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first Bath Climate Camp meeting

Happy camper | 05.03.2007 23:44 | Climate Chaos | Free Spaces

between thursday 19th and sunday 22nd of April there will be a Climate Camp in Bath.

The camp will be a self managed space with workshops, actions, party and protest. Most of the action/protest will be focused around the head offices of Land and Marine who are building a contraverisial gas pipeline through wales. The pipeline has been the scene of numerous demos and actions, delaying progress on almost a daily basis. Its time to take the battle to Land and Marines doorstep!
Our first planning meeting will be this thursday at 7.30 downstairs in the hobgoblin, city centre, Bath. We need plenty of ideas, energy and enthusiasm to make the camp a sucsess, so feel free to come along.
Also, if you are interested in hosting a workshop on any eco subject, please get in contact.
e-mail for more info.


Happy camper
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And join the national camp organising

06.03.2007 19:19

Dear Bath folks - you probably already know this, but the next national climate camp organising meeting will be in Bristol on March 17 and 18. There's probably things we should be collaborating on...

Venue: Barton Hill Settlement, 5 min from Lawrence Hill Station, Bristol. Vegan food, accomodation (bring a sleeping bag, although it may be possible to arrange beds if people need them) creche, and evening entertainment will be available. Any questions, suggestions or proposals for the meeting can be sent to gatherings [at]

another happy camper
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