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Removed at author's request |
06.03.2007 00:53
| Analysis
| Palestine
| World
Removed at author's request
Removed at author's request
Removed at author's request
Hide the following 5 comments
What on earth
06.03.2007 16:50
anti racist
Atzmon Is Jewish - And Israeli To Boot
06.03.2007 22:55
What a piece of classical Disinformation, libelling an author (who's Israeli-Jewish), rather than addressing the facts he presents.
"Zionism, collaboration with Nazis."
Actually, German Zionists proudly flew their flag within the Reich itself, and willingly collaborated with Hitler, saying that any Jew who would not willingly emmigrate to Palestine "deserved to be on the trains".
Stop shouting obscenities. If you can, refute what Gilad's saying, with facts and sources. I suspect that you can't, because Zionism's version of events is based upon Revisionist History, and LIES.
You have the floor ...
Weak Attacks, Apologist
Zionists and Hitler
07.03.2007 00:37
Morons like you might pause to reflect for a second that German Jews didn't have the option of emigrating anywhere, least of all to Palestine. I think the obscenities are yours rather than ours.
anti rascist
On Crying "Wolf!!"
09.03.2007 06:04
I challenged you, and you've balked once already.
One more chance.
Stop shouting obscenities. If you can, refute what Gilad's saying, with facts and sources. I suspect that you can't, because Zionism's version of events is based upon Revisionist History, and LIES.
You have the floor ...
When Does Opposition to Israel or the Israel Lobby Indicate Anti-Semitism?
"Such, then, are the limitations of the Kaplan/Small study and Stanley Fish's embrace of it. But Professor Fish would also do well to keep one additional consideration in mind. Many of the critics (including this critic), who opposed the Bush/Cheney invasion of Iraq and who were disgusted by the Israel Lobby's role in promoting it, were the same critics who gladly acknowledged that the majority of American Jews opposed going to war.
Thus, one can hardly be considered an anti-Semite for excoriating the policy advanced by a handful of American Jews while applauding the policy supported by the majority of such Jews."
Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation
Additional Perspective
13.03.2007 18:04
Homepage: http://www.labournet.net/antiracism/0506/bookmarks1.html