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Black out tonight

powerdown | 15.03.2007 09:50 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Social Struggles | London

BLACKOUT BRITAIN with us to mark the book launch of "Six Degrees" by
Mark Lynas :-

BLACKOUT BRITAIN is calling for a national LIGHTS OUT TONIGHT at 8pm
20:00, 15th March 2007 :-

How long should I BLACKOUT for on BLACKOUT DAY ? You choose ! Start at
the published time, and go as long as you dare !


You want to show your support, but you've got supper to make, so it can't take too long. Flick the switches on the lights, the computer, the phone charger, even the fridge. I promise you your soya milk and chilled cabbage will survive.


You want to take the time to sit and meditate with a candle and make the phones stop ringing and the TV stop blaring for a while. Listen to the silence. Enjoy the peace of the warm dark evening.


You and your mates and your family want to have snacks by candlelight
and a couple of glasses of organic beer together and talk about the state of the world and
where we're heading with the Powerdown.


You've given yourself the challenge of living without heating and lighting and
electrical power for a whole day and a whole night. You are a complete
planetophile, no mistake, and you wear a deep green halo.

You must prepare if you want to undertake this personal commitment.
This is hardcore activism and you need to plan ahead.



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Switch off, tune in

15.03.2007 09:57

The rampART is showing a two evening series of films which includes 'reclaim power', a documentary about the camp for climate action last year. So pull the plug on everything at home and come sit in the dark and watch some films.

Films are thursday 15th and friday 16th from 8pm

Speakers and info also

see for details

at the rampART

a bit late

15.03.2007 20:43

The rest of Europe had a 5 minute blackout on the first of February. I suppose you are at least hinting for a longer break. Well, I've left one low-power light on and this computer on, but I've unplugged the fridge, and the TV, the stereo, again. Will you please either co-ordinate or just come out and ask us directly to smash up all our consumer electrical goods ? There is a chance we would agree, my TV is slightly less cute than the infants in our family, it is certainly less well scripted. I know it is an educational process but preaching to the converted is ..naw, you are probably right, I'll turn off the computer and the light too and head out to smash streetlights with a catapult. It was fun when I was nine years old, it's probably still fun. Oh, I just remembered a flood-lit all-night golf-course near me. Surely a victimless crime.

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