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Common Purpose takes over Bradford

dh | 21.03.2007 02:47

How a controlling organisation, under the guise of a diversifying one can permeate a city's infrastructure
See capitalised entries at bottom of article
This only claims to be a partial list


... BUT TO WHAT END ...?


It's likely that you've never heard of an organisation called Common Purpose, unless that is you are a 'leader' or aspire to be one. I'd never heard of it myself until this week, but from what I have read so far people urgently need to be aware of what it is doing.

It began in the UK in 1988, where it has some 45 offices, but has now taken its sun symbol logo into many countries as Common Purpose International. These include France, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, India, Ireland, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. I understand it is also moving in on the United States. This is its stated goal:

'Common Purpose aims to improve the way society works by expanding the vision, decision making ability and influence of all kinds of leaders. The organisation runs a variety of educational programmes for leaders of all ages, backgrounds and sectors, in order to provide them with the inspiration, information and opportunities they need to change the world.'

From such bland descrïptions come two questions immediately: A common purpose to what end? And 'change the world' in what way exactly? We need answers here because Common Purpose is sweeping through the UK 'training' leaders in all areas of society and if they have a 'common purpose' we ought to know about it.

The organisation now has training programmes in every major town and city in Britain and since 1989 more than 60,000 people have been involved with 20,000 'leaders' completing one or more programmes. These are:

Leaders: Matrix and Focus
Emerging leaders: Navigator
Very young leaders: Your Turn
Leaders who need a local briefing: Profile
National leaders: 20:20
The benefits of Common Purpose training are the following, the sales-pitch tells us:

Participants gain new competencies and become more effective in a diverse and complex world.
Organisations benefit from stronger, more inspired, better-networked managers and senior managers who are closer to the community
Communities benefit from cross-sector understanding and initiatives as different parts of the community learn to operate more effectively together.
Maybe it's just me, but I keep seeing a picture of George Orwell in my mind. He is shaking his head and smiling. Those who complete the courses are called Common Purpose 'graduates' and throughout British society such 'graduates' are at work in government, law enforcement, health and many other areas that affect daily life. So what's it all about and what is going on here?

The official founder and Chief Executive of Common Purpose is Julia Middleton who in her profile at the Common Purpose UK Website ( fails to mention a rather relevant fact: she is also Head of Personnel Selection in the office of John Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister to Tony Blair. Prescott has been the man with responsibility for creating 'regional assemblies' around the United Kingdom which are part of the plan to abolish nations and bring their powerless 'regions' under the jackboot of the European Union. He has, of course, sought to sell this policy as 'devolving power to the people'.

Prescott has common purpose with Common Purpose and Julia Middleton because they are all committed to the same end. The European superstate is designed to be centrally controlled and managed at lower levels by bland and brain dead 'leaders' who are all programmed to think the same. This is where Common Purpose comes in.

You can always tell an Illuminati front by its desire to centralise everything and that includes the centralisation of thought as diversity is scorned, ridiculed and dismissed in favour of a manufactured 'consensus'; you will also see the Orwellian Newspeak technique in which the organisation claims to stand for what it is seeking to destroy - Common Purpose says its aim is to develop 'diverse' leaders; and Illuminati fronts always tend to use language that actually says nothing when describing what they do.

Political speech writers work for days to produce statements that say nothing because if politicians don't commit themselves to specifics they can hide the real agenda amid the bland and banal. Wilson Bryan Key writes in his book The Age of Manipulation about his experience of writing a speech with others for U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower:

'For thirty-six sleepless hours, three writers turned out draft after draft, reviewed by a White House deputy press secretary who offered terse comments like, "Much too specific!" "Ease up on factual references!" and "Take it back and fuzz it up!" "Fuzz it up," we discovered eventually, meant avoid all clear, factual statements about anything more specific than the time of day ... The speech was endlessly discussed for likely audience reactions, belief and attitude reinforcements, and implied meanings ... Would anyone take the empty rhetoric seriously? The speech read smoothly, but said absolutely nothing about anything. This was precisely what it was intended to say. During audience interviews after the oration, most expressed satisfaction with the great man's words. "Ike really gave it to them!" "He has my vote!" "I like the way he thinks!" "Great speech!''.'

