Bush Record of Illegalities Suggests Possible Role in 911
Scoop | 06.03.2007 22:43 | Anti-militarism | World
Of course, this goes for all of the Fascists gathered around Bush, as their histories are filled with similar actions, professed Fascist ideology, and their fortunes were all built upon the human misery their actions have caused.
Bush Record Of Illegalities Suggests Possible Role In 9/11 WTC, Pentagon Strikes
By Sherwood Ross
The trouble with thinking 9/11 was an inside job staged by George W. Bush & Co. is that it defies belief any U.S. president might be capable of such an iniquitous crime against his own people.
Yet, subsequent Bush actions, such as lying the nation into war against Iraq, makes one wonder if the man didn’t create the 9/11 massacres to justify his attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran.
After all, his record reveals him to be a serial liar, warmonger, tyrant, torturer, and usurper of his peoples’ civil liberties. Just off the top, here are some illegal GWB actions that betray what he is really about.
# Bush lied the U.S. into what former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan called an “illegal” war on Iraq. This conflict has killed 650,000 civilians, wounded over a million more, drove nearly 2-million from their country, and turned life into a living hell for the rest. The death toll there is already equal to about 240 WTC massacres, yet Bush persists in waging the war.
# Bush okayed $1.5-trillion for new weapons' research including grisly weapons that would thrill mad scientists, such as sound waves that crush a victim's internal organs. Another gem is "rods from god" to hurl tungsten poles down from Earth orbit down upon its victims at 7,200 miles an hour, striking with the atomic fury. He is illegally militarizing space. These are not the dreams of a humanist.
# Bush has allowed illegal radioactive ammunition fired in Afghanistan and Iraq that poison civilian populations and U.S. troops, as well as cluster bombs. Does this evince concern for human life?
# Bush has made himself master of the greatest spy apparatus the world has ever known at a cost to taxpayers of $50-billion annually. He authorized NSA to spy illegally on Americans, allegedly to catch terrorists. If this was the true reason, why did he also eavesdrop on UN officials?
# Bush authorized CIA agents to go to foreign countries to kidnap "suspects" and dump them in distant prisons to be tortured with no warrants signed to seize them, no charges brought against them, and no lawyers to defend them. In his secret prisons there may be many thousands held illegally, and tortured, while all the time he lies to the world "we don't torture." Is this a man with empathy for others?
# Bush is also funding hundreds of biotechnology labs to create deadly strains of exotic killer diseases at a cost to taxpayers of $40-billion. Many operate in secret, illegally violating transparency rules. On Bush’s watch, anthrax germs from a military laboratory in Fort Detrick, Md., were mysteriously unleashed upon two of his political opponents in the U.S. Senate that killed five people and sickened 17 others and temporarily shut down the Congress.
Peculiarly, the perpetrators of the anthrax panic and the massacres at the WTC and Pentagon have not been caught. “Why not?” Is it just possible the White House doesn’t want the killers apprehended?
For all these, and many other reasons, it’s worth hearing out the arguments of those who claim the 9/11 events were staged by the White House to rush a frightened nation into war.
In the March/April issue of "Tikkun", a bimonthly "Jewish Critique of of Politics, Culture & Society," author Dr. David Ray Griffin asserts the Administration never proved the 9/11 attacks were made by Osama bin Laden. Griffin, a professor of philosophy and theology at Claremont Graduate College, Calif., and author of “The New Pearl Harbor”(Olive Branch Press) writes the FBI has “no hard evidence” of his culpability.
Griffin asks why WTC building 7, not struck by an airplane, collapsed upon itself in the same manner as buildings 1 and 2, why no steel remained standing? And he notes steel does not melt until it reaches 2800 degrees F. and the jet fuel used by the airliners that hit WTC burned at only 1700 F.
Collapse of the three towers, he said, “manifested many standard features of the kind of controlled demolition known as implosion, such as: sudden onset; straight-down collapse; collapse at virtually free-fall speed, indicating the lower floors were offering no resistance; total collapse, indicating that the massive steel columns in the core of each building had been broken into many pieces; the production of molten metal, and the concurrence of multiple explosions.”
“Dozens of people, including journalists, police officers, WTC employees, emergency medical workers, and fire-fighters reported hearing explosions in the Twin Towers,” Griffin writes. One fire captain said he heard a series of explosions from the top floor down, one after another, “boom, boom, boom.” And a paramedic described them as akin to a “professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear ‘Pop, pop, pop, pop.”
