Brown and Root connections bought Bawag and Israel's Leumi a year afer the collapse of Refco they never considered the loss of Guatemalan investors was worth compensating or recovering or adding to the cost of their purchase of that corrupt bank,Bawag of Austria, perhaps the most corrupt in all of Europe.
What they allowed to happen to Guatemalan investors alone whose Bancafe was somehow tied to Refco was indeed a form of terrorism to find their life savings wiped out overnight ! What do Europeans think of their involvement in that ?The EU Parliament has promised to do something about the hedge fund mess and tyrany that Cerberus is itself an abberation of,but when ? Who in the EU allowed Cerberus to spy upon EU citizens through SWIFT and to buy its most corrupt money laundering bank,Bawag of Austria ?
You see in many ways John Snow's or W Bush's and Dick Cheney's Treasury Department that along with the CIA and probably the CIA's SRA International and their Mantas Inc. 'anti-money laundering' software was used in Brussels SWIFT office helped White House corporate parasites such as Cerberus hedge fund to spy on European and world financial markets - NOT TO SPY ON TERRORISTS !
As an American I am outraged to know that in many ways the collapse of Bancafe was like extracting a war tax on struggling Guatemalans with nothing to do with the Iraq war.
Perhaps it is U.S. decadence or corruption that also permeates the EU's own Belgium capital that has aided and abetted U.S. war and financial criminals to thrive there while the EU parliament and SWIFT allow John Snow,Cerberus,Kellogg,Brown and Root boys and the likes of W Bush's Belgium Ambassador delegate Sam Fox to conduct their frauds under the guise of 'looking for terrorists'. Just as they(the U.S. military-industrial hedge funders) apparently thrive in Israel and the Islamic fascist Bush allied nations of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE in general.
These are war profiteers,not fighters of terrorism, which they themselves profit from.A kind of far right international mafia of christians,moslems and jews.
Surely whoever made the decision that a U.S. hedge fund with U.S. government and particularly Republican ties should own a bank or banks in Europe has to be out of their minds.
And one whose war profiteering may yet get scrutinized.Cerberus owns IAP Worldwide that brags of supposedly building Cape Canaveral years ago and more recently of privitizing prisons in the UK ! It can only be hoped that UK prisoners are treated better than IAP Worlwide has treated wounded U.S soldiers they were given the job and cash and 'no bid' contracts to take care of by the W Bush and SlikDikkk Cheney Regime.
It is no coincidence that Kellogg Brown and Root boys are behind Cerberus and IAP Worldwide - they need somewhere to put all their illicit war profiteering profits.
But whoever opened the door in Brussels for the Bush Regime,ex Treasury Sec.John Snow,ex U.S. Vice Pesident Dan Quayle, Stephen Feinberg (and a number of wealthy and only partly identified Jewish investors that helped them buy Leumi Bank of Israel) for them and the CIA to spy and data mine SWIFT financial transactions and the purchase of Bawag of Austria is aiding fraud and tyrany !
Besides 'serving' our troops in Iraq through open ended contracts given by the W Bush Regime,IAP Worldwide helped 'privitize' the Walter Reed Medical Hospital where American soldiers wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan come 'home' to.While these scumbags from Haliburton's Kellogg,Brown and Root along with ex Treasury Secretary John Snow,Dan Quayle,Steve Feinberg and a number of unknown investors that includes Isreali connected American and other right wing Jews take Bawag Bank of Austria and Leumi Bank of Israel - Halliburton that raps itself in the American flag as it reaps billions from war profiteering is moving its official headquarters from Houston, Texas to Dubai,EAU.
Sam Fox's Jewish and Israeli business connections must have made him aware of massive Israeli fraud using worthless U.S. penny stocks as intruments that can also be used for money laundering.This in turn can fund terrorism or anything else including political campaigns.
That is why the Utah Mormon Senators Bob Bennett and Orin Hatch are so fond of penny stock promoter and Overstock.com con artist Patrick Byrne who along with his Geico insurance billionaire father Jack gave over $1 million to Republican campaigns and dirty tricks including donations to the Swift Boat Captains for Truth just,like U.S. Belgium Ambassador Sam Fox did,that was used to smear John Kerry's war record and distract from the lack of a war record for W Bush.
Patrick Byrne runs or funds a number of scammy penny stock websites where false claims are made about 'naked short selling' to distract from the fact the companies he and his Washington,D.C. insiders are promoting are really dumping their worthless shares themselves and NOT being 'naked shorted' or counterfeitted by anyone else but themselves.