This is how Illuminati organisations operate and when you look at the propaganda for Common Purpose it is bland and without specifics, just as you would expect. So what does this organisation teach its 'leaders'? You wouldn't know by reading its blurb and with its courses costing thousands of pounds it would be expensive to find out. But for sure it will manufacture consensus among its 'diverse' clientele.

This is a key technique of the Illuminati throughout society - to manipulate agreement on a range of issues that then become the norm to be defended from all challenge and true diversity. It has been developed by organisations like the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London which was funded into existence in 1946 with a grant from the Rockfeller Foundation and is one of the Illuminati's global centres for developing the 'hive mind' mentality or 'group and organisational behaviour'. Tavistock works closely with 'public sector' (state-controlled) organisations including the UK government and the European Union and the Orwell-speak on its website could have come straight from the pages of Common Purpose. Or the other way round. Jargon is always the language of the junta:

'Multi-organisational working, cross-boundary working and the global-national-local interface each raise their own set of organisational dynamics which must be surfaced and worked with if collaboration is to be effective. They also raise particular challenges for leadership (and followership). The Institute's approaches to organisational consultancy and leadership development, based on organisational theory and systems psychodynamics are particularly appropriate for helping organisations to address these complex issues.'

Like working out what the hell all that is supposed to mean. What we can see is that Tavistock and Common Purpose share the same pod. Both want to develop 'leaders' and they do it in the same way by manufactured consensus that then stamps out all diversity by using those who have conceded their right to free thought to the group psyche. Mind manipulation techniques like Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP are also employed in the language employed to engineer consensus. NLP is a technique of using words to re-programme the body computer to accept another perception of reality - in this case the consensus agreed by the manipulators before their victims even register for the 'course'. Apparently the CIA refers to these pre-agreed 'opinions' as 'slides'. As one Internet writer said:

'A "slide" is a prefabricated, "politically correct" blanket "pop" "opinion", "view" or "take" upon a particular issue of general interest which is designed to preclude further consideration, analysis or investigation of the issue in question. In other words, it is a "collectivised" mental position which is never to be questioned. This is precisely the "product" of the Deputy Prime Minister's insidious neurological linguistic control programme "Common Purpose".'

Anyone who resists the programming is isolated and the group turned against them until they either conform or lose credibility to be a 'leader'. Look at global society in any country and you will see this happening in the workplace, among friends down the bar and in television discussions. The consensus on global warming has been manipulated to be that carbon emissions are the cause and anyone who says otherwise is an uncaring, selfish, racist and quite happy to see the planet and humanity face catastrophe. The fact that carbon emissions are not the cause of global warming is irrelevant because the 'truth' is what the consensus has agreed it to be. In short, if you don't agree with the extreme consensus you are an extremist.

It is the manipulation of consensus that has turned the three main political parties in Britain into one party with their leaders Tony Blair, David Cameron and 'Ming' Campbell all standing on the same ground. They might offer slightly different policies - and only slightly - but they are all agreed on the fundamentals and this makes elections irrelevant. The Conservative Party's David Cameron, the likely winner of the next General Election, is Blair Mark II and this pair certainly have common purpose.

The Tavistock Institute has been working this flanker for decades and Common Purpose seems to me to have the Curriculum Vitae of a Tavistock front. One of the Tavistock founders, Dr. John Rawlings Rees, who also became co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, talked of infiltrating all professions and areas of society - 'Public life, politics and industry should all ... be within our sphere of influence ... If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity!' He said that the 'salesmen' of their perception re-programming (mass mind-control) must lose their identity and operate secretly. He said:

'We must aim to make it permeate every educational activity in our national life ... We have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church: the two most difficult are law and medicine.'

The common purpose of the Tavistock/Illuminati guerrilla war on the human psyche is to wipe clean any sense of the individual and unique because only that way can they impose the global dictatorship and have the masses accept it. Brock Chisholm, former Director of the UN World Health Organisation, was right when he said: 'To achieve One-World Government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism'.