“Complete collapses of steel-frame high-rise buildings have never been brought about by fire plus externally caused structural damage,” Griffin tells “Tikkun” readers. “Such collapses have only been caused by explosives used in controlled demolitions.”
If you wonder how saboteurs might plant explosives in the three WTC towers without being detected, Griffin notes on Web site “9.11 Truth” President Bush’s brother Marvin and his cousin Wirt Walker III “were both principals in the company in charge of security for WTC.” The firm, Securacom, was also responsible for electronic security at United Airlines, whose flights struck WTC.
Among Griffin’s charges, the most startling may be that Osama bin Laden, who was already one of America’s “most wanted” criminals, was treated in July, 2001 --- two months before 9/11 --- in the American Hospital in Dubai, and visited by the local CIA agent.
Does this explain why bin Laden was not caught and likely never will be caught? Is it possible this “renegade” from a prominent Saudi Arabian family having long ties to President Bush Sr. is in fact a fall guy whose alleged crimes gave Bush an excuse to invade Afghanistan and Iraq?
Congress needs to conduct a real investigation of 9/11. It may not only uncover ample grounds for impeachment but for criminal prosecution. Given GWB’s track record for criminal activity, treason cannot be ruled out.
(Sherwood Ross is a Miami-based columnist who covers military and political subjects. Reach him at sherwoodr1 @ yahoo.com).
By Sherwood Ross
The trouble with thinking 9/11 was an inside job staged by George W. Bush & Co. is that it defies belief any U.S. president might be capable of such an iniquitous crime against his own people.
Yet, subsequent Bush actions, such as lying the nation into war against Iraq, makes one wonder if the man didn’t create the 9/11 massacres to justify his attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran.
After all, his record reveals him to be a serial liar, warmonger, tyrant, torturer, and usurper of his peoples’ civil liberties. Just off the top, here are some illegal GWB actions that betray what he is really about.
# Bush lied the U.S. into what former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan called an “illegal” war on Iraq. This conflict has killed 650,000 civilians, wounded over a million more, drove nearly 2-million from their country, and turned life into a living hell for the rest. The death toll there is already equal to about 240 WTC massacres, yet Bush persists in waging the war.
# Bush okayed $1.5-trillion for new weapons' research including grisly weapons that would thrill mad scientists, such as sound waves that crush a victim's internal organs. Another gem is "rods from god" to hurl tungsten poles down from Earth orbit down upon its victims at 7,200 miles an hour, striking with the atomic fury. He is illegally militarizing space. These are not the dreams of a humanist.
# Bush has allowed illegal radioactive ammunition fired in Afghanistan and Iraq that poison civilian populations and U.S. troops, as well as cluster bombs. Does this evince concern for human life?
# Bush has made himself master of the greatest spy apparatus the world has ever known at a cost to taxpayers of $50-billion annually. He authorized NSA to spy illegally on Americans, allegedly to catch terrorists. If this was the true reason, why did he also eavesdrop on UN officials?
# Bush authorized CIA agents to go to foreign countries to kidnap "suspects" and dump them in distant prisons to be tortured with no warrants signed to seize them, no charges brought against them, and no lawyers to defend them. In his secret prisons there may be many thousands held illegally, and tortured, while all the time he lies to the world "we don't torture." Is this a man with empathy for others?
# Bush is also funding hundreds of biotechnology labs to create deadly strains of exotic killer diseases at a cost to taxpayers of $40-billion. Many operate in secret, illegally violating transparency rules. On Bush’s watch, anthrax germs from a military laboratory in Fort Detrick, Md., were mysteriously unleashed upon two of his political opponents in the U.S. Senate that killed five people and sickened 17 others and temporarily shut down the Congress.
Peculiarly, the perpetrators of the anthrax panic and the massacres at the WTC and Pentagon have not been caught. “Why not?” Is it just possible the White House doesn’t want the killers apprehended?
For all these, and many other reasons, it’s worth hearing out the arguments of those who claim the 9/11 events were staged by the White House to rush a frightened nation into war.
In the March/April issue of "Tikkun", a bimonthly "Jewish Critique of of Politics, Culture & Society," author Dr. David Ray Griffin asserts the Administration never proved the 9/11 attacks were made by Osama bin Laden. Griffin, a professor of philosophy and theology at Claremont Graduate College, Calif., and author of “The New Pearl Harbor”(Olive Branch Press) writes the FBI has “no hard evidence” of his culpability.
