channel 4's great global warming swindle documentary
thomas indoubt | 12.03.2007 22:48 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Social Struggles | Sheffield
channel 4's great global warming swindle documentary:
i saw the programme tonight on "more4" tonight and it occurrs to me that the media scare mongering has become the idea/buzz thourght stream of consciousness for a generation and an opportunity for politicans to expose these fears and justify more and more stealth taxation in the form of green taxes.
i came across this blog on carlos barcode's site at
"I have always been concerned about the environment and first became aware of the greenhouse effect in primary school, some thirty years ago. While I have not been totally immune to global warming hysteria I have always harboured some reservations about it.
After watching the Channel 4 documentary, The Great Global Warming Swindle, I have even more doubts. If the scientific evidence and ideas put forward in the documentary are correct (and they were very convincing) then the idea that humans are causing global climate change is completely untenable"
like barcode i also found the documentary food for thourght what do you think did anyone else see it did it change anyones mind about global warming.
best wishes tom
i saw the programme tonight on "more4" tonight and it occurrs to me that the media scare mongering has become the idea/buzz thourght stream of consciousness for a generation and an opportunity for politicans to expose these fears and justify more and more stealth taxation in the form of green taxes.
i came across this blog on carlos barcode's site at
"I have always been concerned about the environment and first became aware of the greenhouse effect in primary school, some thirty years ago. While I have not been totally immune to global warming hysteria I have always harboured some reservations about it.
After watching the Channel 4 documentary, The Great Global Warming Swindle, I have even more doubts. If the scientific evidence and ideas put forward in the documentary are correct (and they were very convincing) then the idea that humans are causing global climate change is completely untenable"
like barcode i also found the documentary food for thourght what do you think did anyone else see it did it change anyones mind about global warming.
best wishes tom
thomas indoubt
Hide the following 8 comments
It doesn't matter
13.03.2007 01:19
Capitalism is the fundamental problem and the C4 documentary was pro-capitalist.
Cup Cake
twas all bollocks, C4
13.03.2007 08:56
Ex-RCP film makers, who made Against Nature (eg Hitler was vegetarian & liked planting trees, therefore environmentalists are fascists...). If you believe their specious arguments, you have to get out more and think a little. Though tis easy to doubt, especially when they're feeding our desire to "not believe we have to do something radical now or we're fucked" - all their 'scientists' etc are professional contrarians (have done same for tobacco & nuclear industries), or aren't qualified. See website and others for more info. Oh, and do something. Now.
The evidence...
not sure of the source of this but is worth reading
13.03.2007 13:40
(more) to hide. The truth must be pretty damning to order them not to
speak the truth. But then we all know exactly how damning it is. Only
the corporterrorists and their supporters are global-warming deniers
U.S. accused of silencing experts on polar bears, climate change
Scientists told not to speak officially at conferences
Jane Kay, Chronicle Environment Writer
Friday, March 9, 2007
Printable Version Email This Article
The federal agency responsible for protecting Arctic polar bears has
barred two Alaska scientists from speaking about polar bears, climate
change or sea ice at international meetings in the next few weeks, a
move that environmentalists say is censorship.
The rule was issued last month by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
but was made public this week. The federal government has proposed
listing the polar bear as a threatened species, and the wildlife
agency is receiving public comment on the proposal.
"It's a gag order," said Deborah Williams, a former high-level
Interior Department official in Anchorage, Alaska, who received
documents on Wednesday from Alaska scientists who chose to remain
unnamed. The documents make the subjects of polar bears, climate
change and sea ice off limits to all scientists who haven't been
cleared to speak on the topics.
Two of the memos are copies of those prepared for Craig Perham and
Janet E. Hohn, who are traveling to Russia and Norway this month and
in April. The scientists "will not be speaking on or responding to
these issues'' of climate change, polar bears and sea ice, the memos
say. Before any trip, such a memo must be sent to the administrator of
the Fish and Wildlife Service in Washington.
