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Zionist Groups Killed News Stories About Mossad & 911

911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad | 01.04.2007 01:32 | Anti-militarism | World

Here's the Carl Cameron piece in question:

The Israeli Spy Ring



Foxman & Crew Pressured Media To Suppress Israeli 9-11 Connection
By Mark Glenn

“What are you doing putting this stuff out there? You’re killing us!”

These were the words of Abraham Foxman, executive director of the infamous Anti-Defamation League, considered by many in the know to be nothing more than a domestic branch of Israel’s intelligence service Mossad.
According to an explosive piece recently appearing in the online edition of Counterpunch, Foxman shouted this during a sit-down he demanded to have with an unnamed Fox News executive shortly after Sept. 11.

The “stuff ” that was causing Foxman so much indigestion that day was a damning, four-part investigative series Fox News had been airing after Sept. 11 dealing with the arrests of several hundred Israeli nationals as well as some of the incriminating circumstances surrounding their activities in the United States.

In particular, it was the story dealing with one group, known to investigators and journalists as the “high fivers,” who, according to an arrest report by the Bergen County Police Department, were “seen by New Jersey residents on Sept. 11 making fun of the World Trade Center ruins and going to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in front of the wreckage.”

The same police report also indicated that “maps of the city with certain places highlighted” were found in their vehicle, giving all of it the appearance that “they’re hooked in with this” and that “they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.”

Since then, Cameron’s reports have been removed by the network from its archives on the Internet. However, the series can still be viewed on web sites around the world.

These men—along with many others arrested around the country after 9-11—were held by U.S. authorities for several months for questioning before being quietly sent back to Israel. What these investigations revealed was that the young Israeli nationals were all intelligence officers working for Mossad, a fact later admitted by Israel and proved by the comments of one of these men in a radio interview he gave after his return home. “We were
sent to document the event,” said one of the Israelis.

What is of particular importance in this development, however, was the role that pro-Israel pressure groups—in this case the ADL, AIPAC and the misnamed Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA)—played in the cover-up of the role Israel played in the mass murder of not just the 3,000 Americans on Sept. 11, but the 3,000+ American servicemen and 700,000 Iraqis subsequently killed in Iraq as well.

In a personal interview with American Free Press, the writer of the report in Counterpunch, Christopher Ketchum, indicated that Foxman just didn’t call upon Fox News. Every major media outlet in America received a visit from the head of the ADL. In addition to Foxman inserting his largesse personally, executives at the highest levels of the various networks were also inundated with phone calls, letters and emails so numerous that they caused the computer networks to crash.

Of equal importance is the fact that according to the several intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies who were contacted, various members of the most powerful Jewish groups in the country visited the White House and petitioned officials at the highest levels to close down all investigations of the Israeli spies.

It is important to remember that the official position of these various Jewish groups has been that the stories circulating on the internet alleging Israeli foreknowledge of 9-11 have been nothing more than an “old canard” dreamt up by anti-Semites and Israel-haters and that there was never any evidence to suggest that such foreknowledge existed.

Had Americans been made aware of the arrests of hundreds of Israeli intelligence officers in the aftermath of Sept. 11 and the highly suspicious circumstances surrounding them, it is unlikely—even as propagandized as they are concerning the Middle East—that they would have signed on to sending their sons and daughters off to fight and die for Israel in Iraq.

Cover-ups are part of the dirty business of the Israeli lobby. Whether it involves the murderous attack on the USS Liberty by Israeli forces in 1967, Israeli foreknowledge of Sept. 11, the attempt to secure the release of major spy Jonathan Pollard or the efforts to gain an acquittal for the two AIPAC executives now standing trial for espionage, the conclusion to which all Americans must arrive is that Israel and her various tentacles collectively make up the most dangerous enemy the United States has ever faced.

A former schoolteacher fluent in several languages, Mark Glenn spoke at the AFP-TBR conference on the Middle East panel. He is a prolific writer whose provocative essays have been published worldwide. He and his wife Vicki and their eight children maintain a ranch in northern Idaho.

911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad


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Great sources!

02.04.2007 06:03

Not. An openly loony conspiracy site and a site liked to the North American white power movement.

Well at least it wasn't the Daily Sport...

The Laughing Noam

Shoot the Messenger

02.04.2007 13:32

yeah yeah yeah she loves you and here's some more conspiracyloon no copyright artwork
in this case the messenger is MTV, no not Masonic TV but out version of it which call MTTV


Too right!

02.04.2007 17:23

"If I can shoot rabbits then I can shoot fascists!"

Fuck white power!

The Laughing Noam

No More War For Israel

09.04.2007 20:17

Abe Foxman and all of the other Jewish Supremacists who have been dictating American foreign policy in the Middle East had better have their bags packed --- justice is coming.

Alan Cabal
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Israel was involved in 9/11

09.04.2007 21:05

There's only one important question concerning the attacks, did the US gov't allow/participate in 9/11?

The answer to that query would explain the illegal wire-taps, suspension of habeas corpus, banning of books like "America Deceived" from Wiki, detaining of dissenters in fences miles away from events, and multiple wars based on lies.

How can the gov't be innocent in 9/11 when we have caught it lying so many times (WACO, Ruby Ridge, no WMDs, USS Liberty, Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, ETC.)?

In law, if you determine a person lies ONCE during his testimony, it can be assumed that he lied in the remainder of his testimony. How come we do not hold the gov't to the same standard as it holds us to?

The gov't lied to us about Iraq and more Americans have died there than in 9/11. If the gov't lied about Iraq then why is everyone so reluctant to believe that the gov't lied about 9/11?

Final link (before Google Books bends to pressure and drops the title):

Hank W

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09.04.2007 21:34

the Israeli citizen and Israeli firster, got the dancing, celebrating Israelis filming their 9/11 handiwork and massacre of innocents AS IT WAS OCCURRING (which indicates foreknowledge) released back to Israel. An inside, high level ZOG/military/industrial/banking complex job if I ever saw one.

mail e-mail:

What confused me back then

11.04.2007 06:35

...was that FOX aired these pieces and then to be told later that FOX is a pro Zionist media outlet owned by Murdoch. It made no sense but in that, it also helped me to believe that the Arabs did this.

I think is pretty clear that the Arabs had little if anything to do with this massive crime against the American people.


What next, the plague?

Lilac Cotton
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22.04.2007 18:50

Only six comments?? It scares me how far out of mainstream thinking my experiences have taken me. This path is quite freightening. I nbelieve that the second plane to strike the WTC was probably a military plane configured in a military manner. The video, In Plane Site opened my eyes to a way of looking at the 911 event which the govt would surely not like. Now that there are no more rights for Americans to express their opinions,,,,,,,E.G. Padilla what did he do?? or was it something that the goverment didn't like about something he said or the people he hung with? The more I learn, the less credible the 911 story that the gov. and corporate media are peddling becomes. The building seven collapse appears to be a controled demolition , its so neat, its perfect---and look how long that building is, yet both ends hit the ground within 1/8 second of each other. Then we got mr. jewish lightning himself, saying "we pulled it" Nice how he turned 15 million into 7.5 billion. Like the early Christians, I feel like we are shouting into the wilderness.


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