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Chaos in zimbabwe, chaos in Venezuela

brian | 24.03.2007 02:11

The events unfolding in ZImbabwe bear a resemblance to events that unfolded in Venezuela in 2002. Here is a report by Greg Wilpert from April 2002, just prior to the aborted coup

'An Imminent Coup in Venezuela?
Posted: Tuesday, April 9, 2002

by Gregory Wilpert*
April 10 2002

It appears that the strategy of President Chavez’ opposition is to create as much chaos and disorder in Venezuela as possible, so that Chavez is left with no other choice than to call a state of emergency. This, in turn could either lead to a military coup or U.S. military intervention. '

This is exactly what we can see unfolding in Zimbabwe today. Even the 'state of emergency'.



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24.03.2007 04:10

are talking shite.

in zimbabwe


24.03.2007 23:37

are NOT in Zimbabwe, and are not interested in the fate of the people IN Zimbabwe.