Griffin asks why WTC building 7, not struck by an airplane, collapsed upon itself in the same manner as buildings 1 and 2, why no steel remained standing? And he notes steel does not melt until it reaches 2800 degrees F. and the jet fuel used by the airliners that hit WTC burned at only 1700 F.
Collapse of the three towers, he said, “manifested many standard features of the kind of controlled demolition known as implosion, such as: sudden onset; straight-down collapse; collapse at virtually free-fall speed, indicating the lower floors were offering no resistance; total collapse, indicating that the massive steel columns in the core of each building had been broken into many pieces; the production of molten metal, and the concurrence of multiple explosions.”
“Dozens of people, including journalists, police officers, WTC employees, emergency medical workers, and fire-fighters reported hearing explosions in the Twin Towers,” Griffin writes. One fire captain said he heard a series of explosions from the top floor down, one after another, “boom, boom, boom.” And a paramedic described them as akin to a “professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear ‘Pop, pop, pop, pop.”
“Complete collapses of steel-frame high-rise buildings have never been brought about by fire plus externally caused structural damage,” Griffin tells “Tikkun” readers. “Such collapses have only been caused by explosives used in controlled demolitions.”
If you wonder how saboteurs might plant explosives in the three WTC towers without being detected, Griffin notes on Web site “9.11 Truth” President Bush’s brother Marvin and his cousin Wirt Walker III “were both principals in the company in charge of security for WTC.” The firm, Securacom, was also responsible for electronic security at United Airlines, whose flights struck WTC.
Among Griffin’s charges, the most startling may be that Osama bin Laden, who was already one of America’s “most wanted” criminals, was treated in July, 2001 --- two months before 9/11 --- in the American Hospital in Dubai, and visited by the local CIA agent.
Does this explain why bin Laden was not caught and likely never will be caught? Is it possible this “renegade” from a prominent Saudi Arabian family having long ties to President Bush Sr. is in fact a fall guy whose alleged crimes gave Bush an excuse to invade Afghanistan and Iraq?
Congress needs to conduct a real investigation of 9/11. It may not only uncover ample grounds for impeachment but for criminal prosecution. Given GWB’s track record for criminal activity, treason cannot be ruled out.
(Sherwood Ross is a Miami-based columnist who covers military and political subjects. Reach him at sherwoodr1 @ yahoo.com).
Hide the following 11 comments
shooting yourself in the foot.
07.03.2007 00:25
Philosophy and theology? That'll explain his ignorance.
'And he notes steel does not melt until it reaches 2800 degrees F. and the jet fuel used by the airliners that hit WTC burned at only 1700 F.'
Well done. He got something right. The only problem is that, as people who are rather better qualified have pointed out 33398 times, YOU DON'T HAVE TO MELT THE STEEL. Heating it up to 1000F will reduce its strength by about 90%.
real life
What a wonderfull world
07.03.2007 01:09
Ding Dong
more than one point right
07.03.2007 10:01
and your qualifications are?
08.03.2007 10:35
If you're not, then you don't know what you're talking about. Would you ask a nuclear physicist to evaluate brain surgery?
Why is it that the millions of architects and engineers all over the world accept the explanation, but you 'don't buy it'? Could it be because you haven't a fucking clue?
real life
Weak, Plants
09.03.2007 06:00
911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad
Pause for hysterical laughter.
09.03.2007 11:38
My dear moron, skyscrapers are being built from Sydney to Shanghai, from Toronto to Timbuktu.
Now, if your professional business is in designing and building skyscrapers, are you going to tell me that they will take not the slightest profesional interest in what is a unique event? That they aren't going to get the report and pour over it, looking for potential flaws in their own design? And that they aren't going to say - right, this is how it failed ... how would my design stack up? And then, if as you claim, the WTC couldn't have failed in the way the official report claims, that these people wouldn't pick up on this?
Get real.
real life
Re: Your Straw Man
09.03.2007 19:47
Yes. Like much of the public, they just take it on faith, and don't give it another moment's thought. Those who have, however, and there are many - despite your glaring Disinformation, which only highlights your own doubts about the Official Conspiracy Theory under scrutiny - have outlined WHY the official story is physically impossible.