Enter Common Purpose and its training of 'leaders'. If you can get the leaders to think the same it makes it much easier to transfer that to the general population. Julia Middleton's organisation, and whoever and whatever else is really behind it, has been making dramatic inroads into British society while it has flown below the radar. It is time we gave it a much higher profile as it goes ever-more international.

Brian Gerrish at discovered Common Purpose when he was involved with a group in Plymouth in the west of England helping people find jobs and one of their projects was repairing wooden boats. He said they had lots of public support and backing from the local authorities and everything was going fine. But then it suddenly changed and the council support was withdrawn. When they tried to continue alone, he said that within a short time key people were being threatened:

'When we started to explore why we were being threatened we were absolutely staggered to find a very strange organisation called Common Purpose operating in the city. And we were absolutely amazed that there were so many people involved but they were not declaring themselves ...

'[Common Purpose] was operating throughout the structure of the city, in the city council, in the government offices, in the police, in the judiciary. Essentially we discovered what is effectively, at best, a quasi secret society which doesn't declare itself to ordinary people.'

Further research has led Gerrish to establish that Common Purpose is recruiting and training leaders to be loyal to the objectives of the organisation and the European Union and preparing the governing structure for what it calls the 'post-democratic society' after nations are replaced by regions in the European Union. 'They are learning to rule without regard to democracy, and will bring the EU police state home to every one of us', Gerrish says. Common Purpose 'graduates' are increasingly everywhere, as you will see from the partial list at the end of this article.

When the organisation was given an award in 2005 by one of it clients, Newcastle University in the North East of England, it was revealed that among its graduates in that area were: Michael Craik, Northumbria Police Chief Constable; Andrew Dixon, Executive Director of the Arts Council England, North East; Glyn Evans, City Centre Chaplain; Chris Francis, Centre Manager of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust; Anne Marshall, Chief Officer of Age Concern; Anthony Sargent, General Director of The Sage Gateshead; Miriam Harte, Director of Beamish Museum; and Sue Underwood, Chief Executive of NEMLAC (the North East Museums, Libraries and Archives Council). Brian Gerrish has found them to be throughout the government structure with more than £100 million of taxpayers money spent on Common Purpose courses for state employees. It has members in the National Health Service, BBC, police, legal profession, religion, local councils, the Civil Service, government ministries,! Parliament and Regional Development Agencies.

Common Purpose graduate Cressida Dick issued the 'shoot-to-kill' order to police officers that led to an innocent Brazilian electrician, Jean Charles de Menezes being held down by police and shot eight times at point blank range, seven of them in the head. Cressida Dick has since been outrageously promoted from commander to deputy assistant commissioner in the Metropolitan police. Janet Paraskeva, the Law Society's Chief Executive Officer, is also a Common Purpose graduate and there are many and increasing numbers in the law and enforcement professions.

Common Purpose meetings are held under the 'Chatham House rule' in which participants are free to use the information received but not to reveal the identity or affiliation of the source, nor anyone else participating. Chatham House is the headquarters of the Illuminati's Royal Institute of International Affairs, which is part of the web that includes the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission in the United States. It introduced the 'Chatham House rule' to keep its meetings secret while still having its policy promoted on a non-attributable basis.

From the efforts of the Tavistock Institute and Julia Middleton has come a common network with a common purpose that is leading to the rapid and coordinated introduction of Newspeak, political correctness and 'management initiatives' that lead us ever further down the road to tyranny.


