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Plaid Cymru embrace Nuclear Power

Internationalista! | 09.04.2007 16:18

Plaid Cymru Leader, Ieuan Wyn Jones has been widely quoted in local media as saying that he would support - in principle - a new nuclear power station being built in Wales.
This follows the leadership stating that it would be prepared to be in coalition with the tories or New Labour after May 3rd.

Ieuan Wyn Jones, rightwinger & Leader of Plaid Cymru has sunk even lower.
After indicating that he would be prepared to be in a coalition with the Tories - "For the good of Wales", after supporting the St. Athan Murder Academy, he has now stated he would support a new nuclear power station being built in Anglesey/Ynys Mon! This means that the leader of Plaid Cymru is the only party leader in Wales to support nuclear power. Plaid are now to the right of Labour on the question of nuclear power - even Rhodri Morgan opposes new nukes. Significantly, for the first time Plaid Cymru have issued a manifesto that doesn't contain opposition to nuclear power in it.


Mr Jones said last night, "My position is quite clear - I am in favour of Wylfa B so long as conditions are met. We need to know what kind of reactor there would be, how many jobs would be created and how the waste would be disposed of.

There are 1,500 jobs at stake here and there would be economic catastrophe in Anglesey without the power station and Anglesey Aluminium. I have a duty to put the interests of my constituents first.

He seems to have forgotten that his constituents might not like rocketing leukemia rates and nuclear waste that will be live for thousands of years. He seems to have forgotten that nuclear power is unclean, unsafe, unsustainable and cannot be part of a solution to global warming. He seems to have forgotten that only months ago, he claimed to be against nuclear power.

But this is also bad news for the entire movement in the UK against nuclear power.

With New Labour wanting to push through a new generation of nuclear power stations, Plaid Cymru are weakening the fight back against nuclear power everywhere by supporting this plant.

Plaid Cymru? No thanks!



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Internationalista my arse

09.04.2007 22:14

The original t-shirt slogan was 'atomkraft ? nein danke' Around a pretty little sun on a black background. I wore one, didn't know anyone else who did. Got my dad to wear anti-polaris badges to his work. Went on anti-nuclear marches, teenage stuff.

Then the German Greens disgraced the whole green movement. Capital G Greens are as corrupt as any politician - many of them are nastier. And now someone here has been posting a lot of anti-Welsh nationalist posts.

And the reason I can speak up is I'm not even Welsh. And the reason I will speak up is I'm anti-nuclear, and have the scars to prove it unlike a lot of lifestylers. And I loved that old t-shirt and don't like to see its slogan being abused.

So, I can't speak for Plaid Cymru. I can guess who would be scared most of an independent Wales. The same sort of spooks and PR merchants who have been trying to trash the SNP.

I'm not a big fan of party politics, I'd call myself an anarchist. I just find it funny that pseudo-anarchists are waging this campaign against everyone but the current bloody regime. Suspicious even.

The nu-lab dirty tricks dept should learn some subtilty before they lie us into another war. Wanting to be free of westminster rule doesn't make us anti-international - we would be happy to be part of Europe, free of all borders in fact. Hell, I'd even vote to allow Newcastle and Carlisle to join us if they wanted. And they would. I'd rather Scotland and Wales were part of Spain than the english regions they are just now - how about we swap with the Basque region and the Catalans ?

Anti-Trident, anti-Iraq, pro-people. Go figure.


No Respect for Plaid Nuclear

10.04.2007 11:40

Plaid are pretty hypocritical on the environment. They claim to support windfarms but whenever they are being built they oppose them on nimbyist grounds. They also demolished St. David's Wood near Blackwood to make way for a military installation.

Internationalista, your link doesn't work, but here's the article

Plaid leader backs plan for Anglesey nuclear plant Apr 6 2007
Martin Shipton, Western Mail