Strangely or not so the SEC or Securities Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox who lied about WMDs in Iraq while head of House Homeland Security,has also claimed these worthless penny stocks used for fraud and money laundering are being 'naked shorted' or counterfeitted by unknown brokers or entities.The truth is our SEC Chair Cox is a securities fraud just as he is a war fraud.Ex Congressional Homeland Security
and now Securities Exchange Chairman Christopher 'WMDs' Cox because he lied about WMDs and led thousands of Americans and Iraqis to their deaths can now be called Christopher
'Naked Shorts' Cox because he lies to protect scum like Patrick 'Swift Boat Captains' Byrne's Overstock.com and Rudy Giuliani connected Bernie Kerrik's Taser stun gun makers among many others,including old Iran-Contra arms dealer the Saudi Adnan Kashoggi's GenesisIntermedia claim his fraudulent U.S. penny stock pump and dump was a victim of the mysterious 'naked short selling' conspiracy !Even some Enron crooks tried claiming
that Enron was a victim of 'naked short selling' a while back as the fraudulent claim had worked for other share dumping scams in the past.
In fact it was Steve Forbes' colleague James Dale Davidson founder of his National Taxpayers Union in Alexandria,Virginia(where the SEC main office is located),who is most reponsible for the naked short selling scam to begin with.He was CEO of Genemax
that his right wing newsmax.con may have been named after and paid for.Genemax was an illegal pump and dump fraud that Davidson,who also began the rumor that Bill Clinton murdered his own friend Vince Foster,claimed was 'naked shorted' by brokers such as Charles Schwab who actually aided him.Endovasc a Stanford UNIVERSITY BIOTECH FRAUD was also promoted by Davidson's Agora Inc. before his NAANSS or National Association Against Naked Short Selling'began making the fraudulant claim that Schwab,Refco and Ameritrade has 'naked shorted' or sold 'counterfeit shares' !
In truth both Chris 'Naked Shorts' Cox and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales have some explaining to do about aiding and not prosecuting U.S. penny stock frauds around the world post 911 knowing the illicit funds could be used for terrorism or anything else.....
With friends like these ...
By Guy Leshem
The battle over the acquisition of the controlling stake in Bank Leumi is heating up. In May the Bank of Israel is expected to announce the results of the due diligence checks it has been conducting on the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium for the past year. As that date draws closer, the press has picked up leaks regarding other parties interested in purchasing Leumi, as well as the identities of the foreign investors who will join the battle to complete the process of acquiring the bank's controlling stake.
The latest bombshell in this battle is the publication of the identities of six foreign billionaires, all of them with Jewish connections, whose names were submitted to the Bank of Israel. Some of these names have been published individually in the past, while others competed with the Cerberus group in the first round of the Leumi purchase tender. Still, publishing the names together appears to be an attempt to convey a message of power that will be difficult to match in Israel, even by big names like Nochi Dankner and Shlomo Eliahu.
Even if the list is inaccurate, whoever compiled it is apparently well-versed in the history of the relations between capital and politics in Israel. All of these tycoons have supported prominent figures in Israeli politics, all are active in Jewish organizations that support Israel and a few have contributed considerable sums to politics and public institutions over the years.
In the 1970s and '80s Wolfson was Israel's greatest lobbyist in Washington, who helped obtain increased financial support for Israel and a reduction in Israel's debts to the United States.
His achievements were rewarded by prime ministers from both the right and left, in the form of transfers of tens of millions of shekels to the Jewish education organizations Wolfson supports in various countries around the world. Wolfson has built a real estate empire in New York and has provided financial backing for Ness Technologies in Israel, a company founded and managed by his son, Morris.
Wolfson is a close associate of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, former finance ministers Avraham Shochat and Yaakov Ne'eman, former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other prominent Israeli politicians. His good friend Aharon Fogel is a member of the central bank's advisory council and chairman of the board at Ness.
Until the Haaretz expose about six months ago regarding Olmert's house on November 29 Street, which Abrahams purchased from Olmert and continues to rent to him for a ridiculously low sum, Abrahams was known as a peace-loving American billionaire ready to devote vast sums to changing the Middle East by promoting Shimon Peres' vision.
Abrahams accumulated most of his wealth from the Slim-Fast diet products company and American real estate development projects. He has no known business dealings in Israel.
