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Call for articles for new newspaper

RUMBLE collective | 30.03.2007 15:31 | Other Press

Contribute to RUMBLE, Britain's latest radical newspaper

As you may already be aware a few of us in London are working on a new mass circulation newspaper intended as a street-level forum for radical ideas. It has the provisional title of RUMBLE, and a publication date of May 1st, appearing bi-monthly thereafter.

The paper will be free, hopefully to be paid for in part by advertising, with a print run of around 10 000; populist and non-sectarian in outlook with the focus primarily on British affairs; politically engaged but pitched at the wider public rather than political activists; and covering news, sport, culture and opinion.

We're soliciting articles in any of the above-mentioned categories, but please be aware of the following guidelines. News articles and reviews should extend to a maximum of 500 words, features to 2000. In terms of cultural pieces, since we're not part of nor pitched at any defined sub-culture or youth movement we're looking for submissions written for a general audience. To that end we're interested more in articles on broad cultural phenomena rather than reviews of relatively obscure releases written from a particular (sub-)cultural perspective. We do ask that submissions be written for the general reader and ask contributors to make their submissions relevant to a potentially national audience.

Articles deadline is April 10th for the first issue.

We look forwards to reading your submissions.

The RUMBLE collective.

The following is a provisional statement of intent.

This is RUMBLE

Welcome to RUMBLE, Britain's latest and most unruly newspaper. RUMBLE is not just another of the ever-increasing selection of free sheets on offer today – a bland fifteen minutes of celebrity gossip and lightweight ‘news’ designed to enliven a dull commute. Bored half to death with the views and lifestyles catered for by the mainstream press along with the two-and-a-half barely distinguishable perspectives of the two-and-a-half barely distinguishable political parties we’ve created a paper for people like us: people lacking in political and economic clout, power over others or contol of even their own lives. We are the low paid, the unemployed and the unemployable; young people, travellers, prisoners and pensioners; the marginalised, dissatisfied, and disaffected; ranters, wreckers and saboteurs; infidels and sinners; the plain pissed off, the alienated and the downright angry, along with all those who want to do something about it. We have the nerve to believe in taking things back into our own hands from those who would control or attempt to control us: fighting for space on the streets, in our schools, workplaces and estates.

RUMBLE is totally opposed to capitalism, and the class system, religion and spirituality, the state, government, sexism, racism, nationalism, and political parties who promise everything but deliver more of the same old bullshit. We’re not do-gooders and preachers of salvation, and have zero interest in fighting other people’s fights for them or telling them what to do. We do not consider ourselves part of the left, right or centre, and have no time for parties, leaders or saviours of any stripe. Instead we believe in fighting back, putting our own interests first but at the same time linking up socially, politically, and economically with all those who are involved in similar struggles and spreading and encouraging resistance with limitless imagination and audacity on all levels. It almost goes without saying that we hate and despise all authority - the police, armies, laws, courts and prisons - and fully support all those who choose to fight back. We refuse to toe the line, behave reasonably or beg for crumbs from our masters’ tables; instead we have every intention of bringing the whole rotting edifice of this system crashing down once and for all before it collapses of its own accord, destroying the planet, and everything on it from human life to pond-life with its wars and ecological destruction. Simply put, capitalism will bury humanity if we don’t bury capitalism first while we still have the chance.Whilst we participate in the rituals of ‘protest’ - a Saturday afternoon shuffle along the road from point A to point B, waving placards and listening to a bunch of washed-up and would-be politicians and priests, or sitting in the roads, chaining ourselves to railings awaiting arrest - to achieve real change, we favour action of a more direct variety: seizing empty properties for social use, stealing what we need from those who have too much, stikes, sabotage and robust confrontational rumbles with the authorities when the terms are stacked in our favour.

In RUMBLE you won't find endless drooling reports on struggles abroad or analyses of movements from the past as some sort of voyeuristic substitute for the lack of genuine militant political action or debate in Britain today. What’s wrong with discussing the quality of life in this country: religion and the rise of more and more extreme fundamentalist cults, the increasing control by the state and corporations of our everyday lives, as well as endless stealth taxation, rising bills, and rents all sucking us dry as the mega-rich and powerful wallow in obscene bonuses and tax breaks. What about the unwelcome rise of the BNP and the ghettoisation of minorities? Or the nightmare of increased surveillance, housing (or the lack of it), the breakdown of communities, the criminalisation of young people and protesters, the isolation of the old and infirm, and the colonisation of every aspect of our existence to the extent that even rebellion can be absorbed, repackaged, and sold back to us as entertainment? For the majority in booming Britain, it's the same old story of shit jobs and shit wages, all too rapidly turning into shitter jobs and shitter wages as working hours and the cost of living rise year-on-year. From the media with its cult of instant, worthless celebrity, to sport as an over-priced corporate stitch-up, to an educational system where we learn little and end up knowing nothing to the rank arrogance of those who rule over us, oozing corruption, as they plunge Britain and the rest of the world into an endless succession of wars we find ourselves powerless to halt, there’s plenty to be working on right here, right now on this Septic Isle. That's not to say that foreign affairs will be entirely absent from RUMBLE, it's just that we will prioritise issues closer to home, issues that more directly affect us all, issues ultimately that together we can do something about.

To that end, RUMBLE encourages the full participation of its readership. Send in articles, help distribute the paper, raise money, come to our functions. We intend to be part of the process that makes the news, whether through action in the streets or writing about events from our perspectives. We also regard culture, music, books, film, art, and sports every bit as important and in some cases more so than 'politics' as they are understood today.

As the rich grow ever richer whilst at the same time increasingly repressive measures are taken to keep the rest of us in our place it won't be long before the situation for the majority will become unbearable and struggle once more will reach fever pitch. If unprecendented constraints on our freedom such as ID cards or round-the-clock surveillance don't do it, then it will only take a minor economic downturn or an escalation in terrorist violence to blow the lid off the pressure cooker our society has become. These are interesting times and RUMBLE is the paper of these times. For the moment we need to be harnessing our energy, taking control of our lives at every level, and ridding ourselves of all physical, psychological and economic barriers to our freedom, never letting up in the struggle for as much as possible for as many as possible in the here and now. From housing and welfare, to worthwhile and dignified employment and a decent standard of living for all, to the freedom to live and express ourselves as we see fit, none of this is ever given us willingly by the powers that be, and the very moment we let down our guard they attempt to snatch it all away.

It's time to move together from sullen disobedience to outright rebellion and beyond. It's time to turn our discontent from a rumble to a roar!

RUMBLE collective
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a paper

30.03.2007 15:45

with no political stance you mention the unwelcome rise of the BNP.That puts you in a political corner straight away.


advertising policy?

30.03.2007 17:49

Do you have a proposed policy for advertising? If so, is it available online anywhere?




01.04.2007 23:03

Newssheets like Rumble are needed but it sounds like its made by the angry why would anyone with money want to pay for advertising in it...they will be involved in some form of capitalism to have the money in the first place...Rumble needs to ask itself how it will survive??

But go for it!


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