Manor Gardens Allotments & Seb Coe's Blog
Sheet Mulcher | 05.03.2007 21:44
Let Seb Coe know what you think of his Guardian-blogged views on the 'Green Olympics' that will destroy our green spaces...
On todays Grauniard website Seb Coe has written a blog piece supporting
the 'development' surrounding the 2012 olympics, one can also post
comments, so perhaps an ideal opportunity to voice our concerns about
Manor Gardens allotments, where the LDA propose to destroy 100 year old allotments to create a footpath?
More on Manor gardens
the 'development' surrounding the 2012 olympics, one can also post
comments, so perhaps an ideal opportunity to voice our concerns about
Manor Gardens allotments, where the LDA propose to destroy 100 year old allotments to create a footpath?

More on Manor gardens

Sheet Mulcher