It's not that they 'buy it', it's that they have no reason to examine the issue at all. Those who do, however, and are NOT paid by these criminals in DC, do question the Official Conspiracy Theory - the one you're unable to defend honestly, so you must resort to weak Disinformation Tactics.
911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad
If you seriously think ...
09.03.2007 20:07
If you believe that the report on the collapse has not been read in some considerable detail by professional architects and structural engineers, and that you have managed to spot flaws in the arguments that they have not, then why not try your hand at designing skyscrapers yourself? You're obviously an expert.
Just warn me as to which city ...
PS. There is a medical term for the idea that anyone who does not have your particular mindset is therefore spreading 'disinformation'. It's called paranoia.
real life
Put Up Or Shut Up
10.03.2007 00:05
I didn't say that. It has, and the links below demonstrate that many of these people have refuted the Official Conspiracy Theory, and rebutted the report. I've already told you this. I guess you were too busy with the Disinfo to do any research.
"Those who have, however, and there are many - despite your glaring Disinformation, which only highlights your own doubts about the Official Conspiracy Theory under scrutiny - have outlined WHY the official story is physically impossible.
It's not that they 'buy it', it's that they have no reason to examine the issue at all. Those who do, however, and are NOT paid by these criminals in DC, do question the Official Conspiracy Theory - the one you're unable to defend honestly, so you must resort to weak Disinformation Tactics."
Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11
by Bill Christison
Let’s address the real issues here. Why is it important that we not let the so-called conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 be drowned out? After spending the better part of the last five years treating these theories with utmost skepticism, I have devoted serious time to actually studying them in recent months, and have also carefully watched several videos that are available on the subject. I have come to believe that significant parts of the 9/11 theories are true, and that therefore significant parts of the “official story” put out by the U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission are false. I now think there is persuasive evidence that the events of September did not unfold as the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission would have us believe. The items below highlight the major questions surrounding 9/11 but do not constitute a detailed recounting of the evidence available.
Bill Christison is a former senior official of the CIA. He was a National Intelligence Officer and the Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis before his retirement in 1979. Since then he has written numerous articles on U.S. foreign policies.
911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad
Military experts know about terrorist attacks, not engineers
10.03.2007 01:56
They can say that explosions would leave a seismic trace on charts, thermite is classed as an explosive, but it does not explode it reacts chemically to either weld or cut very quickly thru almost anything!!!!!!!!
The real experts in this area are the military & thousands of them are crying out, from top to bottom!
They have experience of what US government is capable of, military use of planes for attacks, plus thermites use in warfare & many of their scientists & top brass think 911 was an inside job.
The main point besides fishiness of wtc 7 is that NORAD new planes were heading for new york but were sent east, they are trained for multiple nuke attacks, tracking much slower & Larger planes is bloody childs play!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASK THE MILITARY EXPERTS!!!!!!!!!1
The verdict is unfortunately far from over on 911, all evidence wether towers were taken down by thermite or the planes indicates that there those in power complicit & covering up.
As for Bush everyone knows he is a dumb rude boy patsy,
the new pearl harbour was called for a long time before that people who have had their reigns on corporate power for a lot longer.
They wanted a new pearl harbour as an excuse, whats 2,000 or so lives to them when most of top corporates were warned before, nothing they have the blood of hundreds of millions all over them.
The American people led by the IWW,anarcho syndicalist grass roots union aimed themselves at the corporate oligarchy like Rockefellers at the start of the last century, not the puppets & they really shook the corporate system to the core.
Rockefellers a "good christian family" were recorded attacking & fouling their competitors with explosives,guns etc & false flag, black operations have a long history.
They gave billions upon billions away, although alot of it is still controlled via their trusts indirectly beside their vaste personal wealth which they used to guide the top corporate think tanks & meetings, culminating currently in the Trilateral Commission
just a group of the richest corporate bossed on the planet who meet regularly as concerned citizens honest, they dont pull the strings really.
I'd like to see mr bloody bono try & make these bloodsuckers look good,ha
Metal worker,anarchosyndicalist & historian
Put up or shut up indeed!
10.03.2007 14:38
There are no peer reviewed articles on explosives in the WTC collapse, published in reputable professional journals.
If you are to go against considered professional opinion, then it is up to you to find the evidence. The burden of proof lies on you. Having found the evidence, you don't publish it on a website, which has zero professional credibility. You publish it in a peer reviewed journal. Now go ahead and do that.
real life