Bolt on | 22.03.2007 23:22
I make no bones about it.I hate and despise Americans.Not the ordinary joe who is like the class i came from.But the political muppet who joins the army and gets most of his mobile parts blew away and still thinks - it's a great place to die for.The joe that thinks 9/11 was an outside terror cell.The dumb fuck that meddaled pinned still salutes the flag of terror.The flag that every film portrays some dope picking up and being shot to bits on every hollywood shit show ever.Thats the stupid dumb fuck American i hate.I hate the American media that hides the truth from the ordinary joe i like.I hate the American education that never teaches the truth,except that dumb commy decleration every morning in school,i hate that too.It is a dedication to entrapment to a fruitless future.Aimed at and designed for nothing less than a mafia cuture.Wake up ordinary joe.
Bolt on