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Oxford Anti War/No Trident march this Saturday 17th March

Dave | 14.03.2007 15:53 | Iraq | Oxford

There will be an Anti War march this Saturday to mark the 4th aniversary of the war in Iraq, called by Oxford Stop the War Coalition and Oxford CND. Assemble Manzil Way 12.30

There will be a 'Troops Out- No Trident' march in Oxford next Saturday (17th March) to mark the fourth aniversary of the Iraq war.

The march assembles 12.30pm at Manzil Way (Off Cowley Road) and will go to Broad Street where there will be local and national speakers including Iraqi academic Sami Ramadani and Chris Nineham from the National Stop the War Coalition.

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Block the Base!

15.03.2007 15:45

Feeling down and disallusioned with the government's (hardly surprising) vote last night to replace Trident?

Want to do summat about it as well as just marching?

Well then...
Viva la resistance!

30 intrepid people from Oxford, and surrounding areas, will be blockading Faslane Nuclear Base on the 25th and 26th March.

Join us - you know it makes sense!

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Jen'ral Civil-Disobedience
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