Abrahams met Olmert while the latter was running for mayor of Jerusalem and contributed to his campaign. Their mutual acquaintance, attorney Yaakov Ne'eman, represents Abrahams' interests in Israel and handled the purchase of Olmert's house. Ne'eman himself is Cerberus' representative in Israel and serves on the Bank of Israel's advisory board.
A covert major supporter of the late National Religious Party chairman, Zevulun Hammer, the American industrialist Rennert used to make discrete trips to Israel and leave behind huge sums to fund right-wing activities. The manufacturer of the Hummer, he has maintained relationships with several prime ministers, including Ariel Sharon and Netanyahu, whom Rennert still supports.
Rennert recently invested in Israeli real estate via the FAIRE 1 real estate fund, whose partners include Americans and Israelis.
This British lord of Jewish descent was one of the owners of Mercantile Discount Bank, who has only recently wound up legal loose ends with Bank Discount concerning past debts. Schreier was a partner in Granite Hacarmel Investments and is currently the controlling shareholder in Zoko Enterprises, which represents Schreier's Caterpiller mechanical engineering equipment company in Israel.
Schreier has holdings in Leumi Switzerland and used to own shares in Leumi London. He is represented in Israel by attorney Ram Caspi and is not identified with any politicians, although he has hosted some, including Ehud Barak, at events held in London.
The owner, publisher and editor-in-chief of U.S. News & World Report - the third largest weekly in the U.S. after Time and Newsweek. He also owns the New York tabloid Daily News and Boston Properties, which owns substantial real estate in New York, Boston, Washington and San Francisco.
Zuckerman was the chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and in the past supported Yisrael b'Aliyah, headed by Natan Sharansky. He also supported Netanyahu, but later switched loyalties to Barak and helped avert a crisis between him and former U.S. President Bill Clinton. Zuckerman has never invested in any Israeli businesses and has donated only to public efforts.
The identity of the sixth foreign investor is still unknown, but he is believed to be a textiles tycoon.
Cerberus won't surrender Leumi to Dankner easily
The Cerberus Hedge fund has recently hired the services of Arad Communications to serve as the fund?s spokesman in Israel. The fund, which won a government tender for the controlling interest in Bank Leumi last year, has recently been under public attack by bank shareholder Shlomo Eliahu. Eliahu said that in his opinion the central bank should not approve control of the bank by the fund. Late last week Nochi Dankner was reported to be conducting talks on the sale of Clal Insurance, which immediately gave rise to speculation that he is doing so in preparation for the failure of Cerberus, and his subsequent joining in the controlling share in Bank Leumi. The resulting media pressure appeared to be enough for the fund managers, who to date have not been officially represented in Israel. Cerberus? choice of Arad Communications may have been influenced by the fact that one of the partners is Lior Horev, Kadima?s communications consultant. (TheMarker Staff)
Interesting history on the rise of the Israeli far-Right
The purchase of a financial behemoth like BAWAG isn't the only major purchase Cerberus has made recently. In addition to the Bank Leumi takeover, Cerberus acquired a majority stake in GMAC last year, and is reportedly eyeing Chrysler.
These kinds of mega deals pretty amazing when you consider that Cerberus, starting with $10 million in capital in 1992 started off investing the high-risk corporate debt market, moving into outright acquisitions and management of small distressed companies. The purchase of the ailing BAWAG by Cerberus is also somewhat ironic given that BAWAG, in coordination with Refco, was a significant player in the PIPE (Private Investment in Public Equity) market. The PIPE market often act as a source of last resort role for small-cap companies in need of a capital infusion.
And, it turns out, one of the figures involved in with the BAWAG/Refco dealings in the PIPE Market, is the Austrian billionaire Martin Schlaff that will come up quite a bit in Ariel Sharon's scandals.
