Homophobic Party Blitz Glasgow with plackards
an angry Queer Agnostic | 29.03.2007 14:46 | Gender
The Scotish Christian party has plasters expensive plackards throughout the City Centre and West End Of Glasgow
The Scotish Christian Party (
http://thechristianparty.org/cmsparty/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=69&Itemid=47 ), a notoriously Homophobic Right Wing Christian Group has been plastering plackards throughout Glasgow. These are printed on the sort of card that Estate Agents use and, given that there is such a profusion of them, this isn't the work of a small grass roots political party as they claim to be.
Following are some statments abstracted from their Web Site and photos of the plackards:
Last year Revd Hargreaves won the Jochebed Award (Scotland’s most prestigious pro-life commendation) for his political activities in support of the unborn child. Revd Hargreaves has been one of the leading campaigners against the Government’s Incitement to Racial and Religious Hatred Bill. As a supporter of the House of Lord’s Lester-Hunt amendment to the bill he led the Scottish Christian Party’s “Stop the Bill” campaign, which helped organise the successful protests in Westminster and the mass lobbying of MPs. As a result the Government suffered two defeats in Parliament in one night, and the House of Lord’s Lester-Hunt amendment was accepted without change.
On Friday 12 May 2006, Revd Hargreaves led a rally of Christians and others outside the House of Lords to register opposition against Lord Joffe's Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill. The rally was joined by a number of parliamentarians and clergy, including the Archbishop of Canterbury. The bill was defeated in the House of Lords by 148 votes to 100.
Revd Hargreaves is currently leading a campaign against the Sexual Orientation Regulations, which threatens churches throughout Scotland and the rest of the UK.
Strathclyde Firefighter’s Appeal Rejected
Christian Party leader awaits call to action!
The Strathclyde firefighters have lost their appeal against disciplinary measures taken against them after they refused to hand out leaflets at the Scotia Pride March in June. However, the demotion of the team leader has been rescinded.
Upon hearing the news Revd George Hargreaves, leader of the Scottish Christian Party, commented “I now await the call from the firemen to take this miscarriage of justice to the Employment Tribunal, and on to the Court of Human Rights if necessary. This is not simply about the Strathclyde firemen, but about all the public sector workers who make up half of the nations workforce. Will our teachers, nurses, and civil servants all be forced to affirm lifestyles that are at odds with their conscience?”
Revd Hargreaves added, “This decision is the ‘Rosa Parkes’ moment. This is a matter of civil rights, so let the new civil rights movement start here.”
Revd Hargreaves will ask the Christian legal foundation The Centre for Judeo/Christian Law and Ethics to help prepare and run a legal challenge, if the Strathclyde firemen wish to go ahead with fighting the decision by Strathclyde Fire and Rescue to reject their appeal.
Last Updated ( Sunday, 19 November 2006 )
Scottish Christian Party
Marvin Andrews tells party Conference
“With God, all things are possible!"
Former Rangers star Marvin Andrews addressed the Scottish Christian Party Conference at St Andrews this weekend. The Christian soccer ace, who now plays for Raith Rovers, told delegates assembled at the Parliament Hall (home of the Scots Parliament in 1645/46) in St. Andrews, Fife, “With God, nothing is impossible!”
He went on to encourage party activists to work “To the glory of God,” toward victory at next year’s Holyrood elections.
The Leader of the Scottish Christian Party, Revd George Hargreaves said, “I was thrilled to have Marvin as our guest speaker; his faithful stand for the Lord is well known and respected in Scotland. Marvin is a real role model and we are proud that he has associated himself with the Scottish Christian Party’s efforts to see righteousness exalt this nation.”
The conference accepted a range of manifesto policies, including: the re-introduction of Section 2A (aka Section 28 in England & Wales), the re-introduction of corporal punishment at schools (should they so choose), an education voucher system, zero tolerance policing, penal reform and the widening of Civil Partnerships to include any two people who have committed to living together long term within a single household unit.
Reverend Hargreaves commented, “Our policies are radical in the true sense of the word. We aim to offer the Scottish electorate a real choice at the polls, between the policies of ‘political correctness gone mad’ and common sense, God honouring, policies that will make our schools, streets and homes better places to work, walk and live. Remembering always that by winning just one seat in each of the 8 regions in Scotland, the Scottish Christian Party could hold the balance of power in Holyrood next May.”
