Kangaroo Court a.k.a. Horseshit Road, Westminster
Charity Sweet | 03.03.2007 12:36 | Analysis | Indymedia | Terror War | London | World
What a tangled web they weave when first they practice to decieve. The antics in courtroom number 3 at Westminster Magistrates Court would be laughable should the consequences of their corruption not be so serious.
Geocide is a war crime and Tony Bliar is a war criminal. The sooner he is sent to the Hague, the better for all humanities children and the future.
Geocide is a war crime and Tony Bliar is a war criminal. The sooner he is sent to the Hague, the better for all humanities children and the future.
What a crock of shit I witnessed yesterday.
Steve Jago was first assigned to Court 2 to resolve two SOCPA charges and Court 3 was reserved for Barbara Tucker and her eleven mysterious charges. Jago was then told from Court 2 to go to Court 4. Sensibly Jago asked court 3 if he could be heard there and was told that's where he was supposed to be. Musical courtrooms anyone?
Tucker was represented by Maggie from Bindman's. Mr. Brian W. Haw was denied access to the public gallery of courtroom 3 which was questioned by Tucker. Next, Haw was denied entry into the gallery with his iconic hat and finally we all settled into the gallery to watch DJ Snow and his three ring circus.
Tucker was first accused off assalting a PC, after climbing over barriers to thump him(sheer unadulterated bullshit) and the charge was mystically reduced to resisting a PC, not resisting arrest. Were the CX Met thug's charms not working on our beloved Babs?
"Can I assalt you now?"
"Can me and my buddies gang assalt you?"
I think any woman with half a mind would wish to resist the antics of these assholes. It's not exactly fun when you are female and attacked by a large number of men for standing peacefully in public. Tucker's main crime appears to be that she will not shut up and she keeps saying, "Stop killing the kids."
Tucker asserted to Snowjob that all the witnesses from the MET would need to attend court and bear witness on the stand as they all had given perjured statements. Tucker asserted this fact on three separate occasions. The CPS said that they could lesson the witness list by withdrawing some statements... anyone smell a big, stinky, dirty political trial?
Maggie explained to Snowjob that the extraordinary bail conditions need not be set as the charge on Tucker had been reduced from assalting an officer to resisting a PC. Snowjob would not budge and continued to list off a string of accusations which he deemed to be offences to which Tucker clearly pointed out that not a single conviction had been achieved. The bail conditions remain, for the moment.
A trial date was set for May and to extend for three days as the court wanted to deal with her case expeditiously? Unless I am mistaken, they have been dragging Tucker through the courts for over a year since she first notified the Commissioner of her intent to peacefully campaign anywhere, anytime, as long as there is government. Sir Blair, or Sir Shite as I refer to him, was complicit in covering up her notification as were the MET in general, the CPS and that dirty filthy excuse for a judge, Mr. void ab initio - Snowjob. He is well aware that this case was and still is bollocks from the beginning.
Maggie handed a letter to the ignorant clerk of the court, (yes he was indeed pig ignorant in his manner) which clearly put forward Tuckers views. A judicial review would be called upon DJ Snow for his complicity in corrupt court proceeding including gross abuse of process. A judicial review would also be required of the CPS for their hand in these dirty courtrooms. And lastly, the MET and Sir Shite needed to be scrutinised in another JR. All these entities have grossly overstepped the mark and exceeded their authority.
Out goes DJ Snow and in pops DJ Evans to deal with the SOCPA charges against Babs. (I don't like the look of this idiot whatsoever.)
DJ Evans stated that he wanted to deal with these cases quickly and the courtroom erupted into laughter.
A pre-trial review was fixed over three days from May 4th until June 1st.
DJ Evans then exited the courtroom. Then he returned 3 minutes later. Then the CPS suggested that he leave again - he left. THE CPS and the clerk started to have a natter.
It's now Jago's turn to take center ring in Tony the Terrorist's circus.
DJ Snow enters the courtroom and denies Tucker entry to the courtroom to be a MacKenzie friend for Jago. He refused to adjourn the case so as Jago could obtain a solicitor of his choice. The case was put back until 1:00pm. He threatened that should Jago leave he would be arrested as he had been bailed to his courtroom. (Seeing is believing) Jago pointed out that he was denied legal aid and also denied a solicitor of his choice and was now being denied his MacKenzie friend. This is justice???
The idea of the clerk asking Jago, "Why are you here?" set the courtroom laughing yet again. The judges were in and out of the courtroom as if there was a revolving door and when no judge was present, the clerk was left holding the bag.
"Why are you here?"
Jago was bailed for what to where for why by whom?
We went out for a smoke, and were summoned back up to the courtroom at 12:00. Steve stood in the door to courtroom 3, leaning against the doorframe and continued to assert his right to a MacKenzie friend of his choice - Tucker. DENIED! Snow threatened to have Jago for contempt of court for leaning. Snow once again exited the courtroom and the clerk took over, yet again.
Haw entered the room as Jago's MacKenzie friend and there was no sign of a judge in the courtroom from that point on.
Can you spell K.A.N.G.A.R.O.O. C.O.U.R.T.?
An extraordinary amount of court security entered the courtroom and the dock. They all had a good laugh at the side show that is Horseshit Road - Westminster Magistrates court.
In the end, the clerk produced a bail sheet without a judge making a decision, and bailed Jago to June 12th on unconditional bail. Jago has been denied legal aid for his SOCPA cases up to date. Oddly, one of Jago's cases that he has been refused legal aid for, includes assaulting a PC which carries the possibility of imprisonment - an imprisonable offence unlike SOCPA, and it has been decided by the European courts that legal aid funding is generally mandatory for all imprisonable offences.