One of Schlaff's companies used in the PIPE market was Balmore, a British Virgin-Islands-based hedge fund. But Balmore has some other interesting history, as an investor in Xybernaut, a tech company that had George Allen on its board from form August 1998-Dec 2000. Like just about every corporation we're looking at here, Xybernaut's managers, "improperly used substantial company funds for personal expenses" and faces multiple class-action lawsuits. For more Balmore's role in Xybernaut, let's take at look at this Sept 2006 article from the American Prospect:
Starting in 2000, however, Xybernaut increasingly turned to a newly popular financial instrument to keep growing -- and going: so-called PIPE deals, short for "private investments in public equity." In such deals, private investors are granted warrants or convertible debentures for stock at below-market rates in exchange for financing. All the investor has to do to make money is sell the stock. But some sleazy PIPE financiers go a step further by shorting the stock of the companies they finance, driving down share prices, diluting the shares of other investors, and even -- in a particularly egregious form of illegal short selling known as the "death spiral finance scheme" -- driving the company into bankruptcy through aggressive rounds of financing and short selling. Between March and November 2000, Xybernaut went from 1 percent to more than 15 percent owned by institutional investors who acquired their stock in the company through private deals, according to media reports...............
Several firms that financed Xybernaut during Allen’s tenure on its board, however, have since been linked to a complicated international network of troubled financers and brokers. For example, in April 1998, Balmore Funds SA and Liechtenstein-based Austost Anstalt Schaan signed a private placement deal with Xybernaut granting the firm up to $11 million. One of their registrations of stock for sale came April 4, 2000 -- shortly after the March price peak and a period of unusually high volume trading, which was followed by yet another "going concern letter," in mid-March, and a decline in the stock price. The signatory for Austost Anstalt Schaan was Thomas Hackl, who was from 1991 to 2002 head of treasury at BAWAG, the fourth largest Austrian bank (itself somewhat controversial for losing millions in the financing of Yasir Arafat’s casino outside Jericho). TheStreet.com has linked BAWAG to Austost and also to the hedge fund Alpha Capital Aktiengesellschaft, which invested in Xybernaut in 2001. Last year Hackl became a major figure in the collapse of Wall Street brokerage the Refco Corp., where he was executive vice president, in an accounting scandal that wiped out more than $1 billion in shareholder value..........
Martin Schlaff, and Austrian billionaire and friend of Sharon, invested heavily in a casino venture in Jericho along with Yasser Arafat. Another investor in the casino was BAWAG, the bank of the Austria trade unions that imploded in the joint Refco and embezzlement scandals. Both Schlaff and Casinos Austria were major investors in BAWAG.
Sharon's close adviser and chief of staff Dov Weisglass. Weisglass was also involved in setting up some shell companies used to funnel campaign money to Sharon back in 1999. When Sharon was forced to pay back that money, he received a $1.5 million loan from a South African, Cyril Kern, that was believed to be acting as a front man for Martin Schlaff. The loan, with flowed through BAWAG accounts, is believed that the loan represented a bribe to encourage Sharon to allow the reopening of the Oasis Casino, which had been closed down due to the the second Intifada.
Oh, and Cerberus, the large hedge fund that is a major force in Israel's economy, recently bought BAWAG, which was put up for sale by the Austrian trade unions in order to cover their losses over the BAWAG/Refco twin implosions..........
Uncooperative Austria
So, adding scandal to scandal, it looks like Austria's government may have jumped into the Sharon bribery game too!
Austrian MP Calls for Inquiry Into Sharon’s Vienna Dealings
Marc Perelman, With Reporting by Chemi Shalev in Jerusalem. | Fri. Aug 08, 2003
An Austrian lawmaker is calling for a formal inquiry into charges that Vienna is blocking an Israeli investigation of alleged campaign finance violations by Prime Minister Sharon — purportedly in exchange for Jerusalem’s agreement to restore diplomatic ties with the alpine nation.
Pilz said further investigations could be on the way. He said Justice Ministry officials had told him they were considering launching further investigations into allegations that the Austrian government had used money channeled via Austria to Sharon from a South African businessman, Cyril Kern, to influence Israeli policy. He did not specify what sort of influence his government might have been seeking.
Speculation has been rife in the Israeli press in recent days that Sharon agreed to restore ties with Vienna only after an Austrian judge rejected several requests from Israeli police to subpoena bank records related to the Sharon investigation. Israeli police have asked to see records of a possible transfer of funds from Vienna’s Bawag Bank to a Tel Aviv bank account owned by the prime minister’s sons.
An Austrian judge has twice rejected Israeli requests to examine the bank records. The first request was rejected because the Israeli request came in an incorrect format. The second was rejected on grounds that foreign campaign financing is not a criminal offense in Austria. There were reports that a third request had been made on Wednesday, but it could not be confirmed by press time.
Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court
Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ?
David Grin,Tel Aviv University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel
FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lych,Latham & Watkins conflict
Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed Mustafa and Islamic Usury
Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B. Gonzalez award !?
Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc penny stock frauds
James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny stock share money laundering
Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson
Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange
Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag Austria,offshores...
U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob Bennett,Orrin Hatch ?
Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug trafficking,etc....
Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist flight school ?
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster'
Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ?
NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?
Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud
Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks
Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian and John O'Quinn
John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen
Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering
To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering
Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers...
CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
Tony Ryals
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additional recent news and blog stories are related to sam fox et.al.
15.04.2007 01:44
April 12, 2007
Sam Fox, former Republican Jewish Coalition Chairman, vows to continue partisan politics while serving as U.S. ambassador
From The Forward:
Sam Fox, President Bush’s controversial recess appointment as ambassador to Belgium, is vowing to continue donating to political candidates during his time in Brussels ... the decision to remain involved in the 2008 campaign on any level could prove contentious for Fox, given the tradition that ambassadors leave politics at the water’s edge, and could further inflame the debate over his selection.
So first the RJC plays partisan political games with U.S. National Security policy -- days after saying that such behavior is wrong -- and now their former chairman is vowing to help politicize the foreign service.
January 20, 2009 can't come soon enough.
Posted by Steve Rabin on April 12, 2007 at 08:54 AM in Israel & Terrorism | Permalink
These additional recent news and blog stories are related to Olmert and Sharon connected individuals such as the Australian or Israeli Jewish billionaire Frank Lowy and American Jewish billionaire Daniel Abraham who like ex Republican Jewish Coalition Chairman Sam Fox,gives to far right,often pro war,causes.Also a portion of 2004 Jerualem Post article that mentions 'the Austrian bank BAWAG, and Austrian-Jewish businessman Martin Schlaff, a key figure in the ongoing police investigation of the prime minister and (Ariel Sharon's) son, Gilad.'
On the atlargely.com blog,quoted and linked below,Muriel Kane adds
some new names to the right wing 'Jewish' cabal such as current RJC leadership(that)also includes such GOP stalwarts as,'Ari Fleisher, Ken Mehlman, and the ever-slimy Mel Sembler.'
Muriel Kane also adds,'However, when I checked through my notes and files, I found that the largest number of mentions of the RJC involved a less well-known member of the board of directors named Fred Zeidman.'
'I first became aware of Zeidman as Jack Abramoff's immediate successor at the lobbying firm of Greenberg, Traurig, in large part because there seemed to be something odd about his position there. He was just too high-profile a figure for the job.'.....
I am not saying that this is a conspiracy of all Jews to interfere
in U.S. or other governments but of a number of economically very well to do AND CONNECTED Jews(with the ability to move large somes of money around the world at the speed of digits) who really believe they are somehow aiding Israel when in fact they are harming Israel by misinforming the public in their respective countries of citizenship and in their alliance with far right non Jews such as Dan Quayle,John Snow,Stephen Feinberg or the Haliburton connected Kellogg,Brown and Root boys,such as a 'Mr.Swindle', who control Cerberus hedge fund,Bawag Bank of Austria and Leumi Bank of Israel now !
Even though Cerberus hedge fund claims(lies)to have built Cape Canaveral through their IAP Worldwide military contractor that has recently come under scrutiny for their role in sacking and looting the Walter Reed Medical Hospital that has the responsibility to care far America's returning wounded and permanently disabled soldiers,they appear to have come buy a huge amount of money since and directly related to Bush's unending world war !And Cerberus,a military-industrial 'hedge fund',besides having a Chairman John Snow who as U.S. Secretary of Treasury spied or data mined SWIFT of Belgium along with the CIA JUST BEFORE resigning and joining Cerberus has been poised to receive a contract from the U.S. IRS to spy on U.S.taxpayers,(AND STOCK MARKET INVESTORS),by becoming the 'IT' people for the IRS !
So as I've said,Kellogg Brown and Root boys with their far right international Jewish connections take Leumi Bank of Israel with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's blessings and Dick Cheney's Haliburton moves its headquarters from Houston to Dubai to be nearby.Hmmm.....
If you google 'ryals kuwait sabah'or 'ryals adnan kashoggi' or 'ryals dubai'or 'ryals bush uae' or 'ryals bush saudi'etc.,you will find I am critical of the Bush-Cheney allies of Kuwait,Saudi Arabia and Dubai as well. :
Israeli fraud squad to question Lowy
Ed O'Loughlin in Jerusalem | April 13, 2007
ISRAELI detectives are planning to travel to Australia to interview billionaire Frank Lowy about a corruption investigation involving Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, according to a report yesterday in Israel's leading newspaper.
