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Kirklees Unity has a new website

Kirklees Unity | 08.03.2007 12:18 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles

Anti Fascist organisation Kirklees Unity have a new website.

West Yorkshire based Anti Fascist group Kirklees Unity have a new website.

Why not take a look and see what you think.

If you have any comments ore ideas for articles for the site please email us at

All the best

Kirklees Unity

Kirklees Unity
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Shit Web Site

16.03.2007 20:30

"Why not take a look and see what you think."

I did. Its shit. You smug middle-clarse cunts...

Ketlan's Mummy

Aah Mr Watmough

18.03.2007 20:08

Aah Mr Watmough

I thought you had died from an Evo Stik overdose you've been that quiet.

Have you visited Tony White yet?

Oh I forgot It was you that grassed him up!

Kirklees Unity
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