LABOUR and Plaid Cymru were locked in a row last night over Plaid leader Ieuan Wyn Jones's support for a new nuclear power station in his constituency.
Mr Jones has declared his support for a proposed Wylfa B power station in Anglesey, while in a pre-manifesto policy statement Plaid said it did not support nuclear power.
Local Labour candidate Jonathan Austin said, "I am not surprised that the leadership of Plaid Cymru is in such disarray over this issue, which is so important to the people of Ynys M n.
"People here want to know what their next AM will do about this issue. I will support Wylfa B, which we on Anglesey know will be so important to the local economy just as Wylfa has been.
"Which Ieuan Wyn Jones are people supposed to believe? The Ieuan who appeared on the BBC to say he was not sure about Wylfa? The Ieuan who says in his pre-manifesto he is against nuclear power? Or the Ieuan who tells audiences in Ynys Mon he is in favour of nuclear power?
"If he can't be open and honest about where he stands on this issue, how on earth can people trust him with the big decisions of government."
But Mr Jones said last night, "My position is quite clear - I am in favour of Wylfa B so long as conditions are met. We need to know what kind of reactor there would be, how many jobs would be created and how the waste would be disposed of.
"There are 1,500 jobs at stake here and there would be economic catastrophe in Anglesey without the power station and Anglesey Aluminium. I have a duty to put the interests of my constituents first.
"This is an attempt by Labour to smear me, and I deeply deplore that. They are desperate because their campaign is not going well and they will try anything. They have a candidate who lives in Cardiff and who spends very little time here.
"The reason there is no reference to nuclear energy in our manifesto is because it is a non-devolved issue, with decisions taken at Westminster."

Adam J
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Please someone Welsh enlighten me

10.04.2007 15:14

Cos I admit I don't know eff all about Welsh politics.

I am just assuming that Plaid are pro-independence - is that true ? That's how ignorant I am.

Cos if it is true, it means they are giving up on Trident, which is the biggest nuclear issue in the UK. Nuclear power is bad, no doubt. Nuclear weapons are evil beyond belief.

Now Ulster, Ulster has it's own problems which is why I am reluctant to even mention it. As a scot I feel I have no right.

So where in Cardigan Bay has a suitable berth for those four subs ? Cos you know they won't be parked in an English berth near a large English population. The subs are disarmed everytime they enter an Englsih port - why would that be when they are safe near Glasgow ?

And still it would be shameful for Plaid to play the nuclear energy card, I admit that. But how are you going to feel in Wales when Scotland is independent ? What are you going to call your new alliance with England ? You can't call it Great Britain - it won't be, it will be a new state. And you can't claim 'our' old seat in Europe - if we are having to reapply then you are going to too. And in most true respects, expect politically, Wales is already freer from English domination than the rest of the UK. Are you really that frightened of having Welshfolk controlling Wales ? Didn't you have some national heroes a long time ago ? I don't mean Lloyd George or Max Boyce.

You know the best thing for a Welsh anarchist about an independent Wales, it will be a smaller, less vicious state to overthrow.

Freedom ?


orca’s enlightenment

10.04.2007 23:33

Plaid used to appeal to the more affluent Welsh speaking nationalists, who were a minority in Wales. Then Labour became New Labour and ordinary people in Wales started supporting Plaid in the hope they weren’t as right-wing and nationalistic as some people say they are. Labour has left a political vacuum in South Wales Plaid were set to pick up loads of left votes, but I’m not so sure they will now. I sense this is a big mistake for Plaid.



11.04.2007 00:32

I don't know if the Scottish situation correlates at all. I do consider myself an anarchist, and it is awfully embarassing to admit I've been leafletting for the SNP. I did tell them I was an anarchist and all they said was 'well, it takes all sorts'. Now my closest political party up here should be Solidarity. But both are pro-independence, anti-nuke, anti-war but only one is likely to get in power. In fact it seems inevitable- though wether that'll lead to independence depends on an uncertain referendum. So I'm trying to be pragmatic for once. I did tell them that once we were independent I'd be fighting against them. I do feel a bit of a sell-out but I'm comfortable with it.

So for me at this point in my life, obviously I support an Independent Wales. You may get a pile of tossers running you, but at least they will be your own local tossers, no MI5, no Trident, no Iraq. I feel no antipathy to the other celtic states, we should break down into our own football teams. Maybe join up again later under a more equitable arrangement.

One of the best actions I was on, a Scots contingent blocked one gate at Menwith Hill. I helped out in a minor way. And there were three flags flying there . The black flag, and the Saltire, and the slogan that was getting shouted was 'no borders'. Now it may seem incongruous to have a national flag flown by someone shouting 'no borders' but look at RAF Menwith Hill - the only flag flying there was the stars and stripes. And no USAF to be seen.

Independence. From America.


my version of the 'west lothian question'

11.04.2007 01:00

So Scotland is independent, or at least SNP ruled and is heading for independence. And yet at least for a couple of years England, Wales and Northern Ireland are going to be ruled by a Scotish primeminister and a cabinet nd parliament full of Scots ?

Ouch. That has got to hurt. And i'm guessing that is why the SNP are going to postpone a vote on Independence until the end of their term. Even a lot of SNP supporters won't comit to voting for independence yet. But once lLabour are routed in England too and the Tories get in, and the whole inevitable Scottish-backlash begins, even the most rightwing of Scots will vote 'Yes'. (Don't istake the SNP as a rightwing party imply because they are nationalists- whoever lives hereat the time of Indepence can choose to be Scottish or not, they are not xenophobic or racist - they are not the BNP . In a way that defines the difference between Britain and Scotland as nations.

