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Correct Me

Info Miner | 01.04.2007 11:25

If I'm wrong.

Merseyside NHS are right at this moment sending out a taxi to take a patient to a drop in centre.This decision was made after conversations with NHS direct and the patients local GP.Is the cost of a taxi less than the cost of a GP visit?Merseyside Ambulance service have wrote on the back of all ambulances. "This is not a taxi,don't use it as one".This is a first as far as i know.But correct me if i'm wrong and you know different.

Info Miner


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I certainly HOPE so!

01.04.2007 17:53

"Is the cost of a taxi less than the cost of a GP visit?"

I would hope so!

At least here in the US medical doctors get a LOT more per hour of their time than taxi drivers do. And the time would be the same --- taxi from patient's hosue to doctor's office, wait during visit, drive back vs doctor driving form office to house, doing visit, driving back.

Mike Novack
mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm


02.04.2007 10:24

It became clearer later when the patient got to the drop in centre that her condition was too serious for there and an ambulance was needed.But no ambulances were available for more than an hour.So.Yes you got it a taxi was called and the patient was taken six miles to hospital.The time frame for all of this was six hours.The reason given for the lack of ambulance was they were all tied up at the match dealing with injuries.I have searched all the Liverpool and Merseyside news outlets and can find nothing re mass ambulances at any Merseyside football games.But as i began i may have missed it.Correct me if i'm wrong.

Info Miner