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Palestine: Losing Focus. Peace and Justice Movement in Britain at Crossroad

Ramzy Baroud | 09.03.2007 07:17 | Palestine | Repression | World

Growing up in a Palestinian refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, it was a very familiar encounter: Israeli soldiers storming our house accompanied by shouts of terror and a barrage of insults. Such recollections make me shudder to this day.

Just the mere summoning of those memories of my childhood in the Nuseirat refugee camp haunting me not only in childhood but in my adulthood as well, shall most likely accompany me for the rest of my life - almost instantaneously forcing me to relive my mother’s agonizing cries, my father’s pleas for the welfare of his children, my brothers and I clutching to each other as the soldiers try to break us a part, the physical degradation, the verbal abuse, then the utter silence when the soldiers finally leave, the sounds of the engines fading away into the camp’s darkened roads, followed by far away screams from some other family in some other place, as the tragic scenario faithfully repeats itself.

My family’s house was positioned in a location that was simply a nightmare, since it stood at the helm of the camp’s main square, often referred to as Red Square by locals, remembering the many Palestinians killed in and around it while protesting the occupation during the uprising or Intifada of 1987. Israeli soldiers began their nightly hunts for terrorists, i.e. stone throwing kids, from that central point. My house was often the first in the soldiers’ route: it was there where they initiated their formidable mission. As horrifying as it was, it was a most predictable routine: we would turn all lights off in anticipation, my parents would take their positions to open the door as quickly as possible once the loud banging at the door commenced; once the Israeli jeeps’ engines were turned off, it was the matter of a few seconds before it all began: a fury of pounding at the door; “who is it?” my dad would ask, as if he suspected anyone else but the tormenting soldiers: their reply was always the same, always as confident as it was terrifying; “Yahoud”, they would reply.

I grew up making the association between “Yahoud”, the Arabic word for “Jews”, and the horror my family and had experienced. When my cousin Wael was shot dead in his teenage years, while on his way to study with me- it was the “Yahoud” who killed him. When my childhood friend Raed Munis was shot repeatedly as he dug a grave for a neighbor of ours, shot just an hour earlier, he was killed by the “Yahoud”. When my mother was struck in the chest repeatedly by the butt of an Israeli soldier’s machine gun, a beating that led to her untimely death 50 days later, that too was carried out by the “Yahoud”.

Palestinians in the Occupied Territories ascribe all of these practices to the “Yahoud”, simply because this is how Israel wishes to define itself, a Jewish state. As a child, in my many many terrifying encounters with the army, this is, without exception, how they chose to address themselves. Thus, every inch of land that was stolen from Palestinians in the last 40 years of occupation was done in the name of the “Yahoud” and their security; every settlement erected on a poor Palestinian farmer’s orchard, every life that was taken, every brick of every wall that was built and continues to be constructed over confiscated Palestinian land in defiance of international law was also done in the name of the “Yahoud”. Palestinians, thus - most Arabs and Muslims and others as well - hold the “Yahoud” responsible for their plight, not out of their ingrained and inherent anti-Semitism, as some so shrewdly or naively choose to believe, but because on the basis of its Jewishness Israel excused all of its inexcusable actions. If someone is to blame for this, it is Israel, not its detractors. It’s as simple as that.

But, of course, it’s not always as simple as that. When I moved to the US, I realized, correctly that the term “Yahoud” is not befitting, for the old connotations of the name cannot be accepted in Western societies where Jews have historically been a recurring victim, and where a large number of activists and fellow writers, of which many became close friends of mine are also Jewish. A distinction between a Jew and a Zionist was indeed an imperative, though not always easy, for Israel extorts much needed financial, political, moral and other forms of support relying primarily on Jewish constituents in North America and Western Europe. Many of the latter demonstrate their allegiance to Israel in more ways than one can recall. Unfortunately, in the minds of many, being Jewish requires one to unquestionably support the “Jewish State”. Most publications that define themselves as Jewish in the Western hemisphere seem more absorbed by Israeli politics, Israel’s security, and so forth, than engaged in their own political and cultural realms. The relationship has in fact become so blurred that it’s becoming nearly impossible and most confounding to set apart the anti-occupation activist from the anti-Zionist from the anti-Semitic. Naturally Israel and its supporters embrace, if not contribute to this confusion in most underhanded ways: labeling at a whim whomever is critical of the Israeli occupation, be it a respected Harvard Professor or a former President as anti-Semitic. Israel’s crowd hurl such designations so very often that many people prefer to steer clear from the whole matter, failing to take a moral stance on an issue that has for long irked the conscience of humanity and has contributed to global instability in countless ways.

