Occupational hazards for academy
Anti Academy Alliance | 28.03.2007 16:18 | Education | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | London
Over the weekend anti academy protesters occupied and camped out on the Wembley Park Sports ground, site of a proposed academy. They have erected tents and intend camping on the site permanently until the proposal is dropped. The protesters include local residents, sports ground users, teachers and parents.
Hank Roberts, ATL and NUT Executive member and Brent resident said
"Brent Council are refusing to consult on whether the proposal should go ahead or not. This is a travesty of democracy and governance by dictat. No wonder people have had to resort to direct action. I call on all who believe in and value state education to come to the site and support the occupation."
Peter Moring, Director of Football for Brent Community and Sports Ltd, said,
"We have had seven football matches here over the last three days from primary school girls and boys to young lads and a men’s game. I keep the pitches up to scratch, free of charge, for the benefit of young and older footballers. Brent schools are heavily involved here and despite the Liberal Councillors saying that they will keep it for community use, I know through experience that this will not happen."
Apart from the above; Robert Dunwell, QARA Group resident association chair and local Conservative Councillor who was elected on the basis of opposing an academy on the Wembley Sports ground said,
"I and local residents oppose this proposal because; of the traffic chaos it will bring to the already congested area; it will turn Barn Hill into an overflow car park for the school users and the area is already well served by several good local comprehensives including one only 500 yards away. Also, the residents south of the North circular are going to be very badly served by this location, there are alternatives!"
Please send messages of support to
hankr@hotmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and send donations to Hank Roberts, 27 Ridley Rd, London, NW10 5UB (receipts will be provided). Every penny will be used to continue the fight.
"Brent Council are refusing to consult on whether the proposal should go ahead or not. This is a travesty of democracy and governance by dictat. No wonder people have had to resort to direct action. I call on all who believe in and value state education to come to the site and support the occupation."
Peter Moring, Director of Football for Brent Community and Sports Ltd, said,
"We have had seven football matches here over the last three days from primary school girls and boys to young lads and a men’s game. I keep the pitches up to scratch, free of charge, for the benefit of young and older footballers. Brent schools are heavily involved here and despite the Liberal Councillors saying that they will keep it for community use, I know through experience that this will not happen."
Apart from the above; Robert Dunwell, QARA Group resident association chair and local Conservative Councillor who was elected on the basis of opposing an academy on the Wembley Sports ground said,
"I and local residents oppose this proposal because; of the traffic chaos it will bring to the already congested area; it will turn Barn Hill into an overflow car park for the school users and the area is already well served by several good local comprehensives including one only 500 yards away. Also, the residents south of the North circular are going to be very badly served by this location, there are alternatives!"
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Anti Academy Alliance