Unwelcome Guests: #351 - Death Squads and Empire
Chris | 27.03.2007 11:29 | Analysis | Iraq | Terror War | Sheffield
Attached is the Unwelcome Guests radio show from 25th March 2007, entitled For The Love of Tyranny, Banannas, Bad Apples, Death Squads and Empire. It features Dahr Jamail, William Blum and John Taylor Gatto (reading).
Unwelcome Guests: #351 - For The Love of Tyranny - Part 1 - mp3 27M
Unwelcome Guests: #351 - For The Love of Tyranny - Part 2 - mp3 27M
The show is introduced in the following way:
What are presented as isolated news items are actually connected - there is a line that connects Chiquita death squads and their Iraqi counterparts - and that line runs right through the USA, as we will hear on the program this week. CIA and US Military opperatives have created death squads, personally or by proxy in countries as wide ranging as Vietnam, El Salvador and now Iraq. US pundits have suggested that the violence is an indication of a culture not up to the task of democracy. Let me suggest that it is a characeristic trait of any dominator society, one riddled with social, sexual and economic hierarchies kept in place by violence, as they must be, because the people on the bottom of the hierarchy will not maintain that position voluntarily - and that includes the United States
This show was originally poted to Radio4All:
The audio attachments are for non-profit use only.
More information about the, highly recommended, Unwelcome Guests radio show can be found on their web site:
See also the series on the history of the US Empire which start here:
Empire as a Way of Life
And this Taking Aim show:
Imperial Death Squads and the Shredding of Iraqi National Life
What are presented as isolated news items are actually connected - there is a line that connects Chiquita death squads and their Iraqi counterparts - and that line runs right through the USA, as we will hear on the program this week. CIA and US Military opperatives have created death squads, personally or by proxy in countries as wide ranging as Vietnam, El Salvador and now Iraq. US pundits have suggested that the violence is an indication of a culture not up to the task of democracy. Let me suggest that it is a characeristic trait of any dominator society, one riddled with social, sexual and economic hierarchies kept in place by violence, as they must be, because the people on the bottom of the hierarchy will not maintain that position voluntarily - and that includes the United States
This show was originally poted to Radio4All:

The audio attachments are for non-profit use only.
More information about the, highly recommended, Unwelcome Guests radio show can be found on their web site:

See also the series on the history of the US Empire which start here:
Empire as a Way of Life

And this Taking Aim show:
Imperial Death Squads and the Shredding of Iraqi National Life
