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Philadelphia Reparations Tribunal, Excerpts on Uhuru Radio, Sunday March 25 | 24.03.2007 02:21 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles

Listen to testimony from Consuela Africa on the bombing and incarceration of the MOVE family in Philadelphia from the 1970s until today. She and others testified at the Tribunal on Reparations to African People, March 17th in Philadelphia.

Delbert Africa of MOVE
Delbert Africa of MOVE

Highlights from Uhuru Radio's live broadcast this Sunday:

"White Solidarity with Black Power" 16:00 (US Eastern) - will this week feature testimony from Consuela Africa on the bombing and incarceration of the MOVE family. Consuela was imprisoned after the 1978 assault on the MOVE family house. 2 of her children were then killed in the 1985 government fire-bombing of another MOVE house. She testified on March 17, 2007 at the Reparations Tribunal in Philadelphia. Arlene Sessoms also testified on the police murder of her 20-year-old unarmed nephew, Brian Jones, on January 1, 2007. Excerpts from the testimonies of these two courageous women, along with statements from NYC Uhuru Movement organizer Diop Olugbala, African People's Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela and African People's Solidarity Committee Chairwoman Penny Hess will be aired on this weekly program exploring the role and responsibility of white people in relation to the African liberation struggle.

"Uhuru On The Move" 13:00 (US Eastern) - Peggy Morris, Director of the Jamaican Housing Development in NYC will talk with International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement organizer Kobina Bantushango about the struggle for decent housing in the African community. Call in to (from inside U.S.) 877-824-3337 or (from outside U.S.) 001 + 727-824-5700 or email and tell us what's going on in your community.

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Uhuru is a cult

24.03.2007 10:36

Uhuru is a cult

>First of all, members of the Uhuru Movement are not REQUIRED to give over their salary.

I'm just saying what you guys told me at my last and final encounter. Sorry, John, you ('you' meaning Uhuru) said I needed to give 20% of my salary...I'm not lying. You guys love to play word didn't say REQUIRED in all caps, you said 'need to'.

>As for fundraising- it is carried out in the same fashion as any other non-profit organization does.

Most non-profits have a board of directors that anyone in the group can be voted to. Not Uhuru. You work like a dog for 'the movement.'

If you are interested in supporting reparations or improving our society, stay away from Uhuru.

Uhuru is about manipulation...just go there and see for yourself. Uhuru is a bonified Political Cult.

The stuff they say in public is toned down from what they preach in their meetings...if you think the inevitable breakdown of society is imminent, with African leadership taking the helm and fixing all the problems of our world, and you want to secure yourself a place in this new society, then you better get yourself to a meeting quick!

John, please tell us dates and times

Uhuru Bob