Sheffield AF Anti-Recruitment Centre - March 17th
Sheffield AF | 19.03.2007 20:42 | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Sheffield
Saturday 17th March, the newly revitalized Sheffield AF group marched into town in British army uniform and set up a recruiting stall; we invited people to defend their government’s right to oil and conquest with their lives and honor. BUT upon nearer inspection the sign up forms turned out to be a contract declaring the undersigned shall NEVARRR have anything to do with the armed forces.
Anti-Recruitment centre proved a roaring success with over sixty people officially de-enlisted in less than two hours!! Stunt enjoyed a very good response from the general public (young and old, drunk and sober) and even solidarity among a few ex-squaddies. At times, the allusion proved a bit too convincing for some early victims of the St. Patrick's Day revelries (in spite of the giant anarcho-syndicalist flag) but after some considered explanation we got the message through and were even treated to some drunken sing-a-longs. Every bit of AF prop we could find was given away, including most of our uniforms/costumes. Oh yeah ... and we confused the hell out of some Mormons.
Anti-Recruitment centre proved a roaring success with over sixty people officially de-enlisted in less than two hours!! Stunt enjoyed a very good response from the general public (young and old, drunk and sober) and even solidarity among a few ex-squaddies. At times, the allusion proved a bit too convincing for some early victims of the St. Patrick's Day revelries (in spite of the giant anarcho-syndicalist flag) but after some considered explanation we got the message through and were even treated to some drunken sing-a-longs. Every bit of AF prop we could find was given away, including most of our uniforms/costumes. Oh yeah ... and we confused the hell out of some Mormons.
Sheffield AF
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Well Done !
20.03.2007 13:51
Its good to see some Anarchist presence on the streets in sheffield.
Keep it up !
James Hadfield
20.03.2007 14:00
Darren Wavide
Adbusters < Anarchism
21.03.2007 00:10
Think you were having a laugh but as the sergeant in charge of this anti recruitment squadron i'd like to put a bit of distance between anarchism and adbusters magasine/irony politics. Adbusters is basically a vanity journal for designers who recognise that they will spend their lives making ads and want to comment on this tragic situation by... making ads (without products). Its a very glossy, very expensive design journal, and its no more surprising seeing it in the shop of an arts centred university than seeing a bit of Marx in a politics bookshop. Very nice too if you like that sort of thing.
The stall, despite being quite colourful and that, was straight down the line. We don't like the army, we don't like war, we don't like the sytem that creates the need for either, and thats what we said to people. Reasonable things about the fact the army is not a defencive force, that it shirks paying out to dead soldiers families, its cover ups, its use by the government against the home population etc.
This was very well received. After hearing our spiel one chap strode up and declared himself an ex soldier - and said we were absolutely right, the army had screwed him over. This actually happened a few times which is the best response we could have hoped for.
Despite th fact there's really no better time to knock the army - with middle east chaos and recruitment falling fast - the institution of the military is *always* worth attention. The fact we have this incredibly well trained, well armed force just sitting there waiting to kill whether its 'peace' time or not says it all really.
PS - to the girl who asked on saturday - no we are not the clown army!
See opening paragraph re: 'irony politcs' ; )
Srgnt Crunchem
How do I put the accent on my surname????
21.03.2007 13:54
Couple of years ago the most political thing in Hallam's Union shop was a Michael Moore interview in Nuts magazine, or was it Zoo???
Now just one magazine in the shop has not only resulting in Hallam's students banding around the red 'n' black banner, they're engaged in open debate about who are the true anarchists...... the two have to be linked!!!!!!
Let's just hope and prey these students don't catch wind of Hallam's current constitutional review or they might just go throw a spanner in the works and suggest Hallam affiliates to the Wobblies over NUS...... and then were would they be??????
Yours ever respectfully,
Darren Wavide
P.S. Arts centred university??? Sheffield "let's sell Psalter Lane to the highest bidder, and cram everyone in the city centre" Hallam????
Darren Wavide
Lovin' the kids
22.03.2007 02:42
But they obviously don t mi9nd touting those young, supple girls for the camera
Pete O'Phile
fair play - but that is the ugliest red&black flag I have ever seen
22.03.2007 10:53
27.03.2007 17:23
you horrid horrid man!
>>David, i have no idea. I'm sure Hallam, like all businesses, misrepresent themselves, all i'm aware of is that Hallam have an extensive design and arts department and to my knowledge Sheffield Uni do not.
>>>> The AF look stoned? Well would you go out in public dressed as squaddies if you were sober?
Srgnt Crunchem
ugly flag?
10.04.2007 17:24
watch this vid for a surprise appearance:
(CNT = huge anracho syndiclist union in france and spain
See n' Tea