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City Council Exec lose their rags

Member of an Umbrella Group | 04.04.2007 12:07 | Free Spaces | Social Struggles

When people decided to reclaim the square at the end of last month we were amused to find ourselves winding up Jon Collins, Michael Frater and others. Now it looks like our expose of their dodgy electoral tactics has caused a stir.

One of those who lost the plot on the 24th was none other than Chief Executive of the City Council, Michael Frater. Mikey waved his pointy brolly ineffectually at us whilst calling us "total prats" and stomping off to get the reluctant police to try to move us on. Didn't we realise it was his square, not our own?! Jon Collins (aka Stoatface) smirked uncontrollably.

All seemed like a good excuse for them to throw their weight around at the time, I'm sure, but since this article appeared on the indy website, Council employees have received a reprimanding email concerning how they are not to confuse party allegiances and council business in the run up to the elections (presumably normally it's corruption as usual). Are the two connected? I hope so.

Looks like our "elected representatives" are coming under fire for their underhand tactics. Let's keep up the pressure.

Member of an Umbrella Group


Display the following 3 comments

  1. Labours election campaign......... — Hugh Jass
  2. If the Cap Fits — pix
  3. The advice itself — Reporter