Mr Murray, whose wife runs a bed and breakfast in Lewis, revealed that another reason why he felt that it was the Lord’s will for him to stand was because proposed equality regulations would exclude Christians from offering vital services in the Highlands and Islands

Following are some statments abstracted from their Web Site and photos of the plackards:
Last year Revd Hargreaves won the Jochebed Award (Scotland’s most prestigious pro-life commendation) for his political activities in support of the unborn child. Revd Hargreaves has been one of the leading campaigners against the Government’s Incitement to Racial and Religious Hatred Bill. As a supporter of the House of Lord’s Lester-Hunt amendment to the bill he led the Scottish Christian Party’s “Stop the Bill” campaign, which helped organise the successful protests in Westminster and the mass lobbying of MPs. As a result the Government suffered two defeats in Parliament in one night, and the House of Lord’s Lester-Hunt amendment was accepted without change.
On Friday 12 May 2006, Revd Hargreaves led a rally of Christians and others outside the House of Lords to register opposition against Lord Joffe's Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill. The rally was joined by a number of parliamentarians and clergy, including the Archbishop of Canterbury. The bill was defeated in the House of Lords by 148 votes to 100.
Revd Hargreaves is currently leading a campaign against the Sexual Orientation Regulations, which threatens churches throughout Scotland and the rest of the UK.
Strathclyde Firefighter’s Appeal Rejected
Christian Party leader awaits call to action!
The Strathclyde firefighters have lost their appeal against disciplinary measures taken against them after they refused to hand out leaflets at the Scotia Pride March in June. However, the demotion of the team leader has been rescinded.
Upon hearing the news Revd George Hargreaves, leader of the Scottish Christian Party, commented “I now await the call from the firemen to take this miscarriage of justice to the Employment Tribunal, and on to the Court of Human Rights if necessary. This is not simply about the Strathclyde firemen, but about all the public sector workers who make up half of the nations workforce. Will our teachers, nurses, and civil servants all be forced to affirm lifestyles that are at odds with their conscience?”
Revd Hargreaves added, “This decision is the ‘Rosa Parkes’ moment. This is a matter of civil rights, so let the new civil rights movement start here.”
Revd Hargreaves will ask the Christian legal foundation The Centre for Judeo/Christian Law and Ethics to help prepare and run a legal challenge, if the Strathclyde firemen wish to go ahead with fighting the decision by Strathclyde Fire and Rescue to reject their appeal.
Last Updated ( Sunday, 19 November 2006 )
Scottish Christian Party
Marvin Andrews tells party Conference
“With God, all things are possible!"
Former Rangers star Marvin Andrews addressed the Scottish Christian Party Conference at St Andrews this weekend. The Christian soccer ace, who now plays for Raith Rovers, told delegates assembled at the Parliament Hall (home of the Scots Parliament in 1645/46) in St. Andrews, Fife, “With God, nothing is impossible!”
He went on to encourage party activists to work “To the glory of God,” toward victory at next year’s Holyrood elections.
The Leader of the Scottish Christian Party, Revd George Hargreaves said, “I was thrilled to have Marvin as our guest speaker; his faithful stand for the Lord is well known and respected in Scotland. Marvin is a real role model and we are proud that he has associated himself with the Scottish Christian Party’s efforts to see righteousness exalt this nation.”
The conference accepted a range of manifesto policies, including: the re-introduction of Section 2A (aka Section 28 in England & Wales), the re-introduction of corporal punishment at schools (should they so choose), an education voucher system, zero tolerance policing, penal reform and the widening of Civil Partnerships to include any two people who have committed to living together long term within a single household unit.
Reverend Hargreaves commented, “Our policies are radical in the true sense of the word. We aim to offer the Scottish electorate a real choice at the polls, between the policies of ‘political correctness gone mad’ and common sense, God honouring, policies that will make our schools, streets and homes better places to work, walk and live. Remembering always that by winning just one seat in each of the 8 regions in Scotland, the Scottish Christian Party could hold the balance of power in Holyrood next May.”
Mr Murray, whose wife runs a bed and breakfast in Lewis, revealed that another reason why he felt that it was the Lord’s will for him to stand was because proposed equality regulations would exclude Christians from offering vital services in the Highlands and Islands
an angry Queer Agnostic
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