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Global Marijuana March. World Cannabis Day

Marijuanista | 07.03.2007 18:32 | Social Struggles | World

May 5th 2007
in 180 cities, 38 countries

What happened to London's Jay Day? The annual Brixton march and party in the park?

This year's Global Marijuana March, previously known as the Million Marijuana March, has grown from the US marches started in 1999.

More info and background here:



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... past its sell-by date

07.03.2007 19:25

Thanks for the info - but it took place 2 days' ago. If it was posted in time, it may have been worth signing up for.

I hope that wasn't as a result of smoking what you are promoting :-)

reefer sutherland


08.03.2007 12:21

the date is may 5th, not march 5th. :p


London's May Day Jay Day

09.03.2007 11:47

I seem to remember reading that the Labour Council wanted to ban the festival - reasons ranging from making the park muddy, having too many soundsystems, too many people, and being a 'bad showcase' of their area of london. Of course, the idea of 20,000 people having a smoke with no violence is a terrible thing! Kudos to the Green Party bloke who fought (maybe still is) against the suits of the labour party to carry it all on.
