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Left election Alliance formed in Ireland

Newshound | 07.03.2007 10:16 | World

A new left election alliance to be shortly announced

According to the British left wing site "Socialist
Unity Network", a left electoral slate has been formed
in Ireland. The site claims that this slate will
contest the next election and involves the Workers
Party, the Socialist Workers Party, the Campaign for
an Independent Left and figures associated with the
Labour Party.

New Independent Left Alliance formed.

The new Independent Left Alliance in Ireland have
issued the following press release:

Left wing representatives and activists from a variety
of backgrounds have come together to form a new
alliance known as the Independent Left Alliance to
contest the forthcoming general election.

In a statement, the newly formed grouping said,'The
general election should not be reduced to a choice
between Enda Kenny and Bertie Ahern for Taoiseach.
These two conservative politicians serve the interests
of big business and will preside over the glaring
inequalities in Irish society.

We have come together to provide an alternative in the
general election to Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and the
PDs, and also those parties who are willing to support
them in government. The Labour party has never been
able to develop as a real alternative for working
people because of its participation in right wing
governments. We are committed for example, to ending
the scandals of our two tier health service, developer
led unaffordable housing and planning, and the
continued use of Shannon Airport by the US military.
We will not support any government which will mean a
continuation of that agenda.

'The Independent Left Alliance has been formed by
people who have come together from different
backgrounds on the left. We wish to overcome some of
the historic divisions that have rent apart the Irish
left and prevented it becoming an effective force. We
do not claim to offer a finished product but are open
and inclusive and would welcome the participation of

Candidates who will contest the election as part of
the new Independent left Alliance include:
Seamus Healy TD, Tipperary Workers and Unemployed
Action Group- South Tipperary
Councillor Catherine Connolly, former mayor of Galway
- Galway West.
Councillor Declan Bree, former TD - Sligo-Leitrim
Councillor Joan Collins, Dublin. Community and Workers
Action Group.
Richard Boyd Barrett, Chair of Irish Anti-War Movement
and People Before Profit Alliance candidate, Dun
Carmel McKenna, People Before Profit Alliance, Wicklow
Brid Smith, People before Profit Alliance, Dublin
South Central
Rory Hearne, People before Profit Alliance, Dublin
South East
(WP Names to be added by WP)



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07.03.2007 11:34

What do these people have in common apart from a desire to get elected? Some of them held office before- what did they do with it? Why resurrect the wretched WP (Workers Party -Stalinist remnant of the old "Official" Republican Movement)


Promoting political parties

07.03.2007 16:15

..on Idymedia is contrary to its guidelines. I'm surprised this has not been hidden.
It should be.



07.03.2007 17:27

People before profit and anti-war is surely the opposite... dont you think?
No , you probably dont think.