What a steaming pile of shite! Tony's world of political trials must be brought out into the public realm. If the public could have watched a video of yesterday's antics with those bloody bent judges... Tony would be off to the Hague sooner than he could lie with unmistakable ease.
In closing,
"Tony, kiss my ass!"
Charity Sweet XXX
Steve Jago was first assigned to Court 2 to resolve two SOCPA charges and Court 3 was reserved for Barbara Tucker and her eleven mysterious charges. Jago was then told from Court 2 to go to Court 4. Sensibly Jago asked court 3 if he could be heard there and was told that's where he was supposed to be. Musical courtrooms anyone?
Tucker was represented by Maggie from Bindman's. Mr. Brian W. Haw was denied access to the public gallery of courtroom 3 which was questioned by Tucker. Next, Haw was denied entry into the gallery with his iconic hat and finally we all settled into the gallery to watch DJ Snow and his three ring circus.
Tucker was first accused off assalting a PC, after climbing over barriers to thump him(sheer unadulterated bullshit) and the charge was mystically reduced to resisting a PC, not resisting arrest. Were the CX Met thug's charms not working on our beloved Babs?
"Can I assalt you now?"
"Can me and my buddies gang assalt you?"
I think any woman with half a mind would wish to resist the antics of these assholes. It's not exactly fun when you are female and attacked by a large number of men for standing peacefully in public. Tucker's main crime appears to be that she will not shut up and she keeps saying, "Stop killing the kids."
Tucker asserted to Snowjob that all the witnesses from the MET would need to attend court and bear witness on the stand as they all had given perjured statements. Tucker asserted this fact on three separate occasions. The CPS said that they could lesson the witness list by withdrawing some statements... anyone smell a big, stinky, dirty political trial?
Maggie explained to Snowjob that the extraordinary bail conditions need not be set as the charge on Tucker had been reduced from assalting an officer to resisting a PC. Snowjob would not budge and continued to list off a string of accusations which he deemed to be offences to which Tucker clearly pointed out that not a single conviction had been achieved. The bail conditions remain, for the moment.
A trial date was set for May and to extend for three days as the court wanted to deal with her case expeditiously? Unless I am mistaken, they have been dragging Tucker through the courts for over a year since she first notified the Commissioner of her intent to peacefully campaign anywhere, anytime, as long as there is government. Sir Blair, or Sir Shite as I refer to him, was complicit in covering up her notification as were the MET in general, the CPS and that dirty filthy excuse for a judge, Mr. void ab initio - Snowjob. He is well aware that this case was and still is bollocks from the beginning.
Maggie handed a letter to the ignorant clerk of the court, (yes he was indeed pig ignorant in his manner) which clearly put forward Tuckers views. A judicial review would be called upon DJ Snow for his complicity in corrupt court proceeding including gross abuse of process. A judicial review would also be required of the CPS for their hand in these dirty courtrooms. And lastly, the MET and Sir Shite needed to be scrutinised in another JR. All these entities have grossly overstepped the mark and exceeded their authority.
Out goes DJ Snow and in pops DJ Evans to deal with the SOCPA charges against Babs. (I don't like the look of this idiot whatsoever.)
DJ Evans stated that he wanted to deal with these cases quickly and the courtroom erupted into laughter.
A pre-trial review was fixed over three days from May 4th until June 1st.
DJ Evans then exited the courtroom. Then he returned 3 minutes later. Then the CPS suggested that he leave again - he left. THE CPS and the clerk started to have a natter.
It's now Jago's turn to take center ring in Tony the Terrorist's circus.
DJ Snow enters the courtroom and denies Tucker entry to the courtroom to be a MacKenzie friend for Jago. He refused to adjourn the case so as Jago could obtain a solicitor of his choice. The case was put back until 1:00pm. He threatened that should Jago leave he would be arrested as he had been bailed to his courtroom. (Seeing is believing) Jago pointed out that he was denied legal aid and also denied a solicitor of his choice and was now being denied his MacKenzie friend. This is justice???
The idea of the clerk asking Jago, "Why are you here?" set the courtroom laughing yet again. The judges were in and out of the courtroom as if there was a revolving door and when no judge was present, the clerk was left holding the bag.
"Why are you here?"
Jago was bailed for what to where for why by whom?
We went out for a smoke, and were summoned back up to the courtroom at 12:00. Steve stood in the door to courtroom 3, leaning against the doorframe and continued to assert his right to a MacKenzie friend of his choice - Tucker. DENIED! Snow threatened to have Jago for contempt of court for leaning. Snow once again exited the courtroom and the clerk took over, yet again.
Haw entered the room as Jago's MacKenzie friend and there was no sign of a judge in the courtroom from that point on.
Can you spell K.A.N.G.A.R.O.O. C.O.U.R.T.?
An extraordinary amount of court security entered the courtroom and the dock. They all had a good laugh at the side show that is Horseshit Road - Westminster Magistrates court.
In the end, the clerk produced a bail sheet without a judge making a decision, and bailed Jago to June 12th on unconditional bail. Jago has been denied legal aid for his SOCPA cases up to date. Oddly, one of Jago's cases that he has been refused legal aid for, includes assaulting a PC which carries the possibility of imprisonment - an imprisonable offence unlike SOCPA, and it has been decided by the European courts that legal aid funding is generally mandatory for all imprisonable offences.
What a steaming pile of shite! Tony's world of political trials must be brought out into the public realm. If the public could have watched a video of yesterday's antics with those bloody bent judges... Tony would be off to the Hague sooner than he could lie with unmistakable ease.
In closing,
"Tony, kiss my ass!"
Charity Sweet XXX
Charity Sweet
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Nice one Charity!
03.03.2007 15:44