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Rock the Election in Cardiff!

Aretha Penderyn | 31.03.2007 18:24

Thursday 5 April at 7.30 pm
Riverside Community Centre
Brunel Street (off Ninian Park Road)

South Wales Central Election Public Meeting
Get up! Get into it! Get involved!

Thursday 5 April at 7.30 pm
Riverside Community Centre
Brunel Street (off Ninian Park Road)

Speakers include -
One of the youngest councillors in Britain. Oli paid his dues as a PCS trade union branch secretary prior to election & has earned a reputation in Tower Hamlets as a mighty fighter for tenants rights and Defend Council Housing campaigner.

A young workplace militant, Marianne has addressed many picket lines and demonstrations, and recently visited Colombia as part of a solidarity delegation of young trade unionists.

A lifelong socialist, Karen has been active in many campaigns against war, sexism, racism & privatisation from the anti-poll tax movement through to the Stop the War Coalition.

Respect is dedicated to building resistance to neoliberalism in every sphere of society from the ballot box to the workplace, therefore the meeting will include reports from activists from the trade union, anti-racist, anti-war, climate justice & anti-globalisation movements and struggles.

Directions to Community Centre from town:
Head down Wood St. (in front of Bus Station), follow the road past the stadium onto Tudor Street and then onto Ninian Park Road. The community centre is situated on the corner with Brunel Street.

Anybody gainst war, racism, privatisation & climate destabilisation welcome! Refugees are welcome here!

Aretha Penderyn
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Vote Nobody

31.03.2007 19:14

Whoever you vote for the government always wins. Vote Nobody!

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Stop the BNP

31.03.2007 21:51

Is that really a responsible thing to do when the Nazi BNP are standing? Surely, you should use your vote to lower their percentage of the vote and make sure that they don't get in, in this instance?


Use your vote

01.04.2007 08:56

I believe if you do not vote then you are kopping out and nothing in the system will ever change and like it or not politicians are the ones who make so many important decisions on our behalf.

I'd rather people who feel like we do would get 'inside' the system and bring a fresh perspective and maybe we'll start to see some things change!

I agree also that the reason the BNP get in is because people think they do not need to vote and 'some else will do it'.


grow up

01.04.2007 10:15

Childish nonsense.

I'd rather work for somthing I want and not get it than vote for somthing I don't want and get it.

Voting for some braindead pro-religous trot doesn't stop the rise of the far right. If they get 0.5% of the vote or 0.7% doesn't make fuck all differnce.

There is alot of work to do attacking the kind of conditions that case the rise in popularity of the far right in Wales, however voting respect will not achive anything.

I have no doubt that were Respect ever to get into power there would be as much inequality and injustice for people to fight against as there is under New Labour.

No leaders for the free

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What will voting nobody achieve?

02.04.2007 18:26

Voting nobody will achieve nothing either. I have no illusions that socialism can come through parliament - it has to be created by ordinary people at the base of society. I do think that parliament and the other institutions of capitalist society can be used to make propaganda against the system. We will use this election to fight ideologically against neoliberalism & if we get anyone elected they will use their position to be a megaphone of grassroots struggles and to support the social movements.

We are using the election as a platform to go to working class communities and make the arguments against neoliberalism. To argue that education should be free, that we do need a rapid transfer to renewable energy, that climate change is the most burning issue of the age, that the troops should get out of Iraq, that we need more council housing, that immigrants are welcome and racism is not, that key utilities and industries should be taken back into public ownership.

We want a society run in the interests of working people rather than a society run by and in the interests of the corporations and men in suits -


1. To End low pay and demand a living wage for all workers.
We call for a minimum wage of £8 per hour.
2. To tax the rich not working people to fund public services.
3. To fight for free education for all. We call for the restoration of a full living grant, abolition of all student fees and defend comprehensive education.
4. To defend council housing and build more sustainable council housing. We stand for cheap, affordable housing for all workers, close to their place of work.
5. To repeal the Tory anti-Trade Union laws.
6. To defend pensions and fight for a massive increase.
7. To stop attacks on asylum seekers, immigrants & Muslims.
We oppose prejudice of any kind, including racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia and discrimination on the basis of disability.
8. To build opposition to Bush/Blair oil wars and international solidarity with workers of all countries.
9. To put people and the environment before profit and build a massive, grassroots movement to save the planet.
10. To end privatisation and re-nationalise all the privatised industries and utilities.

Tom Muntzer
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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

Evict the Rich!

03.04.2007 11:41

1. To End low pay and demand a living wage for all workers.
We call for a minimum wage of £8 per hour.
2. To tax the rich not working people to fund public services.
3. To fight for free education for all. We call for the restoration of a full living grant, abolition of all student fees and defend comprehensive education.
4. To defend council housing and build more sustainable council housing. We stand for cheap, affordable housing for all workers, close to their place of work.
5. To repeal the Tory anti-Trade Union laws.
6. To defend pensions and fight for a massive increase.
7. To stop attacks on asylum seekers, immigrants & Muslims.
We oppose prejudice of any kind, including racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia and discrimination on the basis of disability.
8. To build opposition to Bush/Blair oil wars and international solidarity with workers of all countries.
9. To put people and the environment before profit and build a massive, grassroots movement to save the planet.
10. To end privatisation and re-nationalise all the privatised industries and utilities.

Apostle of Revolution

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