The mass circulation Yedioth Ahronoth reported that National Fraud Squad detectives will depart for Australia and the US soon in a bid to question Mr Lowy and US billionaire Daniel Abraham about Mr Olmert's alleged role in the sale of the partially state-owned Bank Leumi.
Mr Olmert has been accused of attempting to change the terms of the sale tender to favour Messrs Lowy and Abraham when he was serving as finance minister, although the bank was eventually sold to other bidders.
Statements issued on Mr Lowy's behalf have denied any role in the affair, saying he withdrew his interest in the matter before tenders were issued. Mr Abraham did not bid either.
Responding to news of the police investigation in January, the Lowy family group said Mr Lowy had known Mr Olmert for many years but had never made any financial contribution to him or any of his campaigns.
"The international consortium examined the bid documents and conducted due diligence but decided not to proceed with the bid and took no further part in the process," the statement said.
"Mr Lowy categorically rejects any suggestion that he or anyone acting on his behalf behaved improperly and is confident the inquiry will bear this out."
Citing an unnamed police source, the Yedioth article said that Israeli investigators had discussed inviting Mr Lowy and Mr Abraham to come to Israel to be interviewed but concluded that "this is complicated".
The source said: "The two must be questioned in order to form a full picture of the evidence in the investigation prior to the expected interrogation of the Prime Minister in the affair."
The investigation into the sale of Bank Leumi is one of several corruption and criminal allegations facing the embattled Mr Olmert and other senior Israeli leaders.
In the latest controversy to emerge, it was reported last weekend that the charismatic right-wing Minister for Strategic Threats, Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the anti-Arab Yisrael Beiteinu party, received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a business consultancy set up by his 21 year-old daughter and funded by unknown foreign donors.
Fred Zeidman and the Republican Jewish Coalition
Posted by Muriel Kane
There's been a fair amount of attention paid to the Republican Jewish Coalition lately as a result of their sponsorship of an ad swiftboating Nancy Pelosi for her trip to Syria. Most of the analysis I've seen has focused on links between the RJC and the Bush administration -- most notably Sam Fox, recently recess-appointed by Bush as ambassador to Belgium, who headed the RJC until just a few months ago. The current RJC leadership also includes such GOP stalwarts as Ari Fleisher, Ken Mehlman, and the ever-slimy Mel Sembler.
However, when I checked through my notes and files, I found that the largest number of mentions of the RJC involved a less well-known member of the board of directors named Fred Zeidman.
I first became aware of Zeidman as Jack Abramoff's immediate successor at the lobbying firm of Greenberg, Traurig, in large part because there seemed to be something odd about his position there. He was just too high-profile a figure for the job.
For example, here's Greenberg, Traurig's official press release when Zeidman joined the firm in 2004:
Greenberg Traurig LLP announced today that Fred Zeidman has joined the firm’s Washington, D.C. office as a Senior Director of Governmental Affairs, where he will become a lobbyist on behalf of firm clients. Mr. Zeidman is active in many state and national Republican and Jewish organizations, was appointed by President George W. Bush to chair the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council which oversees the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the nation’s institution dedicated to Holocaust remembrance and education, is Chairman of the Board of Directors and former CEO of Seitel Inc. and former CEO and President of InterSystems, Inc., and was the founder of the Houston Venture Capital Association. Prior to joining Greenberg Traurig, Mr. Zeidman served as a Managing Partner of WoodRock & Company. . . .
Mr. Zeidman is very active in community and political affairs in Texas and nationwide. He holds leadership positions in the Anti-Defamation League (Southwest Region), the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Republican Jewish Coalition, the Texas Inter-Faith Housing Corp., and the Houston Jewish Community Foundation. He is also Texas Chairman of the State of Israel Bonds and a member of the Board of Development Corporation of Israel. He formerly served as co-chairman of the finance committee of the Republican Party of Harris County, Texas, and formerly served on the finance committee of the Republican Party of Texas, and is a Ranger for the Bush Campaign. Mr. Zeidman previously served as Vice Chairman, Board of Regents at Texas Southern University. In addition, Mr. Zeidman was vice-chairman of the Dole/Kemp presidential campaign in Harris County and has been a key Jewish advisor to Republican congressional and senatorial delegations nationwide.