I think Englands best chance is to reject foriegn (Scottish) overlords and either join us or break up into more realistically sized regions within Europe. Or be ruled by Tories until the education spending starts kicking in. The staus quo is no longer the status quo though - Iraq saw to that, Blair saw to that.



11.04.2007 17:08


RESPECT Wales are shocked to hear that Ieuan Wyn Jones AM, Leader of Plaid Cymru, has stated that – in principle – he supports the building of a new nuclear power station in Anglesey.

This represents a historic break with Plaid’s policy of supporting a nuclear free Wales.

This is bad news for every anti-nuclear campaigner in the UK. New Labour want to build a new generation of nuclear power stations, Plaid have undermined the fightback against nuclear power everywhere by supporting this plant and strengthened the hand of Blair, Brown and the pro-nuclear lobby. And behind nuclear power lies the spectre of nuclear weapons . . .

RESPECT believes that nuclear power cannot be part of the solution to climate change because:

* NUCLEAR POWER IS COSTLY. It relies on government subsidies of billions of pounds that would be better spent on developing renewable energy.
* NUCLEAR POWER IS NOT CARBON NEUTRAL as its supporters claim. At every stage of the production cycle, from the mining of uranium to the building of reactors and the storage of waste products, greenhouse gases are pumped into the atmosphere and other pollutants leaked into the local environment.
In Southern Australia, the Olympic Dam uranium mine is the region’s largest producer of C02. The mine has also caused huge environmental damage with some of the most ancient springs in the Australian outback drying up.
* NUCLEAR POWER IS UNSAFE. From Chernobyl to Three Mile Island nuclear power has been disastrous. In Sellafield, leukaemia and cancer rates have rocketed in the vicinity of the power station.
There is still no solution to the storage/disposal of nuclear waste. An Observer article in July 2002 reported, “almost 90% of Britain’s hazardous nuclear stockpile is stored so badly it could explode or leak with devastating results at any time”.

According to a study by FoE Cymru, Wales’ current electricity needs could and should be met entirely by renewable energy.

In a July 2005 briefing they write:

“Wind energy, offshore and onshore could generate around 30 per cent. Underwater turbines could generate up to 50 per cent. Biomass, solar power and hydroelectric schemes could also make smaller, but significant contributions to make up the difference. Tidal lagoons in the Severn estuary could generate more electricity than Wales needs. Wave energy and tidal streams are other technologies that could be considered.”

RESPECT believe the climate crisis must be solved through a combination of renewables, energy efficiency measures including a massive programme of building insulation, a shift from private motoring towards public transport, and a rapid transition to a low carbon economy.

We demand:

* Emergency steps to reduce the use of fossil fuels, alongside massively increased investment in sustainable energy – including solar, biological, and wind and wave power.
* Opposition to Rhodri Morgan's tidal barrage and call for investment in tidal lagoon technology that is more cost effective & does not jeopardise local habitats.
* No more oil wars. Troops out of Iraq & Afghanistan.
* An international treaty which goes way beyond Kyoto. Campaign for local councils to cut emissions by 25% over 5 years. We demand the government to set binding annual targets of 3% cuts at Welsh Assembly and UK government level.
*A cheap and integrated transport system to provide an alternative to car use, making the current road building programme unnecessary. Re-direct the £30 billion spent on road building into public transport.
* Localised food production with a big reduction in food miles.
* Sustainable town & city planning.
*Tough action against corporate polluters & companies like Esso.
* Halt airport expansion and end the £9 billion tax-break to the airlines. We oppose the expansion of Cardiff Airport.
*Keep Wales nuclear free. Close all nuclear power plants. No to Wylfa B. Scrap trident nuclear weapons.
* All new buildings to be energy efficient. Increased public investment to make homes energy efficient and free insulation to every home. Build new sustainable council housing.
* High quality facilities to maximise recycling. No to incinerators. The aim should be full recycling of waste. In Neath, Respect supporters initiated the Stop the Incinerator campaign.
* Build a massive grassroots movement to save the planet.

The leadership of Plaid are willing to form a coalition with New Labour or even the Tories. They have supported the St. Athan’s Military academy, now they are supporting Wylfa B nuclear power station.

We invite any socialists who are supporters or members of Plaid to join a party – RESPECT – that stands unequivocally against war, racism, privatisation, destruction of the environment, nuclear power and nuclear weapons.

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