A partial list of Common Purpose UK clientele

ABL LTD, BRADFORD = Carlisle Business Centre!!
Admiral Insurance Services Ltd
American Express, Brighton
ARRIVA, Head Office
ARRIVA, Leeds City Station
Arts Council England, North-West, Manchester
Astra Zeneca UK Limited, Macclesfield
Astron, Edinburgh
Aylesford Newsprint Ltd, Aylesford
BAE Systems, Rochester
Baillie Gifford & Co, Edinburgh
Baker Tilly, Milton Keynes
Barnsley College, Barnsley
Barnsley Hospice, Barnsley
BASF Plc, Middlesbrough
Bayer CropScience, Norwich
Begbroke Science Park, University of Oxford, Yarnton
British Petroleum, Grangemouth
Brighton & Hove City Council, Hove - King's House
Brighton & Hove Economic Partnership, Brighton
BSkyB, Dunfermline
BT Scotland, Edinburgh - Alexander Graham Bell House
BUPA Ireland, Dublin
Business Link, North & Western Lancashire
Cairn Energy Plc, Edinburgh
Campsmount School, Doncaster
Cardiff City AFC, Cardiff
Cathays High School, Cardiff
ChamberLink Ltd, Manchester
Chapel Royal , Brighton
Cherwell School, Oxford
City and County of Cardiff, Cardiff - County Hall
City College Coventry, Butts Centre
Clackmannanshire Council, Alloa
Cork Prison, Cork
Coventry Evening Telegraph, Coventry
Darton High School, Barnsley
Department for Education and Skills, Darlington
Derby College, Derby
Dewsbury Health Care NHS Trust, Dewsbury & District Hospital
Diageo plc, Dublin
Diageo plc, Leven - Banbeath Industrial Estate
Diamond Corrugated Cases Ltd, Londonderry
Donnington Valley Hotel, Newbury
Dover Harbour Board, Dover
Dublin Bus, Dublin
EON UK plc, Coventry
Egg, Derby
EMI Records Group UK and Ireland, London
English Institute of Sport Sheffield, Sheffield
Eversheds, Cardiff
Fife College, Kirkcaldy
Fife Constabulary, Police Headquarters
Fife Council, Kirkcaldy - Town House
Ford Motor Company Limited, Southampton
Forth Valley College of Further & Higher Education, Falkirk Campus
Fox's Biscuits, Batley
Glasgow City Council, City Chambers
Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow
GlaxoSmithKline, Dartford - Acacia Hall
Goodwin Resource Centre Association, Hull
Grimsby and S****horpe Newspapers Ltd, Grimsby
Gripple Ltd, Sheffield
Hartlepool Primary Care Trust, Hartlepool
Headquarters 2nd Infantry Brigade, Folkestone
Health Promotion, Coventry
HM Prison Cardiff
HM Prison Edinburgh
HM Prison Glenochil, Tullibody
HM Prison HMYOI Polmont, Falkirk
HM Prison Maidstone
HM Prison Stafford
HM Prison Standford Hill, Sheerness
HM Prison Swaleside, Isle of Sheppey
Home Office Refugee Integration Section, Croydon
Hothouse Centre for Ceramic Design, Stoke-on-Trent
HSBC Bank plc, Manchester
Hull Citybuild, Hull
Hull Cityventure Limited, Hull
Huntsman Petrochemicals [UK] Ltd, Redcar
IBM United Kingdom Limited, Edinburgh
Indian Muslim Welfare Society, Batley
John Wheatley College, Glasgow
Keele University
Keepmoat plc, Doncaster
Kellogg's, Manchester
Kent Thameside Delivery Board, Gravesend
Kickstart, Sheffield
Kimberly-Clark Ltd, Barton-Upon-Humber
Kingston upon Hull City Council, The Guildhall
Komedia, Brighton
Laganside Corporation, Belfast
Lancashire Constabulary, Nr Preston
Learning + Skills Council, Hull
Legal & General, Cardiff - 2 Fitzalan Place
Longley Park Sixth Form College, Sheffield
Lothian Buses plc, Edinburgh
Marriott Hotel, Glasgow
Marriott Hotel, Sunderland
Marriott Sprowston Manor Hotel & Country Club, Norwich
Maxxium UK Ltd, Stirling
McCann FitzGerald Solicitors, Dublin
Meadowhall Centre Limited, Sheffield
Medway Ports, Sheerness
Met Office, Exeter
Middlesbrough Borough Council, Middlesbrough - Vancouver House