I never did find out just why Zeidman had stepped into Abramoff's shoes at Greenberg, Traurig -- but my best guess was that it was because George W. Bush found it useful to have him there.
Zeidman is referred to over and over in online articles as someone extremely close to Bush. For example, there's this from February 2002:
He may not be an expert on the Holocaust, but friends and associates say Fred Zeidman — a Houston businessman and, more importantly, a longtime friend of President George W. Bush — is a bridge builder. . . .
Zeidman, 55, refused to discuss the appointment before the White House makes it official. Friends and associates say he has known Bush for 14 years, and that he has served on various state panels at the ex-governor’s request — including the board of a troubled traditionally African-American college in the state.
He also served as an intermediary between then-Gov. Bush and angry Jewish leaders in 2000 when Bush, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, reportedly implied that only Christians can go to heaven.
Or this from January 2004:
Every couple of weeks since last fall, three elite fundraisers for President Bush have been making a pilgrimage from their homes across the country to the Bush-Cheney campaign headquarters in Arlington, Va. Sheldon Kamins of Maryland, Michael Lebovitz of Tennessee, and Fred Zeidman of Texas have been meeting at the headquarters to plot strategy, talk fundraising tactics, and check in with Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman. Like some 150 other "Rangers," the three men have each raised more than $200,000 for the president's re-election campaign. But the three are also on a mission that sets them apart from many other Rangers.
A similar approach seems to have paid off with the Republican Jewish Coalition's board, of which Zeidman is a member. The coalition boasts 5,000 members nationwide, and its 40-member board is packed with wealthy business executives and politicos who have chaired several major fundraisers for the Bush campaign. The coalition's board includes at least six Bush Rangers. According to fundraising sources, Sam Fox, the chairman of the RJC, and coalition board members Ned Siegel of Florida and Elliott Broidy of Los Angeles have each raised close to $500,000 for Bush-Cheney '04.
Or this from November 2004:
A close, old friend of President Bush, Houston venture capitalist Fred Zeidman worked his heart out to re-elect his fellow Texan. After raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the campaign, Zeidman, 57, virtually took up residence in Florida at the end in an effort to help turn out the Jewish vote. Zeidman, who recently started a new gig at Greenberg Traurig, Washington's foremost lobbying shop, serves as chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.
But there's more to Zeidman than just his Bush connections. For example, there's a Texas Observer article from 2005 where he's mentioned as one of a group of Texas powerbrokers with close ties to Tom DeLay. (Bob Perry, who bankrolled the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, is also mentioned.) And a Texans for Public Justice writeup notes that Zeidman "and fellow Republican Jewish Coalition Pioneers Sam Fox and Ned Siegel accompanied House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on his 2003 trip to Israel."
That would have been the trip on which DeLay presented himself to the Israelis as having opinions well to the right of Likud when it came to the Palestinians and the West Bank. I find it interesting that Zeidman and Fox were both along for the journey.
So I still can't put my finger on just what Fred Zeidman is all about, but there is clearly something going on in this sliming of Pelosi that is not simply about the goals and policies of the Republican Party -- and which seemingly involves a faction that is more extreme, more hellbent on further war in the Middle East, than even the great majority of Israelis themselves.
Clifford May, who has been so central to the push for war with Iran, was formerly a vice chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition as well. The question of who would want a war that by any objective terms is totally insane may come down to this one particular small group of people.
Sunday, May 9, 2004
Weisglass pushed Sharon to reopen Jericho casino
Yaakov Katz The Jerusalem Post May 6, 2004
During negotiations with the Labor Party in October 2000 over the
possibility of the Likud joining a national unity government, Ariel Sharon
was asked by attorney Dov Weisglass, today his bureau chief, to speak with
then premier Ehud Barak over the possibility of reopening the casino in
Palestinian-controlled Jericho, The Jerusalem Post has learned.
The casino is jointly owned by the Palestinian Authority, Casinos Austria,
the Austrian bank BAWAG, and Austrian-Jewish businessman Martin Schlaff, a
key figure in the ongoing police investigation of the prime minister and his
son, Gilad.
"At the time I did not think anything was too strange with Weisglass's
request, since at the time we knew that he was an attorney for the casino,"
said one of the participants at a meeting in October 2000 at the Sharon
ranch. "But now, with the allegations that Sharon may have received bribes
from Schlaff, the meeting and the request seem suspicious."
Tony Ryals