However, instead of confronting the Zionist scheme that has brought such untold harm to the image of one of the greatest and oldest monotheistic faiths by holding Israel and its associates to account, there is a growing an alarming trend where members of the peace and justice movement have themselves fallen into the ominous trap: engaging in most ruinous and consuming scuffles, isolating members and entire groups for allegedly being anti-Semitic. While taking a moral stance against racism in all of its forms is a requisite to for any genuine peace and justice activist, the intense debate in some instances is reaching such grievous points that is threatening to tear apart the peace and justice movement.

A most notable example is the quarrel in the United Kingdom between members of Jews against Zionism and those of Deir Yassin Remembered; the former, accusing members of the latter of anti-Semitism, is endorsing a motion at an upcoming conference of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign that would ostracize the Deir Yassin group from the peace and justice movement. Members of both groups have spoken out strongly against the maltreatment of Palestinians in the past and both have a lot to offer PSC and its various activities. However, the motion, but the entire episode is a continuation of an alarming trend that began in the US several years ago, and has consumed activists, distracting them from the real fight. Moreover, it is dangerously compromising constructive dialogue and freedom of speech, the lack thereof has historically sidelined the pro Palestinian voice for decades. If members of both groups are unable to work jointly and sort out their differences through dialogue, then they should refrain from taking their fights to the public, as has been the case in Britain, in ways that are demoralizing the entire movement. It also ought to be noted that as far as Israel is concerned, any criticism of its occupation of the West Bank, no matter how polite or subtle, is an unforgivable form of anti-Semitism; thus there is no need for any member of the peace and justice movement to exasperate the Israeli witch hunt. Indeed, Israel is more than capable of prolonging such campaigns on its own.

There are many Palestinian children who are still huddling inside their homes in fear of the encroaching tanks and the hordes of unforgiving soldiers, who continue to commit untold atrocities in the name of the “Jewish State”; it’s those depraved individuals and the government that has assigned them to their vile mission, who deserve to be isolated and labeled; it’s Israel who must be held to account, by Jewish and non Jewish individuals and groups alike, to end its exploitation of the Jewish people and their religion.

I believe that the action of a true peace and justice activist must stem from concern for humanity, not from racism and prejudice; however, to suppress freedom of expression, settle personal grievances at the expense of a most colorful and ideologically diverse movement, thus the honorable cause it stands for, is to do an immense disservice to all of us concerned with bringing to a halt a most bloody and raging conflict in the Middle East

According to the World Food Program (WFP) forty-six percent of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories are food insecure; the Israeli wall is snaking around the West Bank at an astonishing speed; human rights violations are committed against vulnerable Palestinians with impunity in broad day light with tacit or explicit support from various Western countries led by the United States; there is no time to be wasted: all energies must be channeled in so prudent a way to stop Israel’s inhumane treatment of the Palestinians and end the occupation. I plead to all of you, to work for peace, to redress injustice or at least to do nothing that would jeopardize the work of the peace and justice movement, neither in Britain, nor anywhere else.

Ramzy Baroud
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writing style

09.03.2007 07:58

Curious how somebody who claims to be Palestinian and who claims to have been born and raised in a Palestinian town writes with a style identical to somebody who is British with a London use of words, slang and phrases. It's almost as though this is written by a Londoner.........

That couldn't be the case could it ?


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Racist liars

09.03.2007 08:10

"Curious how somebody who claims to be Palestinian and who claims to have been born and raised in a Palestinian town writes with a style identical to somebody who is British with a London use of words, slang and phrases. It's almost as though this is written by a Londoner......... That couldn't be the case could it ?"

I don't think there is any doubt about Ramzy Baroud's claim to be Palestinian.

Growing up in the Diaspora means there are many Palestinians whose English is as good as a locals.

Its almost as if the previous comment was written by a racist.

That couldn't be the case could it?


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Global Research

09.03.2007 08:20

This is a repost from the infamous Global Research website so I doubt if any of it is real never mind the educational standard of the poster !


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" I doubt if any of it is real"

09.03.2007 08:35

I think you'll find that it's also on Ramzy Baroud's website. Link in my previous comment.

As to his educational achievements - I reckon he's probably achieved a lot more than an obsessive internet troll who specialises in internet disinformation, and is a stranger to reality

Why don't you do something constructive with your time?


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No way

09.03.2007 09:26

Well if anybody considers Ramzy Baroud as someone who provides a fair overview of events in Israel and the Palestinian Terrotories I would be amazed.

Ever read his blog ? Wow !


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3 strikes and you're out!

09.03.2007 09:40

internet troll wrote:

"Well if anybody considers Ramzy Baroud as someone who provides a fair overview of events in Israel and the Palestinian Terrotories I would be amazed. Ever read his blog ? Wow !"

Hmmm, in your first post you dispute whether or not he is Palestinian.

In your second post you say that the source indicates the post is probably not authentic.

Now, in your 3rd post you introduce a strawman. A strawman because (a) no-one made that claim - and (b) the article is about internicene strife amongst anti-zionists in the uk.

It really is about time you got a life, or a blog, or a lover, or something. Trolling so unconvicingly is bad for your mental health!


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Ever read the blog ?

09.03.2007 09:57

Anne do you really think Ramzy Baroud is someone you should be defending. Have you ever read the blog ?


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09.03.2007 10:14

Of course she's read it. Indymedia UK is full of people like Anne who believe all the crap spwed out by the Palestinian Propoganda machine. Altered photos, fake testimony and even posts like the one here are all swallowed as though they are true. The hatred for Jews that many Indymedia UK readers have blinds them to the facts of the country


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This is the man

09.03.2007 10:51

An independent review of Ramzy Baroud's book which should give an idea of the sort of person we are delaing with.
This book is so filled with lies that even its title is a lie. Based upon hearsay and fabricated evidence, Ramzy Baroud comes to conclusions even the UN and human rights organizations deny ever happened:

1. "The 'invasion' of Jenin" was not justified - FALSE. The TRUTH - Operstion Defensive Shield was responding to the fact that at least 3 major Palestinian terrorist organizations were utilizing Jenin as a base of operations to launch their vicious homicidal attacks against Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs (over 450 murdered 9/2000 - 4/2002), as well as a major recruitment and training center for Palestinian terrorists.

2. Israeli destruction of Jenin was massive and indescriminant - FALSE. The TRUTH - The total area destroyed was less than 100 X 100 meters and was limited to areas known to be used by HAMAS, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Fatah and al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

3. More than 250 Palestinian civilians were massacred by the IDF at Jenin - FALSE. The TRUTH - 54 Palestinians (the overwhelming majority "militia"/"fighters" armed with assault rifles, submachine guns and RPG's) were killed along with 14 Israeli soldiers. Most of the Israeli soldiers were killed in a ambush where the Palestinians used a 12 year-old boy to lure than into an enclosed area before exploding the boy and the sodliers into bits.

4. A child died when Israeli tanks flattened a Palestinian house - FALSE. The TRUTH - This never happened. The footage that "proves" this was doctored. The man who produced this footage, Muhammed Bakri, has admitted to doctoring the footage.

5. The IDF endangered a hospital treating Palestinians - FALSE. The TRUTH - The IDF guarded a "Palestinian" hospital's water and oxygen supply and blew up nothing that might endanger the hospital despite the fact that it served as a refuge for several fugitives. Baroud's "witness" was in fact being treated in a hospital while the Jenin operation was occurring. The hospital was in Afulla and is an Israeli hospital.

There was one rather shocking truth excluded from Baroud's Book. Wounded Palestinians treated by the IDF refused transfusions of Israeli blood on the grounds that "Jewish blood was always tainted and impure" (an old Joeseph Goerbels charge). The IDF responded by having "acceptable" Arab blood flown in from Jordan at NO small expense to transfuse the Palestinians.

In short, Ramzy Baroud's book is [incorrect] supported by unsubstantiated heresay, false accusations and fabricated evidence.

Book worm

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"Independent review"

09.03.2007 11:34

Well done for picking a 1 star review from Amazon!!!

The reviewer is ranked 14,527, and has only reviewed one book. Therefore its impossible to assert independence - especially as the terminology is straight out of right-wing zionist discourse.

It's pretty obvious that there are two commentators on this thread - me and you with all those different names.... How many posts a day do you make on Indymedia UK?

"Nazymedia by: Frankie Of course she's read it. Indymedia UK is full of people like Anne who believe all the crap spwed out by the Palestinian Propoganda machine. Altered photos, fake testimony and even posts like the one here are all swallowed as though they are true. The hatred for Jews that many Indymedia UK readers have blinds them to the facts of the country."

Ohh lookee look! - Another strawman! You keep thinking that criticism of your inadequate trolling skills equates to support for the author of the article. Yet you'll see none on this thread - merely refutations of your ideologically biased trolling. What will be blindingly obvious to readers is that so far all you have offered is a low ranking review from Amazon. You in fact have no refutations whatsoever of what Ramzy Baroud has to say.

Get a life you poor sad, delusional troll.


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Still wrong though

09.03.2007 11:50

So Anne what the reviewer said is not true then ? No I didn't think so.

In fact what that reviewer said was spot on but of course that kind of blows all your arguments out of the water doesn't it ?

Far better to try and pretend everybody who has commented here is just one troll rather than facing the FACTS of this person and his dubious writings.


A single Troll writing every comment !!!!!!!!

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Refuting unreferenced claims?

09.03.2007 12:24

Carnage in Jenin
Carnage in Jenin

HRW Map of homes destroyed (green) and damaged (red)
HRW Map of homes destroyed (green) and damaged (red)

"Anne what the reviewer said is not true then ?"

The low ranked one dimensional reviewer failed to provide a single reference for his claims. That makes it difficult to assert their authenticity. Perhaps you can provide them? (Rhetorical question - you're simply not up to the task.) What is clear is that the state of Israel went out of its way to ensure that no accurate estimate of the damage could be achieved. What is also clear is that he, like yourself, wishes to minimise the responsibility that the state of Israel must take for the widespread destruction that it caused.

The reviewer claims that damage was limited to an area 100m x 100m. The map suggests otherwise.

The UN report is nothing to be proud of. And Indymedia does not exist for the benefit of apologists for atrocities.

You're a liar - so of course you're going to deny responsibility for all your multiple identities and posts on this thread.


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another review

09.03.2007 12:35

Not happy with that review, how about this one.

Palestinian producer: False film funded by PA
Documentary claims Israeli army committed war crimes
January 17, 2005

A Palestinian filmmaker who produced a documentary alleging Israeli troops committed war crimes in a refugee camp admitted in a deposition last week to falsifying scenes, using inaccurate information and obtaining financing for the project from the Palestinian Authority, WorldNetDaily has learned.

Muhammad Bakri, producer of "Jenin, Jenin," a documentary that claims Israel committed genocide in the Jenin refugee camp in April 2002, admitted in a deposition to inaccuracies throughout his film. The filmmaker is being sued by five Israeli soldiers visible in still footage in the film, which alleges IDF troops killed a "large number" of civilians, mutilated Palestinian bodies, randomly executed and bombed women, children and the mentally and physically impaired, and leveled the entire refugee camp, including a wing of the local hospital.

The documentary doesn't show footage of the alleged atrocities, but in some scenes, faces of the soldiers now suing Bakri were superimposed over "eyewitness testimony," and it was indicated they had committed "war crimes."

But Bakri, in a deposition obtained by WND, admitted he "believed" selected witnesses but didn't check the information they provided.

"I believed the things that I've been told. What I did not believe was not included in the film," said Bakri.

When asked about a scene in which it is implied Israeli troops ran over civilians, Bakri admitted to constructing the footage himself as an "artistic choice." He also answered "no" when asked if he believed "that during the operation in Jenin, the Israeli soldiers killed people indiscriminately."

In perhaps the most explosive element of the deposition, Bakri admitted his documentary, which was screened in theaters around the world, was financed in part by the Palestinian Authority. He said Yasser Abed Rabu, Palestinian minister of culture and information and a member of former PLO leader Yasser Arafat's executive committee, "covered a part of the film expenses."

Israel entered Jenin, which was considered a center for terrorist recruitment and operations, as part of its Operation Defensive Shield to crack down on increased suicide bombings by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Israel sent infantry units to fight house-to-house and lost nearly two dozen soldiers to ambushes, Palestinian snipers and booby-trapped houses.

Claims of a massacre were immediately made following the operation by the Palestinian leadership, which spoke of upwards of 500 civilians killed and thousands wounded, but it was later determined 56 Palestinians, mostly gunmen, were killed, and 23 Israeli soldiers died in the battle.

Media accounts, documentary evidence and investigations by several international humanitarian organizations quickly proved there was no massacre....


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and another

09.03.2007 12:40

17 of 29 people found the following review helpful:

If you tell a lie often enough people will believe it, August 12, 2004
Reviewer: J. S Wolfe (Manchester UK)

If its truth and reality you are looking for you won't find it here.
Yet sadly some of your reviewers of this book have been sucked in by the myths surrounding what really happened in Jenin - and one thing is for sure- it certainly was not a massacre.
What a travesty to publish such a one-sided and selective view of what really happened in Jenin.
The exaggerated stories that came out bore no resemblance to the true story that finally emerged, but this book seems to want to perpetuate the myth.
In the event 52 Palestinian people died in Jenin, far removed from the thousands originally claimed. Of those 38 were armed militants!!! And over 30 Israelis died, caught up in booby trapped homes as they tried to protect civilians, or in one case refusing to shoot a child suicide bomber who was detonated killing many soldiers. If you want eye witness accounts speak to some of those who were there and watched their friends die because they adhered to the high moral standard of the Isreal Defence Forces. Or talk to the head of the hospital in Jenin who, when asked why he lied about Israelis shooting at the hospital, when in fact they protected it and helped save many lives, said "What do you expect me to say if I want to stay alive"!
To suggest that there is still a controversy over the number of Palestinian dead is highly misleading as even those observers who are among Israel's severest critics have agreed with that final figure.
And as far as the small area of the Jenin that the book focuses on, the reason why that refugee camp was flattened was that, under the noses of UNWRA, it was a hotbed of terrorism, with bomb-making factories, stores of ammunition and explosives, and booby trapped homes.
Interestingly, a team of British engineers was forced out of Jenin last month when they were there building new quality homes to replace the refugee accommodation - the reason - the Palestinians did not want the residents to be allowed to give up their refugee status! Typical callousness and cynicism that has forced them to be refugees since 1948.
Why nothing about the vast majority of Jenin that remained intact. Clearly that did not suit the authors' agenda.
Joy Wolfe
Manchester UK


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09.03.2007 12:47

What the troll defends
What the troll defends

TheWorldnetdaily review of Mohammed Bakri's film is a laughable bit of rabid right-wing ideological bullshit. It's also not remotely relevant to a thread about Ramzy Baroud's critique of the public mudslinging between Jews against Zionism and Deir Yassin Remembered.

Joy Wolfe is clearly not an independent reviewer either. She's the Hon. Life President of the Manchester Zionist Central Council and its Media Response group co-ordinator.

Bye Bye


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If its truth and reality you are looking for you won't find it here.

09.03.2007 13:01

Yet sadly some of your reviewers of this book have been sucked in by the myths surrounding what really happened in Jenin - and one thing is for sure- it certainly was not a massacre.
What a travesty to publish such a one-sided and selective view of what really happened in Jenin.
The exaggerated stories that came out bore no resemblance to the true story that finally emerged, but this book seems to want to perpetuate the myth.
In the event 52 Palestinian people died in Jenin, far removed from the thousands originally claimed. Of those 38 were armed militants!!! And over 30 Israelis died, caught up in booby trapped homes as they tried to protect civilians, or in one case refusing to shoot a child suicide bomber who was detonated killing many soldiers. If you want eye witness accounts speak to some of those who were there and watched their friends die because they adhered to the high moral standard of the Isreal Defence Forces. Or talk to the head of the hospital in Jenin who, when asked why he lied about Israelis shooting at the hospital, when in fact they protected it and helped save many lives, said "What do you expect me to say if I want to stay alive"!
To suggest that there is still a controversy over the number of Palestinian dead is highly misleading as even those observers who are among Israel's severest critics have agreed with that final figure.
And as far as the small area of the Jenin that the book focuses on, the reason why that refugee camp was flattened was that, under the noses of UNWRA, it was a hotbed of terrorism, with bomb-making factories, stores of ammunition and explosives, and booby trapped homes.
Interestingly, a team of British engineers was forced out of Jenin last month when they were there building new quality homes to replace the refugee accommodation - the reason - the Palestinians did not want the residents to be allowed to give up their refugee status! Typical callousness and cynicism that has forced them to be refugees since 1948.
Why nothing about the vast majority of Jenin that remained intact. Clearly that did not suit the authors' agenda.

Anti Semitism, irrelevant in a generation

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A very interesting debate

09.03.2007 14:42

... unfortunately you can't see it.

I can't suggest that you use ?c=all either (as such suggestions have, in the past, resulted in the comment itself being hidden.)

Still, it look nice and clean on this thread, without all those nasty people adding their comments.

Democracy should look nice and clean and not be cluttered by all those nasty people trying to take part in it ... shouldn't it.

Until such time as the comments are restored in this thread it is impossible and undesireable to correct the many distortions and mistakes that have been aired in response to the original post.

mail e-mail:

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09.03.2007 18:14



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