Millennium Chemicals, Grimsby
Milton Keynes Museum, Milton Keynes
MKM Building Supplies Ltd, Hull
National Children's Centre, Huddersfield
National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, Bradford
New Appointments Group, Sittingbourne
Newbury Town Council, Newbury
Newcastle Building Society, Newcastle Upon Tyne
North Lincolnshire Council, S****horpe
Northern Echo, Darlington
Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Hospitals NHS Trust, S****horpe
Northwest Development Agency, Warrington
Norwich City Council, City Hall
Novartis Grimsby Ltd, Grimsby
O2 Ireland, Dublin
OCR, Coventry
Outokumpu Stainless Ltd, Sheffield
Oxford City Council, St Aldate's Chambers
Panasonic UK Ltd, Bracknell
Patcham High School, Brighton
Pfizer Limited, Sandwich - Ramsgate Road
PricewaterhouseCoopers, London - Embankment Place, Head Office
PricewaterhouseCoopers, London - Plumtree Court
Prudential plc, Reading
Prudential plc, Stirling
PSA Peugeot Citroen, Coventry
PSA Peugeot Citroen, Manufacturing Plant
Quest International Ltd, Ashford
REACT, Rotherham
Reading Borough Council, Reading
Reed In Partnership, Doncaster
Ridgewood School, Doncaster
Robin Hood Airport, Doncaster Sheffield, Doncaster
Rok Build, Reading
Rolls-Royce plc, Inchinnan
Rotherham College of Arts and Technology, Dinnington
Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Edinburgh - The Younger Building
Safefood, Cork
Salford Primary Care Trust, Salford
Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley, Stirling
Scottish Enterprise, Glasgow
Scottish Executive, Edinburgh - Victoria Quay
Sheffield City Council, Sheffield - Town Hall
Shepherd Neame Ltd, Faversham
Shoosmiths Solicitors, Milton Keynes
Slough Enterprise Gateway, Slough
South Norfolk District Council, Norwich
South Wales Fire Service, Cardiff
St Andrews Bay Hotel, St. Andrews
St Saviours C of E Church, Folkestone
St Simon Stock School, Maidstone
Staffordshire University, Stafford
Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Stoke on Trent
Strathclyde Police, Headquarters
Sussex County Cricket Club, Hove
Sussex Innovation Centre, Brighton
Sussex Police, Hove Police Station
Swale Borough Council, Sittingbourne
Swale Forward, Swale
Swale Primary Care Trust, Sittingbourne
Swan Valley Community School, Swanscombe
Tesco Charity Trust, Cheshunt
Thames Valley Police, Reading - Castle Street
Thames Valley Police, Slough
The Bridge (Oxford) Ltd, Oxford
The Brighton Dome and Brighton Festival, Brighton
The City of Edinburgh Council, Head Office
The Grimsby Institute of Further & Higher Education, Grimsby
The Recovery Project, Brighton
Thomson Snell & Passmore (Solicitors), Tunbridge Wells
Tonbridge Grammar School, Tonbridge
Unipart (DCM), Oxford
University of Glasgow
University of Greenwich, Chatham
University of Salford
University of St Andrews
University of Sussex, Brighton
Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Cardiff
Viking FM, Hull
Vodafone Group Plc, Head Office
Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff
Welsh Development Agency, Cardiff
West Berkshire Community Hospital, Thatcham
West Berkshire Council, Newbury
West Midlands Fire Service, Coventry, Radford Road Community Fire Station
West Midlands Police, Coventry, Little Park Street Police Station
West Yorkshire Police, Huddersfield
Wintringham School, Grimsby
Wokingham District Council, Wokingham
Wychwood School, Oxford
Yorkshire Bank PLC, Leeds
Young's Bluecrest Seafood Limited, Ross House, Grimsby
Zurich Commercial, London and Swindon

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Hide the following 8 comments

Right-wing conspira-bollocks

22.03.2007 09:46

So this isn't capitalism's usualy corruption but the ILLUMINATI. Wipe the dribble from your chin you loon. And where does the info come from? EU truth website. From the loony margins where right-wing EU sceptics meet loonbag conspiracists.If you don't beleive this dh character is a right-wing spammer polluting Indymedia and trying to make it uselss to actual activists then just think about the sources he's constantly re-posting from.

Make like Larry and...

Pull it

False comment

22.03.2007 23:35

I'm fully aware of the ukip related origins of this info, and hold the organisation in some distrust. It's complete and utter garbage to say I repeatedly quote from 'right wing' sources. I don't even hold that that paradigm holds much water in these tumultuous, by design, times, but I generally avoid such references because I know the IM sensibilities about such issues.
However, you can think about subjects like this without buying the whole kit and kaboodle of it's origins. Personally I'm not hanging out any St George's flag
Also I'm not too keen on nationalism, but I also am aware of the fact that Blair is happily about to sign off Britain as a nation state, a major factor of his desired for 'legacy'. Now what do you do if you want to create a "full spectrum dominance" fascist one world government. First you have to destroy the notion of sovreignty in independent nations.
What I'm actually against is the continuing centralisation and globalisation, and don't regard being anti-EU as being in any way "right-wing" or "little Englander". That's just another game that's been pushed
I find that the zombiefication of the nation via the likes of Common Purpose repulsive, and note how every neo labour minister politician councillor and corporate whore spouts its meaningless Newspeak endlessly
I considered editing out the 'illuminati' references for the benefit of indyists but thought that might be disingenuous


Censoring software

23.03.2007 00:54

This obviously comes from some censoring organisational software that rips the cunt out of Scunthorpe


We live in Fortean Times

28.07.2007 12:29

Ok - personally I find talk of Illuminati and conspiracy theories a bit silly. But I reckon whoever wrote this article has a point. I haven't done any research into the origins of the article or even if Common Purpose exists. I could even be considered to be on the edge and a luner type person. But anyway, enough of the excuses. Here tis.
"We are the last generation to know what it is like to live in Enlightened times. We are entering a voodoo age of ignorance and superstition." David Thomas, Meadville.
Now, if you read the REALLY looney stuff you might have come accross a similar idea - that we are currently entering into a phase of magic, a bit like the so-called dark ages but different in character. Things go in cycles. Science is changing the world so fast that it's methods are no longer much use to cope with it and thus the (r)evolution to magical modes of thought. However this new age of magic will come packaged in scientific terminology. Things like NLP are basically magic techniques. (hey did you see that documentary on Edward Bernays and all that stuff? but explained to fit in with science so that they go down easy. Nothing wrong with that but from this article it looks like someone or something has figured that they can spread the virus of a thought, and quite a sophisticated one at that. Language is a virus. A collection of pictures, perspectives and beliefs that self-perpetuate. Well, sounds like science fiction for sure but, you know, the future is here right now.
Now, what it might also be worth considering in this picture is that complex systems can develop their own rudimentary intelligence and have survival instincts. That includes governments and systems of thought. They live through us, are parasitic in nature. There is a trade, they buy people's adherance (worship, if you will) in return for something (power, safety, money, etc). But they haven't got people's best interests at heart. Not saying this is true - it might be a more useful perspective than trying to find a non-existant group of people called the Illuminati who never declare themselves etc. You might possibly be looking in the wrong place. The thing is is that the last 500 years of scientific thought has made it pretty impossible to acknowledge life in anything other than our own minds. (Consider the Chinese Communist parties persicution of people who practice Chi Kung, just cos more people practice it than there are people in the Communist party it is seen as a direct threat and thus set upon. )
Anyway (I'm rambling :¬) - it looks like these viruses are already everywhere and most people don't even realise what's running through them. Going to have to find a way of jacking the system. Or just surviving in the age of the individual -vs- the group. It's an Aquarian thing.

Nemin Theoff

A Link For Pull it

28.09.2007 22:19

Here's a link for Pull it

Common Purpose Government Infiltrators

Please stop being a chump and watch it...


Let's think past the semantics.

04.10.2007 19:40

Illuminati is a rogue term giving evoking wierd and wonderful notions of people sat around tables in darkened rooms.

Unfortunately people are, by the use of this term, derailed from the obvious fact of the existence of the ruling class.


Common Purpose Hunter

20.10.2007 22:17

Also part of Common Purpose :
Yorkshire & Humber Diversity Campaign:

who's who:


Common Purpose is a corrupt and evil organisation

18.04.2008 05:15

Common Purpose is a corrupt and evil organisation and must be stopped:

Stop Common Purpose
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