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English fascism partnership | 05.04.2007 16:13 | Free Spaces | Repression | Social Struggles | London

The Police, the English Partnership and Royal Bank of Scotland
working in partnership promoting best fascism practice into regeneration

Today at 1 PM the RTF building in Holloway Road was evicted.
Private Security backed by the police forced their way in despite the
court hearing booked for the 11th April 2007 .

More to come .

We will not be silent .

English fascism partnership
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What next

05.04.2007 16:58

Can we re-schedule the meeting/ to different venue of course? LARC would be available. Is sham democracy giving way to a fascist regime? Is there a future for free spaces?



05.04.2007 17:19

...or perhaps we have to more actively defend those free spaces...


not enough people

05.04.2007 17:44

To defend these spaces we need people, that's where we fail, in creating a movemet. In Italy for instance, where squatting is illegal, they have social centres open for 20 years. In the UK, sadly...can we meet and discuss?


not private security

05.04.2007 19:18

I would just like to point out that it was not private security that illegally entered rhe building.... It was in fact plain clothed filth fuckers including NI 10, NI 244 that made this illlegal act


mail e-mail:

I'm assuming that

06.04.2007 00:14

a delegation will be sent to the hearing on April wherever it is to be held


Bye bye...

11.04.2007 20:33

As someone who was there you weren't "Illegally evicted". You had two people in there - an Italian woman stood outside and a bloke from Hungary asleep in a cupboard. The doors and gates were open. We walked in, asked them to leave and they did. With no one else there, English Partnerships were contacted and took control of THEIR building and that was that. Two officers waited until their own private security arrived. If you're going to squat, then do it properly. If you can't manage that, then don't lie about it to mask your incompetence.

By the way, the site is earmarked for social and key worker housing, which i'm sure you'll find objectionable as it involves decent people working for a living.

mail e-mail:

more of this please

12.04.2007 19:02

No matter what my views about the police, or this particular event are, it's nice to see a copper here giving his own side of the story. (and without hiding behind corporate speak or 'denying everything'). We need that in an open discussion space.


Brighton Squatter

23.04.2007 15:02

What I find objectionable is the amount of people who are homeless and the amount of empty properties that are left empty or turned into even more hugely expensive housing.
Just because you have a boring job you hate doesn't mean you have to show your transparent hatred of people who are free to do what they want - i.e squatters