According to the memos, agency scientists must obtain a memorandum
designating which official, if any, is allowed to respond to
questions, particularly about polar bears, and include "a statement of
assurance that these individuals understand the Administration's
position on these issues.''
Tina Kreisher, communications director of the Interior Department,
which oversees the wildlife agency, said in an interview Thursday that
the government isn't trying to silence scientists from talking about
their findings -- but they don't want them to make policy statements.
At a news conference, Fish and Wildlife Director H. Dale Hall denied
that the memos were a form of censorship. He described the content of
the documents as part of a policy to establish an agenda and the
appropriate spokesperson for international meetings.
Considering the high-profile nature of climate change and the issues
that might come up, it was prudent to know ahead of time what everyone
was going to discuss, he said.
"We are not gagging scientists,'' said Hall. They can speak with other
scientists at international gatherings in conversations or at dinner
but may not speak for the United States government in a formal
setting, he said. The agency would frown on their going to news
conferences in a host country, he added.
When asked for the administration's position with which the Alaska
scientists would have to be familiar, Hall said, "The Earth is
warming, and we have to understand how to deal with that and to slow
down greenhouse gases and manage the changes that will occur,'' he
The agency has taken steps to evaluate whether the polar bear should
be listed and has significant questions about scientific studies,
including those dealing with when sea ice will melt and the effects on
the bear, he said.
Environmentalists who petitioned for the new protections for polar
bears hope that a listing would force mandatory limits to greenhouse
gases. At present, the administration prefers voluntary programs to
cut emissions and has taken the position that carbon dioxide, the
predominate greenhouse gas, can't be regulated as a pollutant under
the Clean Air Act.
Kieran Suckling, policy director of the Center for Biological
Diversity, one of the groups that submitted the petition to list the
polar bear, said muzzling of scientists at international meetings
isn't appropriate.
"That type of memo might be appropriate for the State Department and
purely political issues," he said. "What we're dealing with here is
science. How many polar bears are there? Why are they going extinct?
What is the cause of the ice melting? It's completely inappropriate to
ban scientists from talking about science.''
Williams, an attorney who received the documents about rules for
scientists' speech, was special assistant to the secretary of the
Interior under the Clinton administration for six years. She now heads
an environmental consulting firm, Alaska Conservation Solutions.
"I worked very closely with Fish and Wildlife and other Interior
agencies, and a memo like this is truly inconceivable," she said.
"This is an issue of international significance, and you want your
professional public servants to be able to discuss these issues. It is
unconscionable to gag them.''
The Bush administration has been under fire for several years for
allegedly trying to curb the speech of government scientists who
produce studies that contradict the administration's positions,
particularly on global warming.
Scientists in the Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Geological
Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have
been chastised for speaking to reporters, and some have been asked to
submit papers and lectures to high-level managers for review.
Political appointees at NASA have turned down journalists' requests
for interviews with scientists, and the Minerals Management Service
has allowed journalists to interview scientists, including on polar
bear observations, only if the agency could record them.
The agencies challenged scientists over studies revealing negative
effects of oil development on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and
the drownings of polar bears possibly associated with shrinking sea
The beloved furry Arctic animal has become a symbol for the dire
effects of a warming world. Four dead polar bears floating in Arctic
Ocean waters, which may be attributed to the long swim from the
diminishing sea ice to land, were shown by former Vice President Al
Gore in his documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth.''
Watch the denial machine
15.03.2007 10:06
Films are thursday 15th and friday 16th from 8pm
see for details
15.03.2007 16:00
Global Warming Deniers? Heretics?
16.03.2007 00:08
Doubts - that's all. Doubts are healthy.
If humans aren't causing global warming it doesn't change much. We still need to stop burning fossil fuels like crazy and we still need to look after the environment.
But the truth matters.
Carlos Barcode
not swayed by the arguements one way or the other
16.03.2007 00:41
climate change
17.03.2007 11:10