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New 'rebel' bulletin - The Nottingham Sparrow - March 2007 - no.1

Nottingham AF | 02.03.2007 17:14 | Education | History | Social Struggles

A new local bulletin by the Nottingham group of the Anarchist Federation is launched this month to 'celebrate' the opening of Nottingham's new Market Square later this month. Further issues will come out whenever we
have something new to say. We welcome letters and leads for the next issue. Contact Nottingham AF at:

Banner of March issue - full text below or read PDF on website
Banner of March issue - full text below or read PDF on website

We welcome letters and leads for the next issue.

Contact Nottingham AF at:

Nottingham AF
- Homepage:


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04.03.2007 23:57

Looks excellent comrades!



Nottingham Sparrow

06.03.2007 23:04

Very similar to the local Conservative Party web site – a lot of anti council rhetoric – but very little in the way of facts.

Jenny Smart

Sources of facts are clearly given - what's your problem?

07.03.2007 10:29

Short on facts? - the source for the quote (from local Labour propaganda) and source for the truth about the council's recycling lies is also given - details here:

The academies piece also appears to be accurate and gives names of individuals and schools.

Sounds like the previous commenter just disagrees with the conclusions. Too bad if you don't like them. It's about time the council was exposed like this.

NAIL supporter

Jenny - not so - Smart

08.03.2007 19:51

Nonsense Jenny Smart. Even if this PFI profiteering is being cynically promoted by Labour councillors, I exactly can't see how Tory donors like Samworth and buddies elite business club would be exposed on a Conservative website, especially as they refused to reveal themselves for ages until exposed by the Sunday Times.

And if Labour bullshits about its recycling record, then the truth needs to come out.

Don't get me started on those community 'protection' mini-cops...

Sparrow friend