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Update about the student protests in Athens and Thessaloniki

greek students | 09.03.2007 00:18 | Liverpool

Latest report about the brutal and provocative actions of the police in Athens and Thessaloniki. Please translate and circulate.

Reports from the Athens police Heardquarters say that all of the 62 temporary detainees will be considered as arrestees. There is a widespread terror imposed on the arrestees, even 1st-year undergraduate girls have been accused for social disturbance. 45 people had to go to the hospital since they were injured. The police and the Public Prosecutor are very provocative, not allowing the arrestees to meet their lawyers. Also, 5 injured detainees, students in Chemical Engineering, are not allowed to go to the hospital.

Riots spread in Thessaloniki city as well, followin a spontaneous solidarity march that took place, in protest for the repression that had taken place in Athens. Currently the riot police is spraying tear gas towards the university and the students in the Thessaloniki Polytechnic Faculty are suffering. The student radio 1431AM is reporting that the gas is everywhere in the corridors. Hundreds of students are trying to escape the gas, some of them into rooms or on the roof.
The radios speakers say they are confident we are facing the first implications of the new legislation, that has led to dictatorship.

greek students


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09.03.2007 12:42

Hang in there.

Is there anybody in London/able to travel to London, who knows more about this/has been involved, available to talk at a student meeting about this?

O rly

Editors hid that article.

12.03.2007 09:13

As the British Labour Party builds Global Fascism, this warning report about what Blair and Brown plan for the UK is hidden on UK Indymedia. Only one lonely brave Editor from Liverpool makes it available there. It should also be appearing in World.

Does clicking only World have any effect apart from hiding the report on UKindymedia from everyone except those who specifically search out the Region 'World'?

Is there a Global IMC Newswire everyone can access?



12.03.2007 13:09

"As the British Labour Party builds Global Fascism, this warning report about what Blair and Brown plan for the UK is hidden on UK Indymedia. Only one lonely brave Editor from Liverpool makes it available there. It should also be appearing in World."

The reason it was hidden is because its a dupe. Had the "lonely brave editor" ticked Liverpool on the other article, then we wouldn't have you complaining once again. *sigh*

The promoted article is at:,

Check the list before you start making spurious claims please. The editorial guidelines are clear that the newswire is not the place to complain about moderation.


why this article is not on the UK newswire - there is already a report on there

12.03.2007 17:09

This particular article was originally hidden on the UK indymedia newswire because it duplicated,

Liverpool Indymedia decided we wanted to keep it on our newswire (the second version was not on our newswire), so we unhid it, but deselected it from the UK news wire in order to respect the decision of the UK admins not to have two versions of it on there.

All global news reports on Indymedia UK can be seen together here:

(These are items that are on the UK newswire, and have category "World" selected)

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