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Another sacking at Searchlight?

Yorks Commando | 20.03.2007 12:09 | Anti-racism

A reliable source tells me that following on from the departure of Steve Silver last year over a disagreement over Zionism, Searchlies now have done away with former fascist "infiltrator" Matt Collins.

Apparenty the last straw for the team was "Fatt Matt's" insistence on having an obituary for Loyalist terrorist David Irvine in the February edition in which he attacked republicans and pushed a strong unionist line. The article was headed 'personal opinion' and infuriated Searchlight readers from the far left as Searchlight has always pushed the Provo line. Collins apparently also attended the funeral of the UVF chief no doubt using the the vast sums of money pumped into the organisation by the trade union movement to get pissed and sing sectarian songs.

It will be a big blow to Collins and his enormous ego that he can no longer get drunk and violent at other peoples expense so may we also be seeing "Matt" and Lowles fighting in a pub car park near us very soon?

Yorks Commando


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20.03.2007 16:06

Anyone who has read Searchlight regularly will know that it has never pushed a 'pro-provo line'. Searchlight always craves 'respectability', it is a social democratic establishment publication and has always had an anti-republican line when it came to Ireland.



20.03.2007 16:15

Another sad and futile attempt to cause a problem where there isn't one.


Kebab Belly Collins?

20.03.2007 16:55

Hardly doing a dis-service, going to the funeral of a man who brought peace and understanding to starved Loyalists.

In fact, I saw Gerry Adams and Mrs Ervine (get the spelling right you pratt,) hug on television after the funeral, too.

Nice try, but we all know that Silver has gone to work for Toys R' Us in Jerusalem which now sells Nick Lowles action dolls and the Searchlight cook-book for kosher fascists.

Perhaps Eddie should get a new copy, as the Jews are by all accounts running his organisation.

Plant Pot

no-one likes cephalics

22.03.2007 01:42

steve silver (or sliver)

Ervine or irvine?

What a choice

ra ra

Just stumbled upon this

13.04.2007 15:45

Very interesting. Matthew Collins has long been a link between the state and the Loyalist murder squads that operate in Northern Ireland. During the 80's and 90's at the behest of Searchlight he ran with the UDA/UVF in London and Scotland carrying out attacks on Republicans. This included a bombing attempt by Glasgow UVF on a Republican function in 1991.

In 1990 he and other members of the UDA attacked the Mostyn Martyrs parade in Manchester when two students were stabbed on the University campus when Red Action confronted them.

When Eddy Whicker and Frank Portanari were arrested in Birmingham with a car boot load of guns in 1993 it was Collins procured the guns and loaded the car for them.

In 1994 Terry Blackham was caught with a sub machine gun trying to get on the ferry to Scotland. Blackham and Collins ran the NF in London together.

In 2000 Collins is reported to have attempted to murder someone in Australia but his name was not revealed because he was D-noticed by the security services but he made a pretty good job of severing the leg of his victim who identified him.

English researcher Larry O'Hara has written extensively how Collins and Sonia Gable have both in the past assisted UVF murder teams and how Collins tried to have O'Hara murdered by the UVF with pictures that Nick Lowles and Steve Silver took of him while he working in a school as a teacher.

Anybody who has read his reports from Northern Ireland will know he receives information from very informed sources. Lately he has been in the company of Sticky journalist Henry McDonald an influential O.I.R.A supporter in Belfast. Collins also has ties to the IRSM through his family and despite supposedly being in hiding in Australia was often in Belfast during the 90's.

A very interesting series of events that neither he or Searchlight has ever cared to answer.

Belfast Child