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Asylum Seekers Demonstrate on Tyneside as parliamentary committee issues report

TCAR (Tyneside Community Action for Refugees) | 31.03.2007 21:02 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles

On Saturday 31 March 2007 activists from TCAR (Tyneside Community Action for Refugees) took to the streets for their latest demonstration against dawn raids and deportations.

On Thursday 29 March the parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights issued a report accusing the Home Office of a deliberate policy of forcing asylum seekers into destitution, whilst a report issued by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust earlier in the week described the living conditions of many refused asylum seekers as “appalling and inhumane”.

Two TCAR families from Turkey are currently detained in Yarls Wood detention centre. They have been refused bail, despite their deportations being successfully held off and having entered a fresh stage of the legal process, and despite both families having members with serious health problems.

TCAR will be organising a ‘We Demand the Right to Work’ contingent on the Tyne and Wear May Day March on 5 May, and are calling for a national day of action in defence of asylum rights for 19 May.

From the TCAR Pledge of Resistance:

“The asylum system will never be fair as long as it is managed by the Home Office of a racist and imperialist Labour government which has vested interests in every corner of the world.

Because asylum seekers are being refused a fair process for their applications, any deportation carried out at present from Britain must be considered unjust and illegal. Where the government of a country carries out actions which are against the principles of law and justice, then it is the duty of the people in that country to oppose those actions by any means necessary. It is the government that is acting illegally, not asylum seekers. Therefore, all asylum seekers and British people have a right and a duty to resist deportations!”

Don’t just get angry, get active! Join TCAR!

TCAR (Tyneside Community Action for Refugees)
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Snatch squads ay

03.04.2007 08:46

Fuck the pigs ay, snatch squads wot the fuck the pigs better watch out or they may get a slug 49 in the bac on the head,

Police Fash Cunt !


TCAR - Saturday, 19th May 2007 - National Day of Action

14.05.2007 21:10

Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) has called for a National Day of Action in solidarity with Asylum Seekers throughout Britain. Events will be taking place in Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham, London and Glasgow.

To find out more, visit:

Citizen Sputnik

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