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School burnings

Ilyan | 04.04.2007 09:31 | Education

The last item to appear on IndyCymru told why children burn schools.

If those who scrambled the IndyCymru website thought that would stop schools being burnt, they were wrong, the BBC reports: "4 April 2007, Severe damage after school fire. A primary school in Neath has been severely damaged by a fire which broke out on Tuesday night."

Are there proportionately as many schools burnt in England as there are in Wales? Are children in English working class areas also aware that the Labour Party has sold out to Capitalists building Global fascism and use the education system to turn children into cogs in the Capitalist machine.

There might have been an IndyCymru proposal that teachers luxuriating teaching in good schools should have their salaries cut to fund substantial salary increases to those teachers fighting to educate children in the underfunded sinking schools. Labour prefers to join Capitalists to have even better schools for the Rich. Taniwch Dros Cymru!




Display the following 4 comments

  1. Bleedin' Obvious! — Spirit of A.S.Neill
  2. cocktails — orca
  3. Petroleuse — Ilyan
  4. wicked